Zhou Haomin, the author of “Walk with God”, accused the teacher of “emotionally abusing autistic children” and stole the tape recorder in his schoolbag to collect “evidence”! Other parents and teachers unanimously supported the defendant

(Cover image source: TVDaily)

According to Korean media reports, Zhou Haomin, the original author of the webcomic “Along with the Gods”, sued a special education teacher in September last year, claiming that he had “emotionally abused”his son with autism. this side.

Yesterday, “Daily Economics”exclusively reported that a well-known webcomic writer sued a teacher, and it was later confirmed that the writer was Zhou Haomin. Zhou Haomin’s eldest son, A, suffers from autism. He beat teachers and classmates many times during school. In September last year, when he was in class with ordinary students, he suddenly took off his pants and exposed his lower body in front of a female student, which caused the female student to be traumatized and refused to go to school. The incident was classified as school violence, and A was required to teach separately from the victim female student, so she was transferred to a special education class.

▽Zhou Haomin disclosed the inside story of family bitterness in “Liu QUIZ ON THE BLOCK”last year:

(Source: Screenshot of friDay Video @《刘QUIZ ON THE BLOCK》)

The problem happens in special education classes. Zhou Haomin’s wife put the tape recorder turned on in her son’s schoolbag to collect evidence. According to the recording, the teacher in charge of special education, B, was too aggressive when he stopped his son’s actions, and said something like “Because I was separated and dealt with, I couldn’t make friends.”’ speech. Zhou Haomin sued the teacher for child abuse, and the prosecution also believed that the teacher’s words and deeds were to isolate and exclude A.

This report has already made many netizens feel strange and feel that the teacher is in a difficult situation. More information released later has further aroused public opinion!

First, someone shared the details on the forum PO: At that time, a special teacher played a video to explain the word “boomerang”. After hearing the music, A wanted to leave the classroom. The teacher tried to stop him and repeatedly explained that he could not leave during the class: “You can’t Going to the (previous) classroom, I can’t meet friends, do you know why?” The teacher admitted that he used a stronger tone to stop A, but it was definitely not out of abuse, but to prevent A from returning to the previous classroom, causing secondary harm to the victim female student.

In addition, in order to let students understand the meaning of “bad habits”when dictating sentences, the teacher gave an example “It is a bad behavior to take off pants to the victimized students in class”, and explained that because of this behavior, they could not see their friends or spend time with them. Have a meal. The teacher said that this was to prevent Mr. A from making similar actions again, and vowed that he had absolutely no intention of emotional abuse.

It is reported that the teacher has been engaged in special education for 20 years. After being sued in September last year, he has been dismissed by the Department of Education. Many fellow teachers and even other parents of students have written petitions to intercede for him.

Netizens expressed their indignation: “Where is this abuse? It’s just that they feel uncomfortable”, “Only their own children are the most precious…”, “Teachers are so pitiful”, “If talking like this is considered child abuse, how should they be disciplined?”?”, “Being a perpetrator of school violence is still going crazy”, “I’m really disappointed (to Zhou Haomin)”.

In this regard, Zhou Haomin issued a statement through the YT channel PO last night, saying that the secret recording was because his son was unable to communicate normally, and after the incident, he has been showing anxiety and fear and unwillingness to go to school. He made this decision in order to understand the situation in the special education class.. Zhou Haomin believes that there are “situations that cannot be simply regarded as discipline”in the recording, and he once wanted to solve it in the school, but the Department of Education said that emotional child abuse needs to be dealt with by the judiciary, so he decided to sue.

(Source: Screenshot of YouTube@주호민)

Some netizens found a cartoon drawn by Zhou Haomin’s wife, adding irony to the controversy. The cartoon describes the difficulties faced by families raising autistic children. At the beginning, the son hits a strange child in the amusement park, and the parents try to apologize. Then the mother thinks about where to send her son to receive education. When it comes to the option of self-study at home, she confesses: “As a mother, I have made mistakes every day and have serious emotional ups and downs. If I add a part-time teacher, I really don’t have confidence.”

Korean netizens asked: “Can’t a teacher be tolerated if he makes a mistake once?”, “I don’t have the confidence to teach my own children well, but I ask teachers who take care of several children at the same time to have professionalism?”, “Fundamentally double standards.”Some people also expressed concern: “It’s not that they don’t understand the difficulties of this family, but the way they dealt with it is too regrettable”, “Will children with developmental disabilities be unable to go out if this quarrel continues…”.

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