Baldur’s Gate 3 players love this “useless” magic item with hidden talent

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player has discovered a fantastic but “useless”magical item and fans can’t get enough of it.

With an adventure lasting over 100 hours for many, it’s normal to have tons of things to do throughout Baldur’s Gate 3’s campaign. Indeed, there are hundreds of quests, NPCs, locations and objects to discover, each bringing its unique touch to an already rich story.

However, not all items have a significant impact on the game and some additions leave players perplexed. That didn’t stop them from falling in love with a magical but “useless”object.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players can no longer do without this “useless” magic item

On Reddit, player u/velatieren revealed the Hill Giant Stool of Strength, which appears to be a magic-infused stool.

“How the hell could this be of any use to me?”» he added, wondering what he could do with this strange magical object.

Luckily, other players knew exactly what to do with it, many taking to the comments to explain it. Apparently just “throw the stool” while another added “It’s useless!” You should destroy it!»

How the hell is that useful to me? byu/velatieren inBaldursGate3

One player suggested: “You can sit on it to gain its effects temporarily.”Or destroy it.” And destroying it is precisely what you’re supposed to do. Indeed, once destroyed, the player obtains a stool leg, which can be used as a club. Afterwards, anyone who wields the club will have their strength increased to 19, making it an ideal weapon in Baldur’s Gate 3.

It seems that the strange Hill Giant Stool of Strength is far from “useless”once destroyed. So if you come across this magic item in the Arcane Tower, it’s worth either throwing at an enemy or destroying it to get an extra weapon.

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