Chainsaw Man fans speculate on Pochita’s next target concept

Throughout the last few chapters of the Chainsaw Man manga, Pochita has been wreaking havoc on the Public Safety and other devils while inhabiting Denji’s body in his powerful ‘Hero of Hell’ form.

At first, Pochita’s killing rampage started with the complete annihilation of Public Safety’s 5th Division, along with devouring and erasing the Ear Devil from existence. Despite the Public Safety’s efforts to make Pochita regurgitate the Ear Devil, it proved to be futile, as Pochita went on to erase the Mouth, Octopus, Snow, and the Bitterness Devils.

Despite the seemingly random pattern in which Pochita has been erasing the Devils and concepts in recent chapters, there were some observant fans on social media who were able to develop a theory that predicted which concept Pochita would target next.

Fans speculate on who Pochita’s next target will be in Chainsaw Man

After Barem disclosed to Denji in chapter 170 that he was responsible for Nayuta’s death and shockingly presented her decapitated head to him, Denji’s composure shattered. The ‘Hero of Hell’ Pochita took over and embarked on a rampage of destruction.

This was a long-awaited moment in the story, one that had been building up for quite some time. In fact, the entire fanbase had been eagerly anticipating the moment when Denji would go berserk, driven by the tragedies he had faced throughout the series.

Despite Denji’s efforts to live a peaceful life with Nayuta and his dogs, things came crashing down for him as he ultimately had to let go of his humanity and his dream of a normal life. This was evident when he killed Barem, a moment that was interpreted by many fans as a sign of him reaching his breaking point. With his suffering becoming unbearable after the recent events in the manga, it was only logical for Denji to allow Pochita to take over.

Denji as seen in Chainsaw Man (image via MAPPA)
Denji as seen in Chainsaw Man (image via MAPPA)

Ever since possessing Denji’s body and assuming the title of the formidable ‘Hero of Hell’, Pochita has gone on a rampage, eliminating Public Safety officers and Devils without hesitation. So far, Pochita has devoured and eliminated the Ear, Mouth, Snow, Octopus, and Bitterness Devils, along with their respective concepts and terrors.

Despite successfully coaxing Pochita into regurgitating the Ear Devil and restoring ears to the world, the efforts of Public Safety were ultimately futile as Pochita chose to erase the concept of mouths instead. This ensured that he would not be able to expel any other Devils through vomiting.

Despite the possibility that this could mean he is unable to consume any other Devils, certain fans on social media have put forward a theory that Pochita’s destruction will not end here and that he may set his sights on the Eye Devil next.

According to this theory, Pochita has already adhered to the principles of “Hear No Evil”and “Speak No Evil”by defeating the Ear and Mouth Devils. This concept is based on the well-known saying “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil”. By following this theory, one can observe that Pochita has already fulfilled the principles of “Hear No Evil”and “Speak No Evil”.

Based on this principle, it is logical for Pochita to pursue the Eye Devil as the next target. However, this assumption relies on the mangaka, Tastuki Fujimoto, intentionally incorporating this principle into the selection of Devils on Pochita’s hit list.

Conversely, some fans theorized that the Devils being destroyed by Pochita were connected to Denji’s past traumas. Additionally, Pochita’s goal may have been to eliminate humanity’s last five senses, as it was previously revealed that he had already eradicated their sixth sense.

Despite the intriguing nature of these theories, attempting to predict the future direction of the story is an undoubtedly impossible feat at this point in the manga. Therefore, fans will have to patiently await the release of Chainsaw Man chapter 175 to discover Pochita’s next target.

  • Chainsaw Man chapter 174 highlights
  • Chainsaw Man erasing the concept of Mouth could make Famine Devil stronger than ever
  • After ears, Chainsaw Man erases yet another Key organ in chapter 174

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