Baldur’s Gate 3 player learns about personal hygiene (in-game)

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers a way to clean up your Tav after a long day of killing, but it will have taken players a while to figure out how to use it.

With all the adventures Baldur’s Gate 3 players experience before a Long Rest, it’s no surprise that their characters end up covered in who-knows-what (usually blood).

Larian Studios, in its infinite wisdom, had everything planned out and decided to add a little personal hygiene to the game. After all, you can’t seduce Shadowheart for the 6th time in a row if you smell bad. This is a huge red flag.

However, it took months after the game’s release for Baldur’s Gate 3 players to finally decide to take a shower, because some players are only now realizing that soap has a real use.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Player Discovers Hygiene and Finally Learns How to Wash

On Reddit, gamer u/onlysmartanswers pointed out the wonders of cleanliness, saying: “I just learned that you can use a bar of soap to clean yourself of dirt and blood. While looking through older posts I saw people saying to throw a bottle of water on yourself or take a Long Rest, but I just came across a bar of soap in the building next to the one burning in Act 1” .

“Right-clicking on it to inspect its value, I saw that you could “consume” it. I found this hilarious, thinking my Tav was going to eat her, but was pleasantly surprised when she cleaned her dirty face. The soap also remains in your inventory after use!»

Another player added the revolutionary idea of ​​using a sponge, suggesting: “You have a sponge in your inventory intended for this purpose and I use it surprisingly often.”What’s the point of dyeing your clothes if they all look dark red after the first encounter? It took a lot of people to make my clothes this red, yet it didn’t take long.”

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