2.4 Billion Won Building Owner Kwon Eun-bi Shares Her Interior Design Process

During the June 20th episode of MBC’s variety show “Where Is My Home”, Kwon Eun-bi made a guest appearance.

Kwon Eun-bi admitted to having personally searched for homes when questioned about it, stating, “I have done so. I relocated by scouting for homes on my own.”She also shared her specific criteria, saying, “I tend to favor smaller residential buildings over larger ones due to concerns about excessive crowds during garbage disposal.”

kwon eun bi

While discussing her interests, she mentioned, “I enjoy interior design and took on the task of decorating my rental myself. Due to the limitations of it being a rental, I couldn’t make any significant changes. However, I added carpets of varying colors in each room and used tile mats in the bathroom to create a dry bathroom. I even decorated around the toilet with pebbles.”After hearing this, Joo Woo-jae jokingly said, “Shouldn’t it be wet? The Waterbomb Goddess seems to prefer dry”, causing everyone to laugh.

kwon eun bi

Last year, Kwon Eun-bi, who was born in 1995, became known as the “Waterbomb Goddess”after her impressive performance at the Waterbomb Festival. This was a significant achievement in her career. Recently, it has been brought to light that she has bought a detached house in the café-lined area of Songjeong-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul for a whopping 2.4 billion won, causing quite a stir.

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