Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Where To Find All The Geoglyphs (Impa and the Geoglyphs Main Quest)

The Impa and the Geoglyphs Questline in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is an incredibly expansive one.

Players must find 12 different Geoglyphs across Hyrule, each with a different mysterious memory ‘stored’ within a pool of water found somewhere on the Geoglyph. And, as was the case in Breath of the Wild, these Memories are where a lot of the story cutscenes of Tears of the Kingdom are found. So, let’s go over where exactly players can find each one.

Updated November 1st, 2023 by Jacob Buchalter: Finding all the Memories in Tears of the Kingdom had to be one of the most exciting parts of the game, and that’s saying something considering how exciting the game is as a whole. But, the story both told and shown in these Memories that Link discovers in these Geoglyphs is so different from most other LoZ storylines. This point is only further proven the farther players progress in the ‘Impa and the Geoglyphs’ Questline, with the final (albeit ‘extra’) Memory being something a lot of players never expected Nintendo to pull. So let’s go over where each and every one of these Geoglyphs is found so that players can make sure they have the whole story.

Memory 3: Where Am I?

Zelda Wakes Up In A Whole New World

Memory Snippet

Memory Name

Memory Number

Memory Location

Where Am I?


North Hyrule Plain

The first memory (it starts at Memory 3 as the first two are story-related Memories) is pretty much given to the player, as Impa herself helps them see the full Geoglyph from above (which appears to be an image of a Zonai, likely Rauru). To get here, players need only head to the New Serenne Stable in the North Hyrule Plain and follow the road North (towards the top of the map).

Briefly after passing the fork in the road, one leading North and the other South, players should see Impa standing up on a platform overlooking the Geoglyph, talk to her here to actually ‘begin’ the quest as Impa takes link over to the pool of water near the top of the Geoglyph.

Memory 4: An Unfamiliar World

Rauru & Sonia Tell Zelda Where (Or When) She Is

Memory Snippet

Memory Name

Memory Number

Memory Location

An Unfamiliar World


Tanagar Canyon

From the first Geoglyph with Impa, players should head directly northwest to Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower (which should be easily visible thanks to the spotlights). After opening and activating this Tower, reaching the next Geoglyph is a piece of cake.

Ride the Tower into the sky and look down at the ground on the northwestern side. Players should see the next Geoglyph (which appears to be a castle or large building of some sort, likely Rauru’s castle) just on the other side of the Tanagar Canyon. Paraglide on over there and head towards the droplet shape just above the ‘entrance’ of the building in the Geoglyph to find the Dragon Tear pool.

Memory 5: Mineru’s Counsel

Zelda Meets With The Zonai Mineru To Brainstorm Ways Back Home

Memory Snippet

Memory Name

Memory Number

Memory Location

Mineru’s Counsel


Lake Ferona

The next Geoglyph, chronologically at least, is a pretty far distance from the first two. To get there, Link simply needs to head toward both Death Mountain and Zora’s Domain to the east. Head to Lake Ferona on the map specifically (to the south of Death Mountain) and go activate the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower just west of the Lake.

After activating this tower, use it to head skyward and look directly south. Just northeast of Zelo Pond on the map, players should see the next Geoglyph, which is literally in the shape of Zelda’s Purah Pad. Glide over to the Geoglyph and go to the middle droplet-shaped ‘eyelash’ of the Shiekah Eye on the pad to find the pool where the Memory resides.

Memory 6: The Gerudo Assault

Ganondorf Attempts To Attack Hyrule Using A Molduga Stampede

Memory Snippet

Memory Name

Memory Number

Memory Location

The Gerudo Assault


Baltrea Lake

Heading back to more of Central Hyrule, the next Geoglyph is incredibly close to both the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower and the Riverside Stable. To be more precise, it’s directly east of Baltrea Lake, which is between the two locations.

Fire Link out from the Sahasra Tower and look towards Baltrea Lake and the Geoglyph should be easily seen. This one, at first, is hard to understand visually. But, after watching the Memory, it becomes immediately obvious that this is a Molduga. As for the location of the pool specifically, it’s hidden amongst the trees (careful of the ones that don’t stay still) closer to the tail, in another teardrop-like shaped part of the image.

