Baldur’s Gate 3 player defeats final boss with unlikely but effective weapon

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player defeated one of the end-game bosses using an unlikely weapon.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, you must above all be creative and find the multiple ways to make your way through a scenario.

From the possible interactions your character has with others to the different paths you can take to reach a location, the game constantly offers surprising options to players.

But one of the most shocking events happened recently. Indeed, a Baldur’s Gate 3 player defeated one of the end-game bosses using nothing other than a corpse as a weapon.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player uses corpse to beat end-game boss

In a post on the game’s subreddit, the player u/SpaceD0rit0 called out with a destabilizing title: “I killed my sister with the body of a dead child.”

In the post, he talks about how he planned to use brute force to take down Orin, one of the three big bosses in the third act.

I murdered my sister with the body of a dead child byu/SpaceD0rit0 inBaldursGate3

When that didn’t go as planned, he shared the method he resorted to: “There I go, I massacre Orin in 2 turns by beating her to death with a dead child, 4 throws per turn. Glorious.”

Although this is a dark turn in the battle, the community seems to love it. One person responded: “You’re a monster, but this is awesome.”

Others highlighted how this method is in keeping with the spirit of the game: “The only game where I see this title and say to myself, ‘Yes, I can understand,’ without thinking twice.”

It’s an impressive feat with any boss, really, but doing it against one of the game’s “big bads”is definitely something to be admired.

It’s clear that players are having a lot of fun coming up with the most absurd ways to kill enemies, and it seems that Baldur’s Gate 3 never stops offering them various methods of this kind.

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