How to increase Internet Speed using VPN

Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts the traffic and routes your internet connection through secure servers worldwide. Many around the world use VPNs to protect them from tracking, data collection, accessing geo-blocked sites, making online activity private, etc. Generally, a VPN encrypts your data and routes it to its server, decrypts, and sends back the data. The process involves multiple processes, even for a single traffic instance. This makes the internet connection slow. In this guide, we show ways to increase internet speed using a VPN.

如何使用 VPN 提高網路速度

How to increase Internet Speed using VPN

If you see decreased internet speeds while using a VPN on your computer, the following methods will help you increase the speeds. Before getting into the ways, they only work with premium paid VPN services and not free VPNs.

  1. Check the server location
  2. Change the VPN protocol
  3. Disable additional features on the VPN
  4. Use Split Tunneling
  5. Disable multi-hop feature
  6. Check for ISP throttling

Let’s get into the details of each method.

1] Check the server location


A premium VPN comes with hundreds of server options to connect to. Usually, they automatically connect to the fastest server based on that time. Sometimes, these fastest servers get crowded with connections and make the internet slow with the load the server has. It is recommended to connect to a VPN server that is nearest to you to decrease the latency and get good speeds. If you connect to the farthest server, the time it takes to encrypt, decrypt, and route your traffic through a VPN server increases. Some VPN providers like Private Internet Access provide the latency of each server. In that case, connect to a server with low latency to increase speeds.

2] Change the VPN protocol


VPN protocol or VPN tunneling protocol safeguards your data by encrypting them and routing them to the servers and back. Every VPN protocol comes with OpenVPN, WireGuard, and other protocols developed by VPN service providers. If you are experiencing slow connections, change the VPN protocol in its Settings under Protocol. WireGuard is the modern and fastest VPN protocol available. Some VPNs do not have WireGuard yet. Instead, they provide their protocols like NordLynx on NordVPN. Choose them as they are configured to work with their servers better. If you choose the OpenVPN protocol, switch between TCP and UID in the VPN settings and check speeds.

3] Disable additional features on the VPN

NordVPN 上的威脅防護

VPN 上還有一些附加功能,例如威脅防護和暗網監控、廣告攔截器、腳本攔截器等。這些功能使網頁或我們的流量載入速度變慢,因為它們從伺服器通過這些演算法,這使得它們需要時間來載入頁。停用它們將顯著提高您的網路速度,讓您自由瀏覽網頁,同時仍受 VPN 保護。您可以在應用程式的「設定」或「配置」中停用這些附加功能。


分割隧道是 NordVPN

分割隧道可分割 VPN 隧道並通過它們路由流量。當您在 VPN 上使用分割隧道功能時,會建立兩個隧道。一種是由 VPN 加密的,另一種只是與 VPN 及其加密無關的隧道。未加密的隧道將包含您在 VPN 設定中選擇的程式的流量。通常,使用者會排除某些程式或瀏覽器來進行銀行交易等。在這種情況下,使用者會啟用分割隧道並將應用程式從 VPN 中排除,或只為選定的應用程式啟用 VPN。

透過分割隧道,您可以瀏覽網路以尋找不需要加密的小內容。此外,它還提供了一個窗口,讓您可以在沒有 VPN 的情況下了解互聯網連接的確切速度。


多跳功能不過是在啟用該功能時透過多個 VPN 伺服器路由您的流量。許多高級 VPN 都以不同的名稱提供此類功能。對於 ExpressVPN,它是多跳,對於 NordVPN,它是雙 VPN,對於 ProtonVPN,它是安全核心。如果您在配置 VPN 時啟用了它,請將其停用以提高網路速度。透過多個伺服器路由流量需要時間,這會影響網路速度。

6]檢查 ISP 限制

一些 ISP 在偵測到其服務中使用 VPN 時會限制網路速度。請聯絡您的網路服務供應商並檢查他們是否有任何此類政策。如果有,請切換到另一個沒有此類政策的可靠服務提供者。

可以使用 VPN 提高網路速度嗎?

是的,在某些情況下您可以使用 VPN 來提高網路速度。當您存取 Netflix 等串流媒體服務時,世界各地的許多 ISP 都會限制網路速度。當您使用 VPN 時,您的 ISP 無法找到您正在使用的網站或服務,因為 VPN 透過其伺服器路由流量。在這種情況下,您可以使用 VPN 繞過限制並提高網路速度。

哪個 VPN 速度最快?

所有優質且知名的 VPN,如 NordVPN、ExpressVPN、ProtonVPN 等,都為在世界不同國家/地區擁有多個伺服器的用戶提供最快的速度。如果您連接到距離您所在位置很遠的伺服器或啟用威脅防護、廣告攔截器等附加功能,速度會降低。這完全取決於您如何設定 VPN 程式。


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