Complete Deadlock Hero Roster: Confirmed and Leaked Characters List

Deadlock boasts a comprehensive hero roster, and with Valve consistently expanding this lineup during its early access phase, it’s essential to stay updated.

Although still in early access, Deadlock already features an impressive selection of 21 heroes, which we’ve meticulously ranked in our tier list. With frequent patches rolling out, there are also rumors circulating about unreleased characters.

To assist you in keeping track of all these heroes, we’ve compiled all the pertinent information you need below.

Confirmed Deadlock Characters


Abrams in Deadlock

Abrams is an ideal choice for those seeking a close-range fighter. When near enemies, he inflicts significant damage, making him nearly unbeatable if not countered effectively. However, he is vulnerable to characters that can zone and stun him during his dives.

Here are Abrams’ abilities and level upgrades:


  • 1: Siphon Life
    • Drain health from enemies within your vicinity.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +2 second duration
      • Level 3: +40 damage per second
  • 2: Shoulder Charge
    • Charge forward, knocking enemies back and stunning them upon impact with walls. Speed increases after hitting an enemy hero.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +0.5 second duration
      • Level 3: +5.5 weapon damage for 8 seconds post-collision
  • 3: Infernal Resilience
    • Regenerate part of the damage dealt to you over time.
      • Level 1: +1.5 health regen
      • Level 2: +150 HP
      • Level 3: +9% damage regenerated
  • 4: Seismic Impact
    • Leap into the air and crash down, damaging and stunning all enemies in the vicinity.
      • Level 1: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 2: Gain 100 max HP and +15% fire rate per hero hit for 25 seconds
      • Level 3: Become immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm upon casting, lasting for 3 seconds post-landing


Bebop in Deadlock

For players who enjoy forcibly drawing in enemies, Bebop is your guy. He excels in laning, allowing for easy farming and harassment of foes. While his abilities may feel somewhat basic, he’s an excellent pick for newcomers.

Here are Bebop’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Exploding Uppercut
    • Inflict light melee damage to nearby enemies, sending them flying back and causing area damage where they land. Allies are not damaged but can be knocked back.
      • Level 1: -11 second cooldown
      • Level 2: Uppercutting an enemy hero grants a fast spin-up time on your primary fire with 2x range and +60% weapon damage for 12 seconds
      • Level 3: Uppercutting an enemy hero resets hook cooldown to 0 and instantly adds +100% bullets to your current clip
  • 2: Sticky Bomb
    • Attach a Sticky Bomb to a target that detonates after a short fuse, dealing explosive damage. Gain +2.5% bomb damage permanently for every enemy hero hit, including self-application.
      • Level 1: -8 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +80 damage
      • Level 3: On attach, disarm the target for 3.5 seconds
  • 3: Hook
    • Launch a hook to grab and pull in the first enemy or friendly hero struck, dealing damage if it hits an enemy. The target is repositioned based on where you are facing.
      • Level 1: Bebop deals 30% more bullet damage against hooked enemies for 10 seconds
      • Level 2: +30 meter cast range
      • Level 3: -12 second cooldown
  • 4: Hyper Beam
    • Charge up your laser to unleash a damaging torrent of energy that slows down enemies’ movement and dashes. Attacking limits your movement and turning speed during the ability. Hovering occurs if activated in midair.
      • Level 1: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +100 DPS
      • Level 3: Hyper Beam heals Bebop for 100% of its damage to heroes and 33% for non-heroes


Dynamo in Deadlock

A top-tier support character, Dynamo provides exceptional utility. With a game-changing ultimate, massive healing capabilities, and superb crowd control, he stands out as a fantastic support choice.

Here are Dynamo’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Kinetic Pulse
    • Release a pulse that lifts enemies into the air.
      • Level 1: Hit enemies are slowed by 40% for 4 seconds and have their fire rate reduced
      • Level 2: Dynamo deals 30% more weapon damage to hit enemies for 8 seconds
      • Level 3: +125 damage
  • 2: Quantum Entanglement
    • Dynamo momentarily disappears and reappears nearby. Upon reappearing, your weapon reloads and gains a fire rate bonus for the next clip. Allies nearby also receive half the (25% base) fire rate bonus.
      • Level 1: +4 meter cast range
      • Level 2: +25% fire rate bonus
      • Level 3: +120% base ammo when reappearing
  • 3: Rejuvenating Aurora
    • Channel to restore health over time to yourself and allies nearby.
      • Level 1: Gain +4 meters per second movement speed for 8 seconds if fully channeled. Instant growth at Level 3.
      • Level 2: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Full movement and ability use while channeling, providing an additional +4% max health per second in healing
  • 4: Singularity
    • Create a singularity that damages and attracts nearby enemies before knocking them up.
      • Level 1: +2 meter radius
      • Level 2: +0.75 second duration
      • Level 3: Singularity inflicts 3.8% of enemies’ max health as damage each second

Gray Talon

Grey Talon in Deadlock

If sniping is your style, Grey Talon is a fitting choice. Capable of dealing immense damage from a distance, challenging a Talon in the lane can become a headache for opponents, whereas mastering the hero can ensure a smooth gaming experience.

Our recommended Grey Talon build will help you dominate the battlefield.

Here are Grey Talon’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Charged Shot
    • Charge up a powerful shot that penetrates through enemies.
      • Level 1: +1 charge
      • Level 2: +65 damage
      • Level 3: Tuning damage scaling and -3 second charge delay
  • 2: Rain of Arrows
    • Soar into the air, gliding slowly which enhances weapon damage and caches multishot.
      • Level 1: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 2: While airborne, +7 weapon damage and 40% movement slow applies for 1.5 seconds.
      • Level 3: While airborne, +50% bullet lifesteal and +50% spirit lifesteal
  • 3: Immobilizing Trap
    • Deploy a trap that triggers and immobilizes an enemy upon entering its radius.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +2 seconds slow duration
      • Level 3: Grey Talon deals +30% more bullet damage to enemies immobilized for 10 seconds
  • 4: Guided Owl
    • After a short casting time, send forth a spirit owl that explodes on impact, inflicting damage and stunning enemies. Earn permanent spirit power for each enemy hero it eliminates.
      • Level 1: +100 damage
      • Level 2: -50 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Instantly kills enemies below 22% health


Haze in Deadlock

For players who enjoy roaming the map, Haze is suited to you. Though she may struggle during the laning phase, clearing camps and ganking lanes showcases her prowess, complemented by remarkable crowd control and an incredible AoE ultimate.

Check out the best Haze build to maximize her potential.

Here are Haze’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Sleep Dagger
    • Throw a dagger to damage and put targets to sleep. Damaged sleeping targets wake up shortly after receiving damage. The throw maintains your invisibility and doesn’t interrupt enemy channeled abilities.
      • Level 1: Removes 1 stamina
      • Level 2: -13 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Applies -12% bullet resist for 6 seconds upon waking
  • 2: Smoke Bomb
    • Become invisible and gain sprint speed. Invisibility breaks upon attacking. Nearby enemies can see through your invisibility.
      • Level 1: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +6 meters per second sprint speed while invisible
      • Level 3: After invisibility, gain +30% bullet lifesteal for 8 seconds
  • 3: Fixation
    • Gaining stacks for each successful shot on a target increases damage dealt, stacking +0.2 weapon damage per hit and +0.4 for headshots.
      • Level 1: Inflict 60 spirit damage with a 15% slow for 2 seconds every 20 stacks
      • Level 2: +40 maximum stacks and +5 seconds duration
      • Level 3: +0.2 weapon damage per stack
  • 4: Bullet Dance
    • Engage in rapid-fire mode, accurately shooting at nearby enemies while evading bullets directed at her. This ultimate applies weapon damage on hit effects.
      • Level 1: +7 weapon damage
      • Level 2: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +1 targets struck per shot


Hell in Deadlock

Infernus is perfect for players who love characters capable of dismantling enemy health bars. Sporting a potent mix of damage and solid carry potential, Infernus is effective in team fights, though you must stay near enemies for optimal performance.

Don’t forget to check out our best Infernus build to enhance your effectiveness.

Here’s a look at Infernus’ abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Catalyst
    • Release napalm that decelerates enemies and amplifies the damage you deal to them.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: Infernus gains 20% Lifesteal from victims
      • Level 3: +10% damage amplification and -40% healing/regeneration from targets
  • 2: Flame Dash
    • Dash forward at high speed, trailing flames that burn enemies.
      • Level 1: +30% fire rate slow for 7 seconds
      • Level 2: +45 DPS
      • Level 3: -20 second cooldown
  • 3: Afterburn
    • Your bullets gradually inflict a burning effect on enemies as Infernus’ bullets and abilities refresh the duration.
      • Level 1: Inflict -30% spirit damage on victims.
      • Level 2: +1 second burn duration
      • Level 3: +30 DPS
  • 4: Concussive Combustion
    • Transform into a living bomb that detonates after a brief delay, stunning all nearby enemies.
      • Level 1: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +0.5 second stun duration and +4 meter radius
      • Level 3: +115 damage and grants 100% lifesteal from enemy heroes affected


Ivy in Deadlock

A strong support hero, Ivy offers aggressive support abilities. With a powerful laning phase, she can easily push back enemies, and Air Drop is potent for hilarious combos, such as lifting a powerful Seven while wreaking havoc on the opposing team.

The best Ivy build leverages her abilities effectively.

Here are Ivy’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Kudzu Bomb
    • Summon choking vines that damage and slow enemies in the area.
      • Level 1: +1 charge
      • Level 2: +2 second duration
      • Level 3: +60 DPS
  • 2: Watcher’s Covenant
    • Receive bonuses and automatically connect with a nearby ally, sharing benefits. Healing is also replicated among all connected allies and requires line of sight.
      • Level 1: +10% fire rate
      • Level 2: +3 meters per second movement speed
      • Level 3: +1 Tether count
  • 3: Stone Form
    • Transform into an impenetrable stone and smash down, damaging nearby enemies and healing for 10% of your max health. You also gain a limited amount of air control before descending.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +80 damage with a 0.5 second stun
      • Level 3: +20% max health healing
  • 4: Air Drop
    • Fly with an ally or bomb. Allies gain bullet resistance but cannot attack or use abilities while airborne. You can drop them or the bomb for an explosion that inflicts a movement slow. Ivy and allies gain a bullet shield after landing.
      • Level 1: -20% bullet resistance on enemies hit for 12 seconds
      • Level 2: +300 Bullet Shield and +5 meter explosion radius
      • Level 3: Applies silence for +4.5 seconds on targeted enemies


Kelvin in Deadlock

If you’re seeking a support hero imbued with crowd control and zoning abilities, Kelvin fits the bill. Most of his skills apply AoE crowd control, aiding your team in slowing down foes, but be cautious as this could draw enemy attention.

Here are Kelvin’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Frost Grenade
    • Launch a grenade that erupts into a cloud of icy mist, dealing damage and slowing opponents.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: Now heals 145 HP to friendly units; scales with spirit
      • Level 3: +175 damage
  • 2: Ice Path
    • Form a floating trail of ice and snow, providing speed bonuses to yourself and allies while enemies can also walk along it. Kelvin also gains slow resistance for the duration.
      • Level 1: +4 meters per second sprint speed boost
      • Level 2: -16 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Gain +1 spirit power per meter of trail, maxing at 55
  • 3: Arctic Beam
    • Unleash a beam of freezing energy that damages targets, slowing their movement and fire rates as you maintain the beam.
      • Level 1: -8 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +40 DPS
      • Level 3: Fires 2 extra beams at enemies within 13 meters of the last target hit
  • 4: Frozen Shelter
    • Freeze the surrounding air to create a protective dome around yourself, enabling allies to rapidly regenerate health while slowing enemies’ movement by 35%.
      • Level 1: +40% fire rate slow
      • Level 2: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +70 health regeneration that will scale with spirit power

Lady Geist

Lady Geist in Deadlock

Lady Geist is a hero who excels based on your playstyle. With high damage outputs from her abilities and incredible AoE damage, she can truly shine as a carry, although she is heavily reliant on your accuracy.

Check out our best Lady Geist build for optimal results.

Here are Lady Geist’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Essence Bomb
    • Sacrifice a portion of your health to launch a bomb that deals damage shortly after.
      • Level 1: +2 meter radius
      • Level 2: +60 damage
      • Level 3: Bombs create a toxic residue, dealing 22% of the original damage per second for 6 seconds
  • 2: Life Drain
    • Create a tether that siphons health from enemies over time and heals you. Targets must be visible and within range.
      • Level 1: +20 damage per second
      • Level 2: +2 second duration
      • Level 3: Silence the enemy during Life Drain
  • 3: Malice
    • Sacrifice health to launch blood shards that apply a stack of Malice, slowing the victim and increasing damage they take from you. Slowing effect decays over time.
      • Level 1: -3 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +40 additional health to damage
      • Level 3: +6 blood shards
  • 4: Soul Exchange
    • Swap health with an enemy target while adhering to minimum health caps for both parties based on their current health stats.
      • Level 1: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 2: -10% minimum health for enemies
      • Level 3: Grants +40% fire rate and +40% spirit resist for 8 seconds upon casting


Lash in Deadlock

If you’re searching for a movement-centric hero with exciting abilities, look no further than Lash. With the capability to grapple onto enemies, perform ground strikes, and slam enemies collectively, Lash can bring immense fun to your gameplay style if you’re willing to take the challenge.

The best Lash build amplifies her lethality even further.

Here are Lash’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Ground Strike
    • Stomp the ground beneath you, damaging enemies in front. Utilizing Ground Strike while in the air causes you to dive toward the ground. Damage scales with height but tapers off beyond 25 meters.
      • Level 1: -10 second cooldown
      • Level 2: Stunned enemies get popped up in the air and slowed by 50% for 3 seconds
      • Level 3: +110% damage per meter, with improved scaling
  • 2: Grapple
    • Pull yourself through the air towards a selected target. Grappling also restores one stamina charge and all air jumps and dashes.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +20 meter cast range, gaining +6 weapon damage for 10 seconds once striking
      • Level 3: +20% fire rate bonus related to the weapon
  • 3: Flog
    • Strike foes with your whip while drawing health from them.
      • Level 1: Applies 35% movement speed slow for 3 seconds
      • Level 2: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +105 damage and applies a 35% fire rate slow
  • 4: Death Slam
    • Connect your whips to enemies, lifting and stunning them for damage before slamming them to the ground. Nearby victims and enemies in the landing area are also hit by damage and slowed.
      • Level 1: +8 meter maximum throw distance
      • Level 2: +100 damage
      • Level 3: -60 second cooldown


McGinnis in Deadlock

If you appreciate the Engineer from Team Fortress 2, you’ll find a kindred spirit in McGinnis. Boasting the ability to deploy turrets and barriers, she is perfect for players who enjoy a defensive playstyle.

Here are McGinnis’ abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Mini Turret
    • Set up a Mini Turret that autonomously fires at enemies, expiring after a set duration. Turrets benefit from 30% of McGinnis’ max HP and have 60% spirit resistance. They deal less damage to enemies, troopers, and objectives.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge and turrets apply a +25% movement speed slow
      • Level 2: +10 meter attack range and +10% turret fire rate
      • Level 3: +45 turret DPS
  • 2: Medicinal Specter
    • Deploy a specter that heals nearby allies.
      • Level 1: