
《七宗罪:天啟四騎士》第 8 集於 2023 年 12 月 3 日發布。這聽起來可能有些陳腔濫調,但它卻是西斯塔納弧線的終結。隨著英雄們的事情出現,惡棍們重新集結並策劃他們的下一步。

《天啟四騎士》第 8 集展示了許多不同的謎團,從幫助英雄的神秘盟友到原始系列中出現的梅林和亞瑟。它還講述了英雄第一次真正戰勝除了泰斯卡之外更嚴肅的卡米洛聖騎士之一。


天啟四騎士第 8 集 – 第 2 輪對陣艾恩賽德,英雄獲勝



第 7 集以珀西瓦爾在希望的力量的幫助下釋放了他的魔法潛力而結束。這些力量幫助珀西瓦爾和他的朋友們在艾恩賽德的可怕力量面前保持活力,《天啟四騎士》第 8 集展示了原因和方法。

魔法本身可以承受艾恩賽德對他們的任何斜擊,幾乎立即治癒他們的傷口和衣服。他們的速度足以躲避所有Ironside 的致命魔法。珀西瓦爾的較小版本足以通過大煙幕來混淆他們的目標。






這讓我想起一件事:罪孽一直在一些關鍵問題上撒謊和欺騙,正如安妮女士從第6 集以來就看到的那樣第6 集< /span>. 《天啟四騎士》第 8 集並沒有明確地塑造“罪·蘭斯洛特”,但展示了他的能力。罪還沒有對所有事情都完全誠實,這在未來將會變得沸沸揚揚。


艾恩賽德在《天啟四騎士》第 8 集中撤退(圖片來自 Sportskeeda)
Ironside retreats in Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 8 (Image via Sportskeeda)

Ironside does the typical villain monologue as his helmet is split, resolving to fight again, and the heroes have changed nothing. His face is a mask of rage as he tries to start round 3 but is stopped by a golden knight named Mortlach. Mortlach tells him that whoever destroyed all the monsters is on the level of The Seven Deadly Sins.

Ironside sees reason and retreats. It arguably marks the first time he’s been pushed back; aside from being poisoned in episode 7 and being told to retreat, wasn’t something he took well if his face is any consolation. Ironside had even tried to trick Percival into thinking he surrendered, which nearly worked if not for Lady Anne’s powers.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 8 continues Ironside’s villainy from episode 3, showing that he stops at nothing to get what he wants. Likewise, it also shows that Lady Anne is correct in that he will lie and deceive at any and every opportunity. That said, he doesn’t lie in front of Arthur and Merlin.

King Arthur and Merlin revealed

Arthur and Merlin revealed (Image via Sportskeeda)

Arthur Pendragon and Merlin are a blast from the past and returning characters from the original Seven Deadly Sins. A lot has happened in 16 years, with King Arthur and Merlin firmly occupying the villain roles in Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 8. Arthur himself seems a tad more deranged than he was during the prior series.

Examples include him subjecting Ironside to a horrible vision of him being ripped apart and impaled by monsters while finding Percival’s interventions interesting. He also states that if Percival wants to challenge him, he may do so and try to bring the kingdom to ruin before ranting about killing all nonhumans.

He then sends Ironside to find him a wife. Merlin, for her part, is quiet through the whole ordeal and has a scar around her neck and mouth. The reasons for Arthur and Merlin are as follows: Arthur appears to have embraced his powers as the King of Chaos, and Merlin’s lower half of her face is burned after bidding Escanor farewell with a kiss.

The Heroes’ journey continues

The journey continues (Image via Sportskeeda)

As everything worked out in the end, save for Sistana needing rebuilding and repairs, Percival’s party rests before starting their journey again. With Sin keeping secrets, Lady Anne joining them, and the ordeal of the ritual behind them, they all begin heading out with their own goals in mind as Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 8 concludes.

Lady Anne’s mother was a Holy Knight, and she aspires to be one as well. She’s also keeping an eye on Sin, as stated prior, since he keeps a secret from them all. Her father tells her to go and pursue her dream, subverting her expectations since she thought he’d try to tell her not to go.



《天啟四騎士》第 8 集以幾個有趣的問題和未來的情節線索結束了西斯塔納故事線。英雄們拯救了另一個村莊,贏得了另一個朋友,並且到目前為止已經與卡米洛特的三名騎士戰鬥。珀西瓦爾的魔力也開始初步成形。



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