10 My Hero Academia Characters Who Could Have Become Villains, But Chose Not To

Undoubtedly, the characters and their growth in My Hero Academia, a manga series written and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi, is a well-loved aspect of the story. This is largely due to the intricate and profound characterization of each individual, and the fact that almost every character goes through some kind of journey in the series.

Despite this, there are certain characters in My Hero Academia whose origins and paths have been filled with even more brutality and darkness than others. It would be challenging to condemn them for turning to villainy. On the other hand, there are also those who were presented with the ideal chance to become villains, yet chose to reject it for various reasons. In both scenarios, there are numerous My Hero Academia characters who could have easily justified becoming villains, but instead opted not to.

Uraraka, Eri, and 8 Other My Hero Academia Characters Who Resisted Villainy Despite Being Justified in Pursuing It

Shoto Todoroki

Shoto as seen in the anime series (Image via BONES)
Shoto as seen in the anime series (Image via BONES)

During his upbringing, Shoto Todoroki endured physical and emotional mistreatment from two characters in My Hero Academia, Enji “Endeavor”Todoroki and Rei Todoroki. Endeavor forced him to prioritize training over his childhood, resulting in injuries inflicted by proxy. Meanwhile, Rei projected her problems with Endeavor onto Shoto, causing both physical scarring from her burning water and mental damage from labeling him a “monster.”

Despite Rei’s unintentional abuse and her swift apology, Enji’s actions had the potential to fuel Shoto’s hatred towards Pro Heroes. This would have justified his decision to become a villain rather than a Pro Hero, highlighting the significant role that his resentment for Endeavor played in keeping him on the right path.

Katsuki Bakugo

Bakugo as seen in the anime series (Image via BONES)
Bakugo as seen in the anime series (Image via BONES)

Despite not having as clear a motivation as Shoto for becoming a villain, Bakugo’s rivalry with Izuku “Deku”Midoriya, who was also training to become a Pro Hero, did present the possibility for him to turn to the dark side.

Bakugo was given a chance to turn a mere possibility into a tangible opportunity when he was abducted by the League of Villains. They urged him to join their ranks as a villain, making him one of the select My Hero Academia characters to be presented with such an offer.

Similarly to Shoto, Bakugo’s fundamental beliefs guided him towards the path of righteousness, as he declined their offer in order to strive towards becoming a Pro Hero like All Might and achieving victory, as expected of all Pro Heroes. Although his arrogance may have also influenced his decision, it is evident that his aspiration to emulate All Might was the primary driving force behind his rejection of their proposal.

Ochako Uraraka

Uraraka as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)
Uraraka as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)

Despite the initial confusion surrounding Uraraka’s presence among the heroes, it is her background and driving force behind becoming a Pro Hero that truly showcases her admirable nature. Her main goal is to provide her parents with the life they deserve, making her one of the most relatable characters in My Hero Academia and also vulnerable to the temptations of villainy.

Despite being a villain, there are certainly faster and simpler methods to earn large amounts of money than training and working as a Pro Hero. However, it is truly commendable that despite the potential influence of poverty or monetary motivations on one’s mindset, she never considered turning to villainy due to her love for her parents and determination to provide for them.


Eri as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)
Eri as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)

Despite being one of the youngest characters in My Hero Academia, Eri would not pose a significant threat as a villain. However, it is crucial to note that she has never displayed any inclination towards villainous actions or expressed a desire to become one.

Despite the treatment she received from Overhaul, being treated as a mere product instead of a person and having every aspect of her life controlled by him, she still persevered.

Despite her troubled origins, it would be understandable if she chose to become a villain in order to defeat other villains and viewed the justice system as flawed due to her past suffering. However, with the help of Deku and Mirio Togata, Eri has instead chosen to let go of her hatred and strive towards a brighter future. She is determined to leave her past behind and start living a new life full of hope and growth.

Hawks: A Species of Bird of Prey

Hawks as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)
Hawks as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)

Similarly to Bakugo, Hawks is one of the rare characters in My Hero Academia who was given a real chance to turn into a villain. This chance came when he joined the League of Villains as a spy for the Pro Heroes, with the League seeing him as a traitor among their ranks.

Similarly to Eri, Hawks also had valid reasons to reject the idea of being a Pro Hero due to his difficult upbringing and how he and his family were neglected by the Heroes. This adds to the admiration for his decision to not become a villain, especially as he is known as the “Dark Hero”of society, taking on dangerous missions that are not suitable for the general public.

