Bad Boys: Ride or Die – Did Armando Escape?

The conclusion of Bad Boys: Ride or Die effectively ties up loose ends from previous films and highlights a recurring theme from the previous installment. The fourth installment of the Bad Boys franchise brings back Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as the dynamic duo of Miami detectives, Mike and Marcus.

Throughout the series, each film has consistently showcased over-the-top action, as the dynamic duo takes down countless unknown criminals. Despite a fifteen-year gap between the second and third films, Bad Boys For Life demonstrates how newer generations of cops, such as Vanessa Hudgens’ character Kelly and Alexander Ludwig’s character Dorn, can contribute to their success in the future.

1. Bad Boys: Ride Or Die’s Villain Plan & Franchise Retcons Explained

Bad Boys: Ride or Die establishes a connection between the villains and the antagonists featured in both Bad Boys 2 and Bad Boys For Life.

The film Bad Boys: Ride or Die discreetly revisits two of its predecessors, linking them together through a far-reaching conspiracy involving the drug cartels and the Miami police.

One of the key revelations involves Lockwood, a lawyer, and James McGrath, a member of the US military.

As it was discovered, the duo had been involved in a plot with the Cartels, facilitating the trafficking of drugs into Florida in return for their help in monitoring the border. Although their intentions were to “defend”the country from terrorists following the events of 9/11, this scheme ultimately led to the corruption of Miami’s authority.

The conspiracy in Bad Boys 2, as well as Isabel Aretas in Bad Boys For Life, are both exposed to involve drug trafficking.

After the events of Bad Boys 2, Captain Howard became increasingly suspicious and dedicated years to investigating the conspiracy. As it turns out, this was the true reason why he was targeted by Isabel and ultimately met his demise at the hands of Armando in Bad Boys For Life.

The revelation connects all the films by revealing a larger conspiracy involving the police and military’s involvement in the drug trade in Miami. This revelation also solidifies McGrath and Lockwood as two of the most significant villains in the Bad Boys franchise.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die Ending Explained
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024) | Source: IMDb

2. Why did Mike let Armando escape?

Armando made his debut in Bad Boys For Life as the top assassin employed by his mother, Isabel. Despite being Mike’s illegitimate child, he chooses to show mercy and spare his father’s life. As a result, he is later apprehended and charged for his illegal activities at the conclusion of the film.

Armando is an indispensable member of the Bad Boys: Ride or Die team, as he is the sole individual capable of identifying McGrath and aiding in the exposure of the Miami PD’s corruption.

The majority of the second act of the film focuses on Armando’s journey with Mike and Marcus as they race to reach the city and uncover the truth. During the climax, Armando teams up with Mike and his AMMO allies to take down McGrath, sustaining serious injuries but managing to survive the intense fight.

In the process of rescuing Howard’s granddaughter, Callie, Armando unexpectedly earns a reprieve from Judy, Callie’s vengeful mother.

Mike seizes this opportunity to assist Armando in his escape. After establishing a mutual understanding and recognizing Armando’s potential for change, Mike grants him freedom to pursue a more honorable journey.

In future stories, Armando may continue to play a prominent role, reappearing in Mike’s life or potentially carrying out his own brand of justice in other places. Mike’s decision to let Armando go demonstrates his belief in his son and his potential for redemption.

3. The Meaning of Marcus’ Visions Explained

In the beginning of Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Marcus suffers a heart attack during Mike’s wedding, putting his life in danger. This experience leads him to have a series of visions that continue to impact him throughout the movie, ultimately making him believe that he is immune to harm because his time has not yet come.

Marcus envisions Howard standing next to a tree and a parrot on the beach, which is one of the most significant aspects of his vision.

It appears that Howard is trying to convey to Marcus that his time of death has not yet arrived. This foreshadows the final scene of the film, where Marcus stumbles upon a tree and parrot that mirror the ones seen before his encounter with McGrath.

Mike had to decide between killing Marcus or shooting his wife Theresa. He then realized that Marcus’ strong belief in his invulnerability was taunting him. By shooting Marcus in the bulletproof vest, Mike was able to catch McGrath off guard and shoot him several times.

Despite surviving the film’s ending, Marcus once again confronts his own mortality and criticizes Mike for choosing to shoot him in order to save the day.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die Ending Explained
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys: Ride or Die | Source: IMDb

4. How Bad Boys: Ride Or Die Sets Up A Potential Sequel

Despite not knowing Armando’s whereabouts, Mike’s involvement in the climax of the film and their farewell suggest that the character will continue to be portrayed as a heroic figure in the future.

A potential sequel could revisit the character and follow up on his future pursuits, validating whether Mike’s aspirations for his son are valid. For AMMO, the conclusion of Bad Boys: Ride or Die is a significant triumph, as Rita and Dorn both survive their near-death experiences in the final moments of the film.

After losing their alliance with Lockwood and McGrath, the cartel is vulnerable to being filled by other criminals. In the movie, Mike and Marcus are forced to confront their mortality, potentially setting the stage for a sequel that will require them to face their age.

6. Exploring the Real Meaning of Bad Boys: Ride Or Die

A recurring topic in Bad Boys: Ride or Die is the importance of legacy and family. This is an integral aspect that cannot be separated from the overall theme.

The recent revelation that Howard had been quietly conducting an investigation for fifteen years prior to his death has highlighted the perilous nature of his job. Throughout the film, the three main parent-child dynamics showcase the importance of parents standing by and having faith in their children, ultimately leading to positive outcomes for the world.

Mike’s trust in Armando is validated when they are given the chance to take down McGrath. Donnie, the son-in-law of Marcus, demonstrates his courage and protects Marcus’ family, finally earning the respect he deserves. In a brave act, Callie steps in front of Armando and persuades Judy to spare the man who saved her.

All of these occurrences ultimately work towards achieving a greater good in the future and play a vital role in preserving Howard’s legacy and uncovering the truth about McGrath.

In Bad Boys For Life, the idea of new generations discovering their true potential is further explored, showcasing how the type of justice that Mike and Marcus fight for is embraced by others. This remains true even as they continuously put themselves at risk in the line of duty.

By continuing to fight for the truth of the past with future generations, justice is upheld.

7. About Bad Boys: Ride or Die

The fourth installment of the Bad Boys series of buddy cop films, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, is a 2024 American action comedy starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.

Joe Pantoliano, Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig, Paola Núñez, Jacob Scipio, and DJ Khaled return to their previous roles in the sequel. Tasha Smith joins the cast as Theresa Burnett, taking over the role previously played by Theresa Randle in the last three films. The movie also introduces new characters played by Eric Dane, Ioan Gruffudd, Rhea Seehorn, Melanie Liburd, and Tiffany Haddish. The plot follows Miami detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett as they work to clear the name of their late captain, Conrad Howard, who was wrongly accused of conspiracy.

The premiere of Bad Boys: Ride or Die took place at Coca-Cola Arena in Dubai on May 22, 2024, followed by its release in the United States on June 7, 2024 by Sony Pictures Releasing.

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