Baby Reindeer: Nava Mau explains how Netflix show allowed her to own anger and emotions as a trans woman

Nava Mau, the star of Baby Reindeer, has shared how the show gave her the opportunity to fully express and embrace her emotions as a trans woman.

Numerous viewers have connected with Baby Reindeer, Netflix’s highly successful show, and it appears that this connection is due to the cast themselves. Mau shared how the series greatly aided her in her personal life, further solidifying its impact on its audience.

The actress, portraying Teri, the girlfriend of Donny Dunn (Richard Gadd), openly shared how the project aided her in coping with her personal struggles during the show’s inaugural panel discussion.

“Mau remembered staying up all night and beginning to journal after receiving Gadd’s script, saying that it immediately resonated with her and stayed with her ever since.”

“I was unaware of the extent to which I had internalized anger and suppressed it,”she explained. “As a trans woman and a Latina woman, I have had to do so in order to survive and succeed in the world. It has been my responsibility to prioritize the emotions of others in order to make my way.”

“Playing a character who was unapologetically in touch with her own emotions and less concerned with others’ was both difficult and empowering for me. It challenged me to reconnect with my body and its needs.”

Nava Mau in Netflix's Baby Reindeer

Mau has previously shared with GQ how portraying Teri has had a profound impact on her life, stating, “I had to put in a lot of effort to truly embody that self-assurance.”She believes that many transgender individuals, as well as women in general, have been conditioned to suppress their emotions and prioritize the needs of others, as a means of survival. However, Teri challenges this societal norm and refuses to uphold patriarchal power structures that aim to oppress her. She questions, “Why would I comply with systems that seek to diminish me?”

“Teri completely transformed me. I was forced to confront the factors that hinder my self-confidence and why I suppress my anger. Where does it all disappear to? She truly motivated me.”

Despite the primary focus of Baby Reindeer being on Donny’s interactions with his stalker Martha Scott (Jessica Gunning), the show also delved deeply into his relationship with Teri.

Gadd has openly acknowledged the real Teri as “the voice of reason in my life at that point”and remains candid about his past struggles with internalized shame and a slightly transphobic mindset during their relationship.

“According to Gadd in an interview with the Independent, being transgender was not as widely talked about when he was dating. This made him feel added pressure, something he now regrets and explores in his show.”

To learn more about Baby Reindeer, you can check out the recommended TV shows and movies, as well as the top series of 2024. Additionally, you can stay updated on all the new shows coming to streaming this month.

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