Genshin Impact:Furina 試試完整解決方案

水力執政官 Furina 最終將在原神歌劇院站在她所有人民的面前,面對自己的審判。旅行者和派蒙一直與諾伊維爾特和納維亞等其他角色一起努力尋找預言石板並揭露水神執政官的真實身份。


Furina 在 Genshin Impact 中試用完整解決方案

furina trial genshin impact

Furina 的試用可以分為三個基本部分:

  • 證明 Furina 不是 Hydro Archon
  • 與《原神》中預言石板上的預言相關的「真實事件」原神
  • 這場災難的真正根源到底是什麼?

證明 Furina 不是 Hydro Archon

why can furina live for so long despite being she’s human in genshin impact


  • 問題:為什麼芙莉娜是人類卻能活這麼久?
  • 答案: 與無賴的會面。


what evidence proves that furina is not the master of the oratrice in genshin impact


  • 問題:什麼證據證明福瑞娜不是奧拉特里切的主人?
  • 答案:Childe 的信念。

玩家提醒Furina,當Oratrice 在《原神》中宣布Childe 有罪時,她感到驚訝且不理解判決

what evidence can prove that furina is a human in genshin impact

確定 Furina 可能是人類後,現在是時候在《原神》中證明這一點了

  • 問題:什麼證據可以證明Furina是人類?
  • 答:「少婦連續失蹤」案背後的真相。


the evidence that verifies prophecy slate 1 in genshin impact


  • 預言石板(I):似乎顯示前水力執政官使用神聖力量將海洋生物變成了人類。
  • 驗證預言石板(一)的證據是:「少婦連續失蹤」案背後的真相。
the evidence that verifies prophecy slate 2 in genshin impact
  • 預言石板(II):它顯示了塞拉斯提亞漂浮在天空中,水神執政官和她的人民一起崇拜它……但天堂仍然對他們進行了審判
  • 驗證預言石板的證據(II)是:宣告水力執政官死刑。
the evidence that verifies prophecy slate 3 in genshin impact
  • 預言石板(III):它顯示了水神號沉入海中,周圍有很多人。
  • The Evidence That Verifies Prophecy Slate (III) is: Navia falling into the seawater.
the evidence that verifies prophecy slate 4 in genshin impact
  • Prophecy Slate (IV): It shows a scene that is basically identical to what’s described in the prophecy circulating throughout Fontaine. Fontainians will eventually be dissolved into the sea, and the Hydro Archon will sit alone on her throne and weep.
  • The Evidence That Verifies Prophecy Slate (IV) is: The intrusion of the Primordial Sea into the Fortress of Meropide.

After the Traveler explains the full prophecy to the Fontainians based on the previous verifications, Neuvillette accepts the truth and proceeds to uncover the hidden words etched on the slates using his powers. Upon decoding the hidden layer of information, Neuvillette reveals that players have deciphered the third and fourth slates incorrectly and begin recounting the story of the Hydro Archon.

It appears that the fourth slate can’t be verified by the intrusion of the Primordial Sea into the Fortress of Meropide in Genshin Impact. In fact, Neuvillette considers it a warning and asks Travelers to re-decode the fourth slate to find out the true source of the catastrophe.

Just What Is The True Source Of The Catastrophe

just what is the true source of the catastrophe in genshin impact

Since Neuvillette reveals that the last Prophecy Slate is wrongly deciphered, players need to choose another event that’s linked to the true catastrophe.

  • Prophecy Slate (IV): It shows a scene that is basically identical to what’s described in the prophecy circulating throughout Fontaine. Fontainians will eventually be dissolved into the sea, and the Hydro Archon will sit alone on her throne and weep.
  • Just What Is The True Source Of The Catastrophe: The whale in the dream.

After the sudden realization, the ‘catastrophe’ appears and frightens all the Fontainians, forcing everyone to flee from the Opera House.


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