A Player’s Practical Tips for Purifying in Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go players are always wondering whether or not it’s a good idea to purify their Shadow Pokémon, and now someone has created a purification guide for beginners. Here’s what the community thinks.

For Pokémon Go players, there is nothing better than getting the strongest Pokémon in the game. And for PvP (Player vs. Player Battles) or PvE (Player vs. Environment) activities, Dark Pokémon are the best in terms of attack power. So it’s no surprise that many players are wondering, “Should I keep it that way or purify it?”when a Shadow Pokémon is about to reach its maximum IVs (known as Hundo).

When should you purify a Dark Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

A Pokémon Go player has found the definitive answer to the question that bothers the majority of players and created this informative guide to help them decide whether it’s worth purifying a Shadow Pokémon or not.

“Should I Purify?” -Guide 2.0: Less ignorant and more informative edition byu/Foulmouth232 inpokemongo

This was posted by Reddit user ‘Foulmouth22’ in the Pokémon Go subreddit, with the quote: “Should I Purify: -Guide 2.0: Less ignorant and more informative.”

The author of the post wanted to clear up the ‘To Purify or Not to Purify’ conundrum, but it also sparked a heated debate among Pokémon Go fans who were discussing the usefulness of this player’s advice.

One, questioning the author’s post, said: “We need to get rid of the dark aspect because his eyes are scary, and I want him to be happy. Team Rocket is bad.” To which another player replied: “That’s the only acceptable reason to purify.”

Meanwhile, a more constructive Pokémon Go player also said: “There really should be a page or post about which Pokémon you would benefit from keeping as Shadow and which ones aren’t really important.”

And it’s true, the utility of a ‘purify or not’ chart would be extremely helpful to both new and veteran players.

However, another player questioned the entire mechanics of Shadow Pokémon, saying: “They should just make it so that monsters are automatically purified once captured. Problem solved and poor game design and lack of balance, weakening everything that is not obscure and the biggest contradiction in the lore is also resolved.”

And this seems to be an apt observation, as many Shadow Pokémon have been staples of the meta in PvP and PvE since their release, for example Scorplane, which is present on 90% of competitive teams.

There you have it, the next time you think about getting a Shadow Pokémon, follow these guidelines to find out whether it’s worth purifying it or not. And speaking of Shadow Pokémon, here’s everything you need to know about Giovanni and Shadow Kyogre as well as the Rocket Minions’ Shadow Pokémon.

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