Memory 7: A Show Of Fealty

Ganondorf Swears ‘Fealty’ To The King Of Hyrule

Memory Snippet

Memory Name

Memory Number

Memory Location

A Show Of Fealty


Gerudo Highlands (Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower)

For the seventh Dragon Tear, it’s time to head to the Gerudo Highlands in southwest Hyrule. Basically, upon arriving in the Gerudo Highlands, players should head to their southwest until they can see the lights of the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower in full view (alternatively they can go to the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower just south of the name ‘Gerudo Highlands’ on the map).

Arrive at either Tower, solve the puzzles to activate them, and launch Link upward heading northwest (or slightly south and very east for the Highlands Tower). From above, players should be able to clearly see the visage of the Geoglyph in the shape of a man ‘bending the knee’. Head towards the bit of flat cliffside near the top of the man’s head to find the pool with the Memory inside.

Memory 8: Zelda & Sonia

Zelda Bonds With Sonia While Talking About Their Shared Powers

Memory Snippet

Memory Name

Memory Number

Memory Location

Zelda & Sonia


Illumeni Plateau

There are a few Geoglyphs that are placed pretty close to one another, and these two are an example of this. On the map, move the cursor directly north from the icon for the 7th Memory’s location. Keep moving it north until it reaches the Illumeni Plateau (for those that haven’t revealed this part of the map yet, it’s about halfway up the darkened ‘lack of a map’ shape).

This Geoglyph is also pretty unique in that it’s one of the rare few to not have a Skyview Tower placed nearby. Players can either use the Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower to the northeast or the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower to the southwest, with either option likely not getting Link all the way to his intended location (without the use of a Glider trick or Zonai Wing contraption of some sort). From above this Geoglyph is also very easily readable as a depiction of a long-haired woman looking up (obviously fan-favorite character Sonia). To find the pool in which the Memory is kept, head to the center of the bottom-most ‘curl’ of her hair.

Memory 9: Sonia Is Caught By Treachery

After Catching A Traitor, Sonia Is Caught By Ganondorf Himself

Memory Snippet

Memory Name

Memory Number

Memory Location

Sonia Is Caught By Treachery


Cape Cresia

Getting to the last few Geoglyphs now, and the 9th one is at the very edge of one side of Hyrule’s map. To find this one, players need to head to East Necluda to the crescent-shaped peninsula just south of the words ‘East Necluda’ on the map. To be more precise, this is Cape Cresia, and the Geoglyph takes up the entirety of this crescent landmass with its visual of a curved ornate dagger.

This is another Geoglyph that’s a bit far from a Skyview Tower, with the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower to the northwest being a fair distance away. Still, it’s worth getting this Tower activated first and using the height to get as close to the Cape in one glide as possible. After reaching the Geoglyph, the pool is near the hilt of the dagger in the northmost section of the hilt pointing toward Palmorae Beach.

Memory 10: The Birth Of The Demon King

After Stealing The Secret Stone, Ganondorf Undergoes A Transformation

Memory Snippet

Memory Name

Memory Number

Memory Location

The Birth of the Demon King


Hebra Mountains (Snowfield Stable)

從熱帶海灘到冰冷荒地,下一個龍淚就在地圖的對角線上,與赫布拉山脈的第 9 個龍淚相對。更準確地說,它幾乎就在地圖邊緣附近的雪地馬厩的正北方,或是皮基達石林觀景塔的東北方。再一次,很難說出這個地畫描繪的是什麼,特別是在避免劇透的情況下,但它似乎是某種大型怪物/惡魔。










同樣,該線上的下一個撕裂點位於地圖的另一個極端“邊緣”,這次是在東部邊緣。為了輕鬆找到它,在完全縮小的地圖螢幕上,如果玩家只需將遊標從“Lanayru Sea”中的“L”直接向南移動,他們就能夠在顯示“Lanayru Sea”的位置之前精確定位地字形。距骨高原’。
























額外的眼淚 – 記憶17:龍的眼淚







17 號





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