A Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers this new ability of Halsin in Honor Mode

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player has just discovered a very useful new ability for Halsin that goes well beyond his cutscenes.

With over 100 hours of gameplay in Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s pretty common to discover new things. This is what makes the game so popular, with players diving back into the adventure to see what they missed.

Naturally, some of these discoveries are useful, like a rare camp item that a player shared with the community. However, it’s rare to discover new abilities for companions, especially ones like Halsin. Indeed, he is only in the game for a short while.

Halsin as a bear in Baldur's Gate 3
Running Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 Players Find a Useful, New Skill from Halsin

User u/edgeeeeeeee shared his discovery on Reddit. He revealed how he found an “interesting ability when you first meet Halsin.”

“So I started a game in Honor Mode and decided to have Astarion try to rob the goblin trader. It didn’t work so he was sent to prison. I figured I might as well kill all the goblins there and free Halsin since the fight is pretty easy, even with three. After the fight and while I was healing myself, I was a little confused to see Halsin climbing the ladder towards where Astarion was locked up. It turns out that his ability to break cages isn’t limited to a simple cutscene. He transformed back into a bear and freed Astarion without me even telling him to do so. “, explained the player.

He went on to say: “I know it’s said a lot, but the level of detail is crazy. The animation was a little strange, because instead of the cage door being broken, it just opened normally, but it was still cool.”

Neat mechanic when you first meet Halsin. byu/edgeeeeeeeee inBaldursGate3

So if you have Halsin on your team, don’t forget about this ability. If one of your companions or Tav is locked, the adorable bear will come to your rescue and break the cage.

Many players have praised the game for its attention to detail. They explained how they are “constantly blown away by things like this.” Others joked about how Halsin managed to free Astarion. One player joked that “it would be funny if he just opened it and said, ‘it wasn’t even locked’.”

This ability of Halsin delighted the fans. Many were surprised by this new feature discovered so long after the release of Baldur’s Gate 3.

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