5 Overpowered and 5 Underpowered Characters in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War

5 Overpowered and 5 Underpowered Characters in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War

In Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War (TYBW), Quincies can enhance their abilities by consuming a cup of Yhwach’s blood, thereby acquiring a Schrift. These are referred to as Sacred Letters, with each Schrift corresponding to a letter in the English alphabet. Once a Quincy receives a Schrift, it becomes inscribed in their soul, permitting them to harness and amplify a unique ability.

The potential of a Schrift is significantly heightened when paired with the Quincy’s Vollständig transformation. Yhwach bestowed each Sternritter, the mightiest warriors of the Wandenreich Army including the elite Schutzstaffel, with their own Schrift. If a Quincy empowered by Yhwach perishes, the energy he conferred upon them returns to him.

With that in mind, let’s explore five extraordinary Bleach TYBW Schrifts that showcase immense power, and five that may not impress as much. Notably, Yhwach’s The Almighty, a power that alters the future shared with his close ally Jugram Haschwalth, is not included here as it is not a Schrift but a unique power inherited from the Soul King.

Disclaimer: This article contains significant spoilers from Bleach TYBW.

5 Most Powerful Bleach TYBW Schrifts, Ranked from Average to Most Formidable

5) D: The Deathdealing

Askin using The Deathdealing in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Askin utilizing The Deathdealing in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

As the title indicates, Askin Nakk Le Vaar’s ability known as The Deathdealing is among the deadliest powers within Bleach. This Schrift permits Askin to accurately calculate the exact lethal dose of any substance that interacts with his body, including Reiatsu. He can manipulate this figure to either gain immunity or heighten his tolerance to a specific material by adjusting its lethal dosage.

In a short time, Askin can neutralize any attack aimed at him. He demonstrated this by enduring Yoruichi Shihoin’s powerful strikes, ultimately gaining an advantage over her even while she utilized her unique Shunko transformation. Moreover, this technique allows Askin to inflict lethal consequences on his foes by altering the lethal dose of a given substance.

Askin’s Schrift operates at significant distances; he can produce highly potent poison balls capable of swiftly defeating formidable opponents such as Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. Furthermore, he can alter the environment to reduce the resistance of anyone who enters a designated area against substances of his choosing.

The threat posed by The Deathdealing was exemplified when Askin incapacitated Ichigo Kurosaki, who had undergone Royal Guard training. In addition, he was able to defeat Yushiro and Yoruichi Shihoin, nearly killing Oetsu Nimaiya, a Royal Guard member, who survived thanks to the intervention of Tenjiro Kirinji, another Royal Guard, and posed significant challenges to Kisuke Urahara, one of the Five War Potentials.

Askin’s Vollständig, Hasshein, amplifies the effectiveness of The Deathdealing. While in this form, his body can instantaneously adjust to any substance, granting him near total immunity. Hasshein also increases the potency of his poison orbs and allows for the creation of a Gift Bereich, an enormous, unavoidable poisoned barrier.

Additionally, in his Vollständig state, Askin can focus The Deathdealing on a specific area of his adversary’s body, crushing it with ease.

4) M: The Miracle

Gerard using The Miracle in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Gerard utilizing The Miracle in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The name of this Schrift is a testament to its astounding capabilities. The Miracle empowers its user to create extraordinary events in their favor. This remarkable ability allows Gerard Valkyrie to materialize the thoughts, emotions, and desires of himself and those around him, enabling him to navigate through situations that may seem impossible.

The less likely a particular event is, the greater the chance Gerard has of bringing it to fruition through The Miracle. This Schrift allows him to transform any injury, no matter how grave, into energy that he can use to augment his size and strength. Consequently, one could argue that The Miracle renders Gerard nearly immortal.

Gerard’s The Miracle permits him to conquer the most challenging odds, facilitating the occurrence of improbable events precisely when needed. For instance, if he realizes that victory is unachievable against a specific opponent, his Schrift’s ability will activate, endowing him with the strength required to triumph.

When harnessed through his spirit weapon, the sword Hoffnug, Gerard can render it almost unbreakable. Notably, if Hoffnug suffers damage, it rebounds a greater magnitude of harm to the attacker.

This ability allowed Gerard to contend with and defeat formidable adversaries, including Shinji Hirako and the post-Royal Guard trained Renji Abarai and Byakuya Kuchiki, alongside Toshiro Hitsugaya wielding his matured Bankai and a fully unleashed Kenpachi Zaraki.

3) X: The X-Axis

Lille Barro using The X-Axis in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Lille using The X-Axis in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The X-Axis grants Lille Barro, leader of Yhwach’s elite Schutzstaffel, the ability to shoot unblockable projectiles from his rifle, Diagramme. Even the combined efforts of two Royal Guards fail to obstruct Lille’s shots, and even Oetsu Nimaiya, a Royal Guard known for his incredible speed, cannot evade these attacks.

Lille’s shots do not require any form of missiles and pierce directly through the target, disregarding its durability. They do not travel; instead, they strike the intended target instantaneously.

The only way to survive an encounter with Lille’s shots is to evade or confuse his aim. Anything in his line of sight is as good as pierced and defeated.

By opening both eyes, Lille can unleash the complete power of The X-Axis, permitting him to pass through enemy attacks unscathed, including Kido techniques and Zanpakuto abilities. Similar to Obito Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake’s Kamui in Naruto, Lille can permit any incoming attack to pass harmlessly through him.

