7 Jujutsu Kaisen characters who perfectly represent the Seven Deadly Sins

For a significant amount of time, the characters from Jujutsu Kaisen have been the main focus in the anime and manga world. This is particularly true because of the intense Shinjuku confrontation in the manga, where the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna, is being challenged in a final battle and characters are being eliminated one by one.

Despite its diverse cast, Gege Akutami’s magnum opus, Jujutsu Kaisen, has become incredibly popular due to the impact its characters have on fans of the series. Many of the characters reflect the timeless archetypes of human nature, commonly known as the Seven Deadly Sins, adding depth and complexity to the story.

With this in mind, we will now examine seven characters from Jujutsu Kaisen who embody these ancient vices through their traits and actions.

Note: The author is responsible for all opinions expressed in this article.

7 Characters from Jujutsu Kaisen Who Perfectly Embody the Seven Deadly Sins

1) The Sin of Pride – Ryomen Thieves

Ryomen Sukuna as seen in Jujutsu Kaisen (image via MAPPA)
Ryomen Sukuna as seen in Jujutsu Kaisen (image via MAPPA)

The Sin of Pride is commonly considered to be the most serious of all sins. It involves an exaggerated belief in one’s own abilities and superiority, resulting in a lack of consideration for others and a sense of self-importance, which can lead to arrogance, selfishness, and a lack of compassion.

Despite the compelling case that Satoru Gojo embodies the Sin of Pride, Ryomen Sukuna is a being who fulfills nearly all of the requirements for truly embodying this Sin.

Sukuna takes great pride in being recognized as the most powerful and uncontested King of Curses in all of history. He lives solely by his own impulses and follows his own wishes, showing little regard for others.

Sukuna’s pride prevents him from even contemplating the idea of living in a world where he has been defeated, as he sees it as akin to death. His arrogance and perspective have alienated him to the extent that he is unable to fathom the possibility of defeat and holds a disdain for those with differing beliefs.

Sin of Wrath – Yuji Itadori

Among all Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Yuji perfectly represents the Sin of Wrath (image via MAPPA)
Among all Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Yuji perfectly represents the Sin of Wrath (image via MAPPA)

The Sin of Wrath is characterized by an all-consuming and unmanageable animosity towards others, leading to a yearning for retribution or payback, often leading to acts of aggression and devastation.

Despite being initially portrayed as a morally upright and benevolent character, Yuji Itadori’s constant battle against characters such as Mahito and Sukuna often resulted in him being consumed by anger and an unrelenting thirst for vengeance.

Despite never considering the idea of intentionally taking someone’s life, Yuji’s perspective changed after witnessing the two malicious villains brutally murder his friends before his eyes. This experience ignited a deep-seated anger within him, prompting him to make the decision to end another’s life for the first time. This intense anger will not dissipate until he has avenged his friends and taken the lives of his enemies.

Sin of Greed – Hajime Kashimo

Among all Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Kashimo perfectly represents the Sin of Greed (image via Shueisha)
Among all Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Kashimo perfectly represents the Sin of Greed (image via Shueisha)

The Sin of Greed refers to an unquenchable craving or excessive longing for something that fuels one’s self-centeredness.

The character in Jujutsu Kaisen who best embodies this sin is Hajime Kashimo. However, this sin can also be attributed not only to Kashimo but to all of the reincarnated Culling Game players. This is because all of them, including Kashimo, originated from a past era and were given the chance to live longer and fulfill their desires.

Sin of Lust – Kenjaku

Among all Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Kenjaku perfectly represents the Sin of Lust (image via MAPPA)
Among all Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Kenjaku perfectly represents the Sin of Lust (image via MAPPA)

The Sin of Lust involves an excessive craving for unrestrained pleasure that disregards moral limits and may result in exploitative actions.

Kenjaku, the ancient sorcerer in Jujutsu Kaisen, perfectly embodies this sin, as his insatiable lust has been the driving force behind the entire story thus far.

Kenjaku’s involvement in his own plan was so intimate and repulsive that it even disgusted the King of Curses. His twisted perception of pleasure was evident even in his own demise, as his only concern was passing on his will to another.

Sin of Envy: Naoya Zen’in

Among all Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Naoya perfectly represents the Sin of Envy (image via Shueisha)
Among all Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Naoya perfectly represents the Sin of Envy (image via Shueisha)

The vice of envy is defined as a strong feeling of jealousy towards someone else’s good fortune and accomplishments. Undoubtedly, Naoya Zen’in is the character who best exemplifies this sin.

Despite having an excessively inflated sense of self-confidence and a strong desire to become the clan head, which he believed was his rightful position, Naoya was devastated when Megumi was chosen for the role instead. In a fit of rage, he plotted to kill Megumi and take the position for himself.

Despite Maki lacking cursed energy, Naoya held a deep-seated hatred and disregard for her. When she acquired physical abilities similar to Toji Fushiguro, he was repulsed and made attempts to take control of Gojo and Toji for himself. However, his efforts were in vain as he ultimately met defeat at the hands of the person he had resented for so long.

6)Sin of Gluttony – Ryu Ishigori

Ryu Ishigori as seen in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga (image via Shueisha/Gege Akutami)
Ryu Ishigori as seen in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga (image via Shueisha/Gege Akutami)

The act of Gluttony can be described as excessive eating or drinking, surpassing the point of moderation.

During his battle against Takako Uro and Yuta Okkotsu, Ryu Ishigori frequently used food and cravings for a final dessert as metaphors to express his passion for fighting. This is because he was introduced as one of the numerous reincarnated Culling Game players from an ancient era who shared a deep love for combat.

Just like numerous other characters, Ryu’s sole motivation for fighting was his own enjoyment. As a result of this desire, he ultimately came face to face with Sukuna, leading to his swift downfall.

7) The Sin of Sloth in Megumi Fushiguro

Megumi Fushiguro in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via MAPPA)
Megumi Fushiguro in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via MAPPA)

The concept of Sloth can be defined as a lack of motivation or failure to fulfill one’s obligations and duties.

Throughout the series, Megumi has been portrayed as a character with the potential to surpass Satoru Gojo and even the King of Curses in the future. However, despite this buildup, Megumi has yet to accomplish anything significant in the story. With the revelation of the true power of the Ten Shadows technique, it begs the question of what Megumi has truly achieved with this ability.

Additionally, Megumi received significant criticism from the fanbase following the recent chapters of the manga. In these chapters, he chose not to engage in a fight and reclaim his body from Sukuna. Yet, this can be understood as a result of Megumi’s current state of brokenness, inflicted upon him by the King of Curses who went to great lengths to shatter his spirit.

Final Thoughts

It is clear from the aforementioned list that every Jujutsu Kaisen character mentioned accurately embodies the Seven Deadly Sins of human nature.

However, it should be noted that these sins are not exclusive to these particular characters. Other characters in Jujutsu Kaisen have also displayed similar traits throughout the course of the story.

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