Baldur’s Gate 3 player outsmarts Honor Mode with clever spell tactic

The community of Baldur’s Gate 3 became divided when a player shared a clever trick, not found in any spellbook, to successfully survive in Honor Mode.

Honor Mode is notorious for its unforgiving level of difficulty, where one misstep – or a major technical glitch – can undo hours of progress.

A player revealed the existence of a game-changing spell, called Taskkiller Torsion, that can save your run in Honor Mode. For those unfamiliar with the name, it is a witty reference to the PC’s Task Manager made by a fan.

When I’m about to lose honor mode, my go to spell is… byu/piwithekiwi inBaldursGate3

The player of Baldur’s Gate 3 shared a Reddit post that featured a screenshot with a full hotbar of spells, where the Task Manager icon was prominently displayed.

To avoid a disastrous wipe, one can use Task Manager to close the game just before death.

Despite criticism from certain players who claim that utilizing the Task Manager cheat is unfair, others have come to its defense. These individuals argue that Honor Mode provides distinct challenges, such as battling bosses with Legendary Actions that are not present in other difficulty settings.

Despite using this method, another player cautioned that it may not be completely reliable: “I attempted this strategy, but the game seemed to recognize it and I was not able to obtain the achievement.”While it may be useful in preventing a desperate situation, it does not guarantee success in earning bragging rights for Honor Mode.

For those who prefer to find a solution within the game itself, there is an alternative approach. A player has proposed utilizing the Monk’s Step of the Wind ability to easily overcome almost any fight. Keep in mind, though, that this method will not be effective in the final showdown with Myrkul.

Baldur’s Gate 3 continues to expand even after its first anniversary, catering to both hardcore Honor Mode enthusiasts and casual players. The upcoming Patch 7, set to release in September, will add a dark new ending for those playing through the game as an evil character. With this exciting update, there’s no better moment to return to the Forgotten Realms and immerse yourself once again.

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