A Pokémon Go trainer came up with an interesting concept regarding Gyms and Zorua’s special ability, and fans would like to see it officially incorporated into the game.
As many Pokémon Go fans know, it is impossible to place Legendary Pokémon in Gyms. Whatever the reason, trainers have long wanted to show off their rare Legendary catches through the Arenas.
Now, a clever trainer has come up with an ingenious solution to include Legendaries in Gyms without unbalancing the game.
The concept comes from the subreddit TheSilphRoad, where a user named NobleCuriosity3 suggested that when trainers place Zorua or Zoroark in an Gym, they should take on the appearance of the selected Buddy.
“This would allow us to show off our prestigious Legendaries/Mythics without breaking the balance of the Arenas,” the trainer said.
The author of the post clarified the precise details of their concept in the post and argued that it’s “a bit disappointing” that Zorua’s Illusion ability only works in the wild.
When you add Zoroark and Zorua to a gym, they should disguise themselves as your Buddy Pokémon (at that moment) on the gym screen. This would let us show off fancy legendaries/mythics without breaking gym balance! byu/NobleCuriosity3 inTheSilphRoad
Of course, the main obstacle to the idea would be that Zorua would only disguise himself as Legendary until a fight begins, much like in the main series.
Many fans in the comments liked the idea and wanted it to become official. “The problem is that it looks cool. So this is unlikely to happen,” said one player.
Another suggested a slight tweak to the concept: “One little thing I would add is some sort of symbol on this disguised Zorua so players know it’s a Zorua.”
Although the author of the post noted that this would somewhat defeat the purpose, it would probably make the idea a little more plausible if it were ever to make it into Pokémon Go.
Considering that Niantic has long maintained its opposition to allowing Legendary Pokémon in Gyms, this could prove to be an ingenious solution. Perhaps one day Zorua’s Illusion skill will receive a boost in Pokémon Go, but that remains to be seen.
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