夏洛特 |
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夏洛特是Fontaine 中第一批透過蒂瓦特之旅在故事中向冒險家介紹的角色之一,但她在原神
在戰鬥中,夏洛特擅長扮演兩個主要角色:憑藉元素技能擔任次 DPS 以及憑藉元素爆發擔任治療者。然而,這種雙重角色可能會讓一些玩家想知道如何最好地打造她。次級 DPS 和治療者建構通常需要不同的神器和武器,因此必須找到適合玩家隊伍需求的平衡點。最終,玩家可以決定什麼最適合他們,但是能夠有效地履行這兩個角色的多功能支持構建將是構建夏洛特的關鍵焦點。 /span>。然而,由於她的套件的兩個方面都與 ATK 相匹配,因此有一些選項可以很好地結合起來,適合她可以扮演的多個角色。 原神
武器 |
神器套裝 |
神器主要統計數據 |
但是,對於那些尋求能夠履行多種角色的多才多藝的支持角色的人來說,Noblesse Oblige 4 件套 套裝是不錯的選擇。套裝是《原神》中最佳標準支援神器套裝之一,可增強夏洛特的元素爆發傷害,並可與她的全隊治療一起使用。此外,4 件套獎勵還為夏洛特和她的整個團隊提供了攻擊力增益。當夏綠蒂與使用基於攻擊力的傷害修正值的角色(例如 Wriothesley)合作時,這一點尤其有價值。例如 Wriothesley。 Millelith 套裝的堅韌也是一個不錯的選擇,特別是如果玩家團隊中包含一個可以提供護盾的角色。
另一方面,如果玩家計劃在永久凍結團隊中更多地依賴夏洛特的元素技能和次 DPS 能力,則需要全套暴雪流浪者套裝或將此套裝與角斗士的結局套裝混合以增強她的能力ATK值。然而,對於治療和次 DPS 構建,建議專注於 4 件套獎勵,特別是如果玩家已經從武器或神器主和次統計數據中獲得了足夠的 ATK% 統計數據。4 件海洋色蛤 可能是可行的方法。還可以考慮將角鬥士的結局和暴雪斯特雷爾套裝組合起來形成非凍結團隊組合,這將提高夏洛特的攻擊力並增強她的傷害和治療潛力。對於完整的治療者構建,玩家可以選擇
夏洛特神器的主要和次要統計數據的選擇再次很大程度上取決於玩家計劃如何使用她。對於全方位的多功能支持,優先考慮能量補充和攻擊力主要統計數據通常是有益的,特別是當在適用的情況下輔以相同的統計數據也作為子統計數據進行補充時。另一方面,如果玩家打算將夏洛特主要用作治療者,也可以將ATK圓環切換為治療獎勵圓環,同時保留能量補充和攻擊力再次成為子統計。然而,對於低於 DPS 的構建,玩家可能只想採取不同的方法來增加她的 DMG 潛力。為此,玩家可以為夏洛特裝備低溫高腳杯、ATK沙和暴擊率或暴擊傷害圓環,這些統計數據主要也關注子統計數據。然而,以這種方式建造夏洛特可能需要更多的時間和資源投入,並可能限制她的多功能性。這意味著,選擇全面的主要和次要統計數據仍然是一個更簡單、更通用的選擇,適合許多玩家。
為夏洛特選擇武器時,也必須考慮她在團隊組成中主要扮演的角色。對於全方位的多功能支持,具有 ATK% 子屬性的武器或那些提供能量補充並具有有用效果的武器可能是不錯的選擇。幸運的是,Genshin Impact 提供了符合這些標準的各種合適的催化劑。
The best option, in this case, would be the Skyward Atlas, thanks to its high ATK% modifier, while also increasing her Elemental DMG with the first part of this weapon’s effect. On the other hand, the secondary effect of this weapon may not be as applicable, since she won’t be relying on her normal attacks often as a sub-DPS character. Alternatively, Memory of Dust is also excellent when it comes to providing a huge ATK bonus; however, it is best suited for Charlotte if the team already includes a character that can provide a shield for the team.
As for the 4-star options, players can choose between Favonius Codex, Oathsworn Eye, or Flowing Purity. Favonius Codex, in particular, can help Charlotte get some battery utility; however, players will need to invest in her Crit Rate, which may not be ideal for every situation. Nevertheless, it will also increase her energy recharge, allowing her to utilize her burst more consistently. Another option that can work very well for Charlotte is the event-limited Oathsworn Eye, which not only provides ATK% as its secondary stat but also Energy Recharge through its passive effect. This, combined with it being a F2P weapon, can allow players to have the most optimal F2P Charlotte if they are seeking an all-around and easy build for her. Flowing Purity is another F2P option that can suit Charlotte, albeit it’s a bit more DPS-oriented since it, once again like Skyward Atlas, focuses on providing All Elemental DMG Bonus.
Lastly, those looking for a buff weapon, can consider Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers to buff the party’s ATK, even though this weapon’s HP% secondary stat may not be particularly useful for Charlotte beyond helping with her survivability. For those looking for pure-DPS weapons, on the other hand, a considerable option could be Kagura’s Verity on her instead. However, like how the pure DPS artifacts take away from her general versatility, this will do so as well, so it is not entirely recommended unless players are looking for quite unique playstyles or challenges specifically.