6) Professor Yoichi Shigaraki

Yoichi as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)
Yoichi as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)

Despite his origins and lack of a Quirk, Yoichi’s decision to not become a villain is considered one of the most admirable among the characters in My Hero Academia. As a Quirkless and fragile younger brother to All For One, Yoichi depended on his brother for protection and security during their formative years.

Despite All For One’s shift towards villainy, Yoichi remained steadfast in standing up to him and attempting to guide him towards a path of justice. It would have been much simpler for Yoichi to continue following him as he always had, but he chose the more difficult path. This is highlighted by the fact that Yoichi was essentially defenseless against All For One’s power, making his decision not to become a villain even more commendable.

Shinzo Hitoshi

Shinso as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)
Shinso as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)

Although Shinso may not have faced the same level of rejection and struggles with the Pro Hero Society as other characters in My Hero Academia, he still had a potential path towards becoming a villain. This is due to the fact that despite possessing a Quirk that is well suited for heroism, Shinso was unable to showcase his abilities during U.A.’s entrance exam, which heavily relied on the use of robots that were immune to his Quirk.

Despite losing to Deku at the Sports Festival, which he saw as his opportunity to prove himself as a Pro Hero, Shinso maintained his determination to achieve his dream. While this defeat could have been the catalyst for his turn towards villainy, Shinso persevered through numerous obstacles and was ultimately rewarded in the newest chapter of the manga by being accepted into U.A.’s Hero Course.

Yuga Aoyama – Japanese Manga and Anime Character

Aoyama as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)
Aoyama as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)

Despite having the potential to become a villain, Yuga Aoyama, one of the characters from My Hero Academia, ultimately rejected this path. However, he was still forced into a difficult situation as the U.A. traitor due to receiving his Quirk from All For One. This resulted in Aoyama being manipulated into causing significant events throughout the series.

Similarly, when Yuga was discovered, he could have chosen to prioritize escaping and joining All For One and the League of Villains in order to avoid punishment for his actions. However, he made the decision to reunite with his friends and face the consequences of his actions, even going as far as voluntarily leaving U.A. in the latest manga chapter (thereby creating an opportunity for Shinso to join). Without a doubt, Yuga’s determination to not succumb to villainy is one of the most admirable qualities in the series.

Character Profile: Mezo Shoji

Shoji as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)
Shoji as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)

Despite the potential inclusion of other heteromorph My Hero Academia characters in this list, Mezo Shoji stands out as the most well-developed, showcasing the universality of his qualifications. From a young age, Shoji experienced discrimination against heteromorphs, leading to him being ostracized and mistreated. This caused him to harbor feelings of self-hatred towards his “impure”blood, ultimately shaping him into the person he is now.

Similarly, Shoji could have easily followed in the footsteps of Spinner, who also joined the League of Villains due to shared experiences. However, Shoji’s decision to become a Pro Hero instead of a villain is truly admirable, as he was able to draw inspiration from a childhood memory of using his Quirk to save a girl from a flood.

Rei Todoroki

Rei as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)
Rei as seen in the anime (Image via BONES)

As stated at the beginning of this article, Rei Todoroki endured severe abuse from Enji throughout their marriage in various forms. She was subjected to physical violence on multiple occasions and was also mentally manipulated into continuously bearing children for Enji’s ambitions, despite her own desires. This ultimately led to a complete mental breakdown, where she couldn’t help but associate her children with her husband.

Despite possessing a Quirk that was ideal for villainy and enduring numerous challenges, Rei never harbored a desire for revenge against Endeavor or the Pro Hero Society as a whole. Her remarkable ability to resist such a destructive path sets her apart as one of the most admirable characters in My Hero Academia.

In Conclusion

Among the vast array of characters in My Hero Academia, there are numerous individuals who could have easily succumbed to villainous tendencies, yet consciously opted against it. However, the top 10 listed above perfectly exemplify this prevalent trend. Despite having valid reasons to turn towards the path of evil, these 10 characters ultimately made the conscious decision to refrain from doing so.

Despite the fact that these My Hero Academia characters have some of the most tragic backstories and compelling justifications for their actions, they stand as prime examples of individuals who resisted temptation.

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