After 1000 hours, a Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers a hidden aspect of Astarion

After 1000 hours, a Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers a hidden aspect of Astarion

Find out how a Baldur’s Gate 3 player was “shocked”by a new detail about Astarion after more than 1000 hours of play. A discovery that reveals the unexpected depth of the game.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Astarion ‘s story strikes a chord with many players. It’s a profound look at trauma experienced over 200 years, and given the choices you can make at the end, it’s one that proves poignant for many fans.

When you reach Baldur’s Gate in Act 3, you must travel to Cazador Castle, which is the climax of Astarion’s story. After defeating his master, you can choose whether or not to help him complete the ritual.

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player found an interesting detail about Astarion after over 1000 hours of play

In a Reddit post, player GinshaBlue posted his discovery. He titled his post “I just found out something about transformed Astarion.”He clarified: “He gets his reflection back. The amount of detail in this game shocks me. 1000 hours of play and I just found this by chance.”

The reason this detail could be easily missed is because you only notice it if you see Astarion talking to himself while admiring himself in a mirror. It’s not an egregious moment in the story, but it was a detail that interested the player regardless.

“It gives the ritual a lot more points in my eyes, like he’s getting back a little piece of his humanity after all,” he added.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players in the comments also loved this moment. They claimed that this added a positive note to the relatively dark tone of choosing the ritual for Astarion.

“Probably the only time Astarion’s ritual made me feel something positive,” one player commented. “Seeing him happy with his reflection made me shed a tear.”

Players have always had mixed feelings about choosing to help Astarion perform the ritual, especially because it changes his character to a more evil version. However, it’s this kind of detail that allows Baldur’s Gate 3 players to experience the more nuanced version of Astarion after the ritual.

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