A Baldur’s Gate 3 player explains why a strange bug improves the game

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player explains why a strange bug improves the game

Larian Studios has put a lot of effort into squashing as many bugs and glitches from Baldur’s Gate 3 as possible. What if one of them actually adds to the feel of the game?

Like most games with so many elements, Baldur’s Gate 3 inevitably has a few bugs here and there. While the worst have been removed over the months by patches, some still persist.

One of the most entertaining (or scary) has NPCs repeating their death animation and sound effect when an area is reloaded. If you’ve ever returned to an area and been greeted by a scream of intense pain, you know this bug.

However, according to some players, this is one of the rare occasions where a bug adds to the tone of the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 death animation bug adds to game’s ‘DnD vibe’

One player defended the bug, saying the repeated animations added to the feel of a real Dungeons & Dragons.

Player u/Glittering_Cap2385 said: “I like it when dead NPCs repeat their death animation. Seriously, it makes it feel like everyone in the game is Role Playing. They pretend to die, get up and take their cigarette break until the player comes back and they say to each other. “Oh no! We’re supposed to be dead!” and strike dramatic death poses. It matches DnD, tell me otherwise.”

I for one, enjoy when dead NPCs repeat their dying animation byu/Glittering_Cap2385 inBaldursGate3

Despite support for this idea, several players maintained that the screams of the deceased all screaming at once could actually be quite frightening and unwelcome.

One response read: “It’s super fun, but when it happens at the wrong time it can be super scary.” It seriously made me jump out of my chair already.”

Whether you like this bug or not, the latest Baldur’s Gate 3 update patch brings many very useful and expected fixes.

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