BTS BTS Jimin asks fans to explain: Why is this? I beg you all to try it! Jin and Jungkook burst out laughing in their messages, V’s ideas are super rational

(Cover image source: FB@BTS (BTS))

BTS Jimin is also a curious baby!

Army revealed that on the evening of the 13th, Weverse left many messages like crazy. It turned out to be Jimin asking fans for answers online. Jimin said: “I’m really, really curious, and I couldn’t find the answer after all kinds of searches. Isn’t it very spicy when you eat spicy food? Drinking hot water at this time will make you feel better after enduring the pain for a while. I just asked him out of curiosity. I searched, but no one had this question at all. Is it true that no one has the same idea as me?”Simply put, Jimin thinks that drinking hot water after eating spicy food can relieve the spiciness.

It may be that fans expressed doubts in the comments, and then Jimin added: “No, eating spicy food and then eating iced food will make the food spicy for longer. You have to eat hot food. It will be better after a short period of pain.”, “Really Go try it all, highly recommend it, don’t try anything particularly spicy, leave a message after you experience it.” I highly recommend my own method of drinking hot water to relieve spicy food!

Soon Jin, the eldest teammate, also left a message, saying: “Thank you. After seeing your message, I went to eat spicy food, and then drank hot food. This time I was admitted to Seoul National University.”Within a few minutes He left a message again and said: “Thank you, I tried again just now, and this time I finally got admitted to Harvard University. Thank you very much.”Teammate V said calmly: “Whatever is spicy is spicy.”Jungkook, the maknae, agreed. According to my brother’s statement, he also said: “I’ve known about it since I was in elementary school.” The interaction between teammates attracted countless Army onlookers, and everyone also joined in to experience and leave messages. It’s no wonder that weverse crazyly popped up “New News” notifications..

Can anyone explain whether drinking hot water to relieve spicy food is real?

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