5 Fortnite characters who should make a comeback in Chapter 4

There are plenty of scary monsters in Fortnite. Some are little and can influence minds, such as the Alien Parasites introduced in Chapter 2 Season 7, while others, such as Cattus, tower over the island; nevertheless, the majority of them have already vanished from the game. They were introduced to match the seasonal motif, however having them in-game would make for intriguing gameplay. If not as permanent fixtures, possibly on a rotating basis.

The Devourer, as well as four other species, are expected to return in Fortnite Chapter 4.

1) The Devourer (Cattus)

The Devourer.#fortober2022 #fortography #FortniteArt #VirtualPhotography https://t.co/T5ASWTIU2q

Cattus, the Devourer, hasn’t been seen since the great battle with Mecha near the end of Fortnite Chapter 1. Despite various speculations, despite the fact that the creature’s skeleton appeared on the island in Chapter 3, it never returned.

While this beast is most likely extinct in this reality (on which Chapter 4 is based), it may live in other realities throughout the metaverse. While bringing this creature back would present its own set of challenges, having it in-game would be a sight to behold.

Even a somewhat smaller variant of the beast would be amusing on the island. Players could possibly participate in combat with it to get XP from the battle.

2) Klombo


KLOMBO #Fortography https://t.co/QtIMVZP1a7

It goes without saying that the Fortnite community was devastated when they discovered Klombo skulls on the island during Chapter 3 Season 3. These charming critters were extinct as the fight between The Seven and Imagined Order erupted into full-fledged bombings.

While they have the ability to eliminate players, they only do it in self-defense when they are shot at. Apart from that, these gentle giants simply explored the island, devouring anything they could find.

Gamers would frequently feed them Klomberries and watch as they fired a weapon or item from the blow-hole above their heads. While these creatures have been stored in the game files, they almost probably exist someplace in the metaverse.

3) Raptor

“DINO RIDER JONES”#Fortnite #Fortography #フォートナイト#フォートナイトスクショ https://t.co/f9OBUGgpLt

Epic Games introduced fauna to the island in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6. Together with the usual fauna such as boars, wolves, and chickens, they also included raptors.

These creatures were extremely intelligent. When giving chase, they are frequently seen in packs and are tough to escape from on foot. These are apex animals in-game, however they were regrettably taken and vaulted after the island flipped over at the beginning of Chapter 3 Season 1.

This was most likely done to prevent players from being hounded across the area while playing; however, with the ability to now ride wildlife in battle, having raptors as a battle mount would certainly inspire dread in the hearts of opponents.

4) Loot Shark

Had a crazy match trying to catch a Rift Fish to get to my teammate halfway across the map…this shark made it a heck of a fishing frenzy: it stalked me, ate my loot, ate my catch FROM THE LINE when reeling in, and chased me from its beach.#Fortography @FortniteGame https://t.co/ylyW38Ty2J

What happened to the Loot Sharks is unknown. They debuted in Chapter 3 of the game and then vanished. Given that other species made it to the island in Chapter 4, they should have done the same.

Tragically, these beings perished in the metaverse’s infinite nothingness. They’re nowhere to be found. Furthermore, with the fishing mechanic taking a back seat in Fortnite Chapter 4, they are unlikely to return anytime soon.

“Why do you want Loot Sharks back in the game?” newcomers may wonder.

Besides from attacking players in their path, they can also be used as a live transportation. They can be used to navigate water while holding a fishing rod. It wasn’t particularly efficient, but it was a lot of fun.

5) Caretaker

mech vs caretaker showdown (feat. mecha cuddle master)#fortnite #fortography #fortnitecubed https://t.co/3MoMP5GRUz

Caretakers were ponderous behemoths introduced during Fortnitemares 2021. They become one of the most feared beings on the island with their appearance in Chapter 2 Season 8.

As they appeared, there were only two options: flee or fight. In most circumstances, gamers would avoid them and try to flee before engaging in fight. Escape on foot was nearly impossible given their size, especially as Sprint mechanics were non-existent at the period.

Yet, despite their intimidating demeanor, they made Fortnitemares 2021 one of the wildest events ever seen in-game. Nonetheless, given the existence of the Last Reality, these animals are far from extinct. Perhaps players will come across them in the future.

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