A “whiny” Baldur’s Gate 3 character starts to gain admirers

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community is starting to realize the complexity of a character they initially thought would be irritating.

The player base of Baldur’s Gate 3 begins to understand Mayrina’s character, changing their opinion of her from a pain in the ass to a character who is simply trying to do her best.

She is introduced as a woman seeking to resurrect her deceased husband, falling into Aunt Ethel’s trap.

Fans are now starting to understand how this deception impacts him, rather than holding it against him for his decisions.

This defense can be seen on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, where one person wrote their reasons why the hate Mayrina received is wrong:

“She literally lost everyone important to her in the space of a week and people are insulting her for being upset about it.”

Many others are coming to her defense as well, with one user saying that if there was one character worth complaining about in life, “it’s Mayrina.”

Some even say they didn’t like her at first, but have since started to feel empathy for her after playing the game a few times.

“I found her annoying when I first met her, but the moment I saw her again later, I was really proud to see how far she had come. I really enjoyed the Act 3 quest that she takes part in.”

It looks like Mayrina is starting to experience something of a reputation renaissance in the Baldur’s Gate 3 community.

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