When Lille assumes his Vollständig form, Jilliel, his expertise with The X-Axis is magnified, allowing him to fire energy beams of sufficient force to obliterate entire cities. Along with his intangibility, which renders him almost unreachable, Lille gains the ability to teleport through a spiral circle, reminiscent of Naruto’s Kamui technique.

This Schrift provides Lille an insurmountable offense, formidable defense, and teleportation skills. In utilizing The X-Axis, Lille overwhelmed and critically injured Oetsu Nimaiya. Later, by merging its power with his Vollständig Jilliel, he challenged Shunsui Kyoraku, the Captain Commander of the Gotei 13.

Even Kyoraku’s powerful Bankai fell short against Lille. The only means of countering Barro and the near-divine capabilities of The X-Axis was through reversing his own attacks back at him with Nanao’s Shinken Hakkyoken, a unique technique crafted specifically for deities.

2) A: The Antithesis

Uryu using The Antithesis in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Uryu utilizing The Antithesis in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Designated as Yhwach’s successor, Uryu Ishida wields A: The Antithesis. This Schrift grants Uryu the extraordinary power to reverse events that occur between two targets. This can be especially pivotal in battles, as Uryu can transfer any harm he has inflicted upon himself to his enemy. If the opponent is unwounded, he heals himself in the process.

When ensnared by an enemy’s specialized ability, Uryu can entirely alter the circumstances by freeing himself and ensnaring his foe instead. According to Jugram Haschwalth, The Antithesis is uniquely capable of contesting even Yhwach himself.

Combining The Antithesis with his Vollständig, Uryu managed to counteract Senjumaru Shutara’s formidable Bankai. He ensnared her within her own technique and dealt a fatal blow. This Schrift also proved instrumental during Uryu’s skirmish against Haschwalth, allowing him to reverse their respective injuries.

1) B: The Balance

Haschwalth using The Balance in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Haschwalth utilizing The Balance in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Alongside Yhwach’s The Almighty during the Emperor’s slumber, Jugram Haschwalth possesses the formidable Schrift B: The Balance. A potent capability fitting for the right-hand man of Yhwach, The Balance allows Haschwalth to redirect any misfortune he encounters back to those who have experienced good fortuity.

Any advantage an adversary has enjoyed, including injuries they may have inflicted on him, will be transferred back to them as equal misfortune. Concurrently, Haschwalth can utilize his Freund Schild, a specialized shield, to absorb any misfortune that would otherwise befall him.

Haschwalth can again apply The Balance to unleash the misfortune he has collected from the Freund Schild back onto his opponent, causing further damage.

This ability operates on a level surpassing Uryu’s The Antithesis, activating automatically and not just reversing damage but also amplifying the harm dealt to his enemy.

5 Bleach TYBW Schrifts that Underwhelm, Ranked from Least to Most Impressive

5) Q: The Question

Berenice using The Question in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Berenice employing The Question in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

This Schrift grants Berenice Gabrielli the means to inflict harm on others by challenging their motives and actions. The target of The Question must respond to her challenge, suffering injury if they fail to surmount her objection.

However, should an opponent choose to ignore or evade hearing Berenice’s objections, the power of The Question becomes moot. Kenpachi Zaraki exemplified this by slaughtering Berenice without hesitation.

4) R: The Roar

Jerome using The Roar in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Jerome utilizing The Roar in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The Sternritter Jerome Guizbatt can use The Roar to enlarge his size, transforming into a gigantic ape-like creature. In this form, his physical capabilities are enhanced, allowing him to create a powerful shockwave through a simple roar.

While this shockwave can eradicate weaker Shinigami instantly, it has shown to be ineffective against more robust foes. Even Kenpachi Zaraki, before reaching his prime strength, was able to endure The Roar and take Jerome’s life.

3) O: The Overkill

Driscoll using The Overkill in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Driscoll engaging The Overkill in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The Overkill empowers Driscoll Berci to temporarily augment his strength by eliminating others. Each foe he slays enhances his capabilities. However, this Schrift is only useful in situations where there are opponents available to take down, and the user must be powerful enough to defeat them; otherwise, it becomes largely ineffective.

2) P: The Power

Meninas using The Power in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Meninas utilizing The Power in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Despite her delicate appearance, Meninas McAllon wields remarkable brute strength thanks to her Schrift, The Power, which enables her to punch through multiple structures and easily lift substantial objects.

Meninas’ Complete, Pornipora, enhances The Power further, supplemented by Slavery.

Although Meninas is a mid-tier Sternritter and considered a Captain-level fighter, her Schrift appears quite standard compared to more intricate and unique abilities. By simply being agile and elusive, adversaries can effectively counter her attacks, as shown when Ichigo avoided her strikes effortlessly during the TYBW arc.

1) I: The Iron

Cang Du using The Iron in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Cang Du employing The Iron in Bleach TYBW (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The Iron grants Cang Du the ability to harden his skin, enveloping it in iron tough enough to resist sword slashes from even Captain-tier fighters without sustaining any damage. With The Iron activated, Cang Du becomes impervious to most physical attacks, which does seem impressive.

However, this capability essentially serves as an elevated version of the Quincy’s Blut Vene technique. Several characters from Bleach can bypass it using more specialized powers. For instance, Haschwalth was able to cut through Cang Du’s defenses using The Balance despite The Iron being active.


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