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Epic Games Installer Invalid Drive Error: 6 Ways to Fix It

Epic Games Installer Invalid Drive Error: 6 Ways to Fix It
Epic Games 安裝程式無效磁碟機錯誤 x 修復方法

Many users have reported encountering the Invalid Drive error message when using the Epic Games installer to install a game from the store. If you are one of them, this guide can help!

We will discuss expert-recommended solutions to address the issue and get you back to gaming in no time.

Why am I getting the invalid drive error?

  • The installer is trying to access a drive letter that doesn’t exist or is currently unavailable.
  • Issues with Registry, like corrupted drive mappings.
  • Insufficient administrative permissions.
  • Third-party security software interfering with the installation process.

How can I fix the Invalid Drive error when installing the Epic Games Launcher?

Before we go to the advanced fixes, here are a few quick things you could try:

  • Restart your computer and uninstall unwanted apps.
  • Install all Windows updates if available.
  • Right-click the Epic Games Launcher or Installer, select Run as administrator, then try to perform the action.
  • Turn off the third-party security software temporarily if applicable.

1. Recover space on the drive

  1. Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog box.Cleanmgr 運行命令 Epic Games 安裝程式磁碟機無效
  2. Type cleanmgr and click OK to open Disk Cleanup.
  3. On the Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection window, select Windows (C:) or the system drive and click OK.選擇Windows C
  4. Click Clean up system files.清理系統檔案。
  5. On the Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection window, select the system drive again and click OK.
  6. Select all the items under Files to delete and click OK.磁碟清理 - 要刪除的文件
  7. Select Delete Files from the following window.刪除檔案 Epic Games 安裝程式磁碟機無效

Removing temporary files from your computer improves the system performance and can prevent issues like Something went wrong on Epic Games. If your disk is still low on space, try moving large files to an external HDD or cloud storage.

2. Run the troubleshooter

  1. Download the troubleshooter from this website.下載疑難排解 - - Epic Games 安裝程式磁碟機無效
  2. Double-click the file to run or open.
  3. On the Programs Uninstall and Install troubleshooter window, select Advanced.按一下進階
  4. Now click Apply repairs automatically and click Next.自動套用修復並點擊下一步。
  5. Choose Installing, as we are facing issues while installing.選擇安裝
  6. Select the program from the list and click Next.從清單中選擇程序,然後按一下「下一步」。- Epic Games 安裝程式驅動器無效
  7. Follow the onscreen instructions, and the tool will try to fix the problem.

3. Change the drive letter & reinstall the game launcher

First, we will change the driver letter; for that, follow these steps:

  1. Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog box.DISKMGMT 運行命令 - Epic Games 安裝程式驅動器無效
  2. Type diskmgmt.msc and click OK to open the Disk Management window.
  3. Right-click the drive you don’t use much to change the letter and click Change drive letter and paths.更改驅動器號和路徑。
  4. 在「變更磁碟機號碼和路徑」視窗中,選擇變更改變
  5. 接下來,在下一頁上,從下拉清單中選擇出現錯誤的磁碟機代號。例如,它是Invalid Drive D:\,所以我將字母改為D。下拉清單中,選擇磁碟機盤符
  6. 按一下「確定」。您將收到警告提示;點選繼續。點擊“是”
  7. 按一下“確定”確認更改。


  1. 前往 Epic Games Launcher 網站並點選下載 Epic Games Launcher< a i =4>.點擊下載 Epic Games Launcher Epic Games 安裝程式 磁碟機無效
  2. 雙擊安裝程式文件,然後按一下“下一步”。
  3. 點選安裝啟動程序。點擊安裝
  4. 請依照螢幕上的指示完成。

接下來,卸載 Epic Games Launcher,然後按照以下步驟操作:

  1. Windows + R 開啟 運行對話框。APPWIZ RUN COMMAND 附有 Epic Games 安裝程式無效磁碟機標誌
  2. 輸入appwiz.cpl並點選「確定」開啟「程式與功能」視窗。
  3. 找到 Epic Games Launcher 並點選「卸載」。卸載 ERpic Games 啟動器 Epic Games 安裝程式 無效磁碟機
  4. 按照螢幕上的指示完成該過程。
  5. 接下來,按 Windows + E 開啟檔案總管。刪除資料夾
  6. 轉至 C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games 並刪除遊戲資料夾。


重新安裝遊戲啟動器還可以修復與應用程式相關的其他問題,例如Epic Games Launcher 無法運行

5. 使用命令提示字元替換驅動器

  1. Windows 鍵,輸入cmd,然後按一下以管理員身分執行。CMD 提升了 Epic Games 安裝程式無效驅動器
  2. 在命令提示字元視窗中,鍵入以下命令,讓 Windows 認為您的 C 驅動器是 D 驅動器,然後按 Entersubst C:D:\cmd_將C替換為D
  3. 您需要根據您的電腦替換磁碟機代號。對我來說,這裡C 是我想用來安裝Epic Games Launcher 的啟動器,但我收到了Epic Games 安裝程式D 碟無效的訊息。



  1. Windows +E 開啟Windows 資源管理器。前往要安裝Epic Games Launcher 的驅動器,按一下“新建”,選擇“資料夾”,並將其命名為Epic Games.點擊新建 - 資料夾 - 將其命名為 Epic Games - Epic Games 安裝程式磁碟機無效
  2. 右鍵單擊它,選擇複製為路徑,然後在刪除引號後將其貼上到可訪問的位置。複製為路徑
  3. Windows + R 開啟 運行對話框。Regedit 運行命令 -Epic Games 安裝程式磁碟機無效
  4. 鍵入 regedit 並按一下「確定」開啟登錄編輯程式。
  5. 轉到此路徑:Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  6. 雙擊卸載展開,然後瀏覽條目找到 Epic Launcher 的資料夾。Epic Launcher 的安裝位置 - Epic Games 安裝程式磁碟機無效
  7. 在右側窗格中,找到InstallLocation,雙擊它,將值資料變更為您複製的路徑,然後按一下< / a>。好的提及路徑
  8. 重新啟動電腦以儲存變更。

如果您更換了硬碟並開始出現此錯誤,您可能需要重新安裝 Windows 才能解決該問題。

如果這些解決方案均不適合您,我們建議您聯絡Epic Games 客戶支援以取得進一步協助。

我可以在外部硬碟上安裝 Epic Games 嗎?

是的,您可以在外部硬碟上安裝 Epic Games,如果您的內部硬碟上沒有空間或想要在多個裝置上存取遊戲庫,這可能是個不錯的選擇。





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