Zico’s Cryptic Post Sparks Interest After Accusations of Stealing Hara’s Safe

Following the accusation of being responsible for the theft of the late Goo Hara’s safe, Zico’s mysterious post sparked interest.

Zico's Deleted Cryptic Post Draws Attention After Being Accused as Thief of Hara's Safe

Following the broadcast of the latest episode of “Unanswered Questions,”which focused on the theft that occurred at Goo Hara’s residence, Zico’s Instagram was inundated with accusations and comments claiming that he was the culprit responsible for stealing the late idol’s safe.

According to netizens, he bears a striking resemblance to the culprit depicted in the composite sketch, and they stressed that his motive for robbing the safe was to clear his name from being associated with the “Burning Sun”case.

K-Netz Suspect THIS Idol as 'Thief' Who Broke Into Late Goo Hara's House
K-Netz Suspect THIS Idol as ‘Thief’ Who Broke Into Late Goo Hara’s House(Photo : News1)
BLOCK B Zico Displays Natural Curls

The allegations grew stronger when it was discovered that the perpetrator had used the front door password to enter the house and had attempted to break in with a full understanding of the layout of the interior.

Therefore, it was believed that the suspect had a personal connection with Hara and a strong interest in the contents of the safe, rather than the other valuable items such as designer clothing, watches, and other items.

Goo Hara
Goo Hara

After the broadcast on June 23, Zico took to Instagram to share a cryptic message in his Story.

“Is this place a sanctuary or a fence built by foolish defense mechanisms? The off-white ceiling is like the sky. I secretly neglected the outside world to hope for sunlight or rain, so I was dissatisfied with the lonely mood of that day.

Blaming the weather is like a fighter who is projecting his self-imposed emptiness onto the world. You, who reveal countless expressions from the bottom of your heart without filtering, are the most human.

I hope you don’t waste your time hesitating anymore.”

Wearing Zico 'New thing' to New York

Despite the post being deleted, K-pop fans assert that it served as his subtle way of expressing himself to those who doubted him.

However, his name has been brought up in the ongoing “Burning Sun”case involving Jung Joon Young and former BIGBANG member Seungri, due to an interview he gave in 2016 discussing Jung’s infamous “golden phone.”

Despite Zico having previously clarified his lack of involvement, the ongoing controversy has once again resurfaced. In response, the rapper released a renewed statement on June 24 and even warned of taking legal action against any baseless allegations made against him.


The official statement from KOZ Entertainment reads as follows:

“We have recently confirmed that malicious posts and comments, including defamation, insults, and the spread of false information, have been indiscriminately written regarding our artist Zico on various online communities and SNS.

In particular, as the spreading of malicious rumors and false facts, which clearly show that they are completely unrelated to the artist, has become serious at a level that cannot be tolerated, we have decided that strong legal action against them is urgent.”

The label of the idol included:

“In addition, we would like to clearly state that the recently raised rumors regarding the artist are also untrue, and we will take strong action against them as well.”

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