Mouse keeps clicking on its own in Windows 11/10

Mouse is a quintessential input device of a computer. Without a mouse, navigation becomes hard as we cannot interact with the operating system. Though we have a keyboard and shortcuts to do so, the mouse has its own charm. It comes with flexibility and ease, which a keyboard cannot provide. The mouse pointer and click are the ways to interact with Windows 11/10. They are not automated unless we use an automation program. Our hand needs to move the pointer and physically click on the mouse. If the mouse keeps clicking on its own in Windows 11/10, this guide is for you with fixes to resolve the issue.

Windows 中滑鼠會不斷自行點擊

Why does the mouse keep clicking on its own in Windows?

There are several reasons why the mouse keeps clicking on its own in Windows 11/10. Some of the major reasons are:

  • Debris or dirt at the bottom of the mouse or mousepad might be causing malfunction. Also, label stickers or tiny plastic covers at the bottom of a new mouse might be the cause.
  • Sensitivity of the Touchpad and the dust on it.
  • The mouse might be faulty or damaged or the port to connect the mouse.
  • Mouse clicks automation software or a conflicting software that you might have recently installed.
  • You might have enabled the ClickLock feature.
  • Remote connections

Let’s see how we can fix the issue.

Mouse keeps clicking on its own in Windows 11/10

When you find the mouse on your computer clicking on its own or the pointer moving automatically in Windows 11/10, the following fixes can help you fix it.

  1. Examine the mouse/touchpad physically
  2. Check the port
  3. Adjust the settings of the mouse
  4. Disable the touchscreen
  5. Uninstall mouse automation software
  6. Disable the Touchpad
  7. Check remote connections
  8. Check Click Lock setting
  9. Reinstall Mouse driver

Let’s get into the details of each method and fix the issue.

1] Examine the mouse/touchpad physically

The first thing to do when the mouse is clicking on its own is to check the mouse physically for any debris or damage. Check if the sensor under the mouse has any debris if the labels are coming off or any plastic stickers under the mouse. If you find anything such as that, remove them. Check the mouse buttons to see if they are stuck. Also, clean the mousepad and put it on a flat surface. If you use only Touchpad, see if there is any dust on it and clean it.

2] Check the port

The USB port you have used to connect the external mouse might be faulty. Try using the mouse on another port and see if you experience the same issue. If the mouse is working fine and there are no clicks on its own, the port you used earlier is faulty. If the mouse behaves the same on both ports, try using the mouse on another computer to eliminate the possibility of mouse malfunction.

3] Adjust the settings of the mouse

停用增強指標精度非活動滾動設置應用程式可能會解決該問題。 Windows 中的非活動滾動功能可讓您捲動背景視窗而不將其帶到前面。滑鼠加速功能會根據您移動滑鼠的速度來改變滑鼠遊標的速度。您需要停用這兩個功能,看看是否有任何區別。

要在 Windows 中停用滑鼠加速:

  • 開啟設定套用。
  • 點選藍牙與藍牙設備。
  • 選擇滑鼠。
  • 點選「相關設定」下的其他滑鼠設定
  • 它將開啟滑鼠屬性。按一下指標選項選項卡。
  • 在「運動」部分下,取消選取增強指針精度旁的按鈕。
  • 點選套用確定儲存變更.


要在 Windows 上停用非活動滾動:

Windows 上的非活動滾動
  • 開啟設定套用。
  • 點選藍牙與藍牙設備。
  • 選擇滑鼠。
  • 關閉旁邊的按鈕將滑鼠懸停在非活動視窗上時滾動它們。




如果您的 Windows 11/10 電腦具有觸控螢幕功能,建議您在發現滑鼠自行點擊時停用觸控螢幕。當視窗自動捲動或視窗上發生類似滑鼠自行點擊的情況時,此方法非常有用。您可以在裝置管理員中停用筆記型電腦的觸控螢幕。


  • 點選開始按鈕,搜尋裝置管理員,並從結果中打開它。
  • 展開人機介面設備選項卡。
  • 右鍵點選HID 相容觸控螢幕裝置並選擇停用裝置 .
  • 點選進行確認。






如果您在筆記型電腦上使用外接滑鼠並發現此問題,請停用觸控板。它可以解決這個問題。若要在 Windows 11/10 上停用觸控板

  • 開啟設定套用。
  • 點選藍牙與藍牙設備。
  • 選擇觸控板
  • 切換觸控板旁的按鈕將其關閉。




要在 Windows 11 上停用遠端桌面

  • 開啟設定的應用程式
  • 點選系統並選擇遠端桌面選項
  • 關閉遠端桌面切換開關
  • 點選確認按鈕儲存變更


在 Windows 中開啟 ClickLock



您可以卸載滑鼠和其他指點裝置驅動程式並透過可選更新安裝它們< /span> a> 解問題。





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