Qualifying Process for VCT Challengers through Valorant Premier

The process for players from Valorant Premier, Riot Games’ in-game path to pro system, to join VCT Challengers has been unveiled. This is the method for players to qualify for the Valorant Esports League.

The Valorant Premier serves as the in-game route for players aspiring to join the VCT Challengers Leagues. These leagues are considered the second-tier events in the Valorant Champions Tour. The highest ranking teams in each league will have the opportunity to advance to the VCT international leagues by competing in an Ascension tournament.

In 2025, teams in Challengers Leagues will no longer be able to qualify through open qualifiers and will instead be promoted from Premier. As part of its roadmap, Riot Games announced that most regions will begin incorporating Premier into Episode Act 2 as the pathway to the VCT Challengers Leagues in 2024.

This article will be kept up-to-date with any changes or updates to the process for players interested in pursuing a professional career in Valorant.

The Path from Valorant Premier to VCT Challengers for Players

In order to begin the process, players must reach a rank of Immortal 3 or above before the first Act of the year begins. They must then register and sign up to participate in the current Premier window.

In order to participate in the Challengers Leagues in 2024, players must first ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria. This includes being at least 16 years old, as players below this age are not permitted to compete. Additionally, players are only allowed to compete in Premier with one account, meaning that ringers, substitutes, or players from other regions are not allowed.

To qualify for the Contender Division within Premier, teams must consist of players ranked as Immortal 3. This designation may appear for players as soon as they reach the Elite Division.

Players must register for the Premier zone that corresponds to the Challengers League they wish to join.

《Valorant》Premier 賽程表
Riot Games

The schedule for Valorant Premier in 2024.

Teams that do not meet the qualifications for their designated Challengers Leagues will instead compete in the Premier Contender Division. This competition will consist of two stages, each with a regular season and playoff. The top teams from the Contender standings will be placed in a playoff bracket. Any Contender teams that win the playoff tournament or finish within the top 32 in the Contender Division standings at the end of the competition will have the opportunity to advance to the Invite Division, which will begin during the Premier Season of Episode 8 Act 3.

With the release of Valorant Episode 9 Act 1, Riot has implemented new mechanics in the Contender and Invite Divisions. These modifications encompass:

  • All teams are required to participate in two scheduled events per week, which will take place on the designated map of the week.
  • Losses will now be worth 0 points. (previously losses awarded 25 points)
  • 具有可比記錄的球隊將被配對,並增加複賽保護的保障。
  • 如果參加賽事的球隊數量為奇數,則 PremierScore 最低的球隊將被授予輪空而不是參加比賽。
  • 每週比賽結束後,球隊將根據積分排名獲得季後賽資格。 (此前季後賽資格是根據Premier Score確定的)
  • 季後賽結束後,Premier 將根據各隊在當前階段排行榜上的排名來晉級。


如果透過電子郵件聯繫,玩家必須在兩天內回覆。如果不這樣做,Riot 將聯繫下一個最強的隊伍並取消初始隊伍的資格。

每個地區的超級聯賽的組成因地理位置的不同而略有不同。 Riot Games 根據玩家的伺服器位置將玩家分類為 Gamepod,然後將其歸類為區域並最終進入挑戰者聯盟。



  • 北美挑戰者聯盟
    • 美國東部(地區)
      • 阿什本(Gamepod)
      • 達拉斯
      • 芝加哥
      • 亞特蘭大
    • 美國西部
      • 俄勒岡州
      • 達拉斯
      • 芝加哥
      • 北加州
  • 拉丁美洲北部挑戰者聯賽
    • 拉丁美洲北部
      • 墨西哥城
      • 邁阿密
      • 拉丁美洲 芝加哥
  • 拉丁美洲南部挑戰者聯賽
    • 拉丁美洲南部
      • 聖地牙哥
      • 波哥大
  • 巴西挑戰者聯賽
    • 巴西
      • 聖保羅


  • DACH 挑戰者聯盟
    • 屋頂
      • 法蘭克福
  • 北歐挑戰者聯賽
    • 北歐
      • 倫敦
      • 斯德哥爾摩
  • 葡萄牙挑戰者聯賽 & 義大利挑戰者聯賽 & 西班牙挑戰聯賽
    • 他會去
      • 馬德里
  • 法國挑戰者聯賽
    • 法國
      • 巴黎
  • 東歐挑戰者聯賽
    • 東歐洲
      • 華沙
  • 土耳其挑戰者聯賽
    • 火雞
      • 伊斯坦堡
  • 中東和北非挑戰者聯賽
    • 中東
      • 巴林


  • 日本挑戰者聯賽
    • 日本
      • 東京
  • 韓國挑戰者聯賽
    • 韓國
      • 東京
  • 南亞
    • 南亞
      • 孟買
  • 馬來西亞/新加坡挑戰者聯賽 & 泰國挑戰者聯賽 & 菲律賓挑戰者聯賽 & 越南挑戰者聯賽 & 香港/台灣挑戰聯賽 & 印尼挑戰聯賽
    • 亞洲
      • 新加坡
      • 香港
  • 大洋洲
    • 大洋洲
      • 雪梨

隨著 Riot Games 在 2024 年初實施後進行調整,該系統可能會在未來幾個月內發生變化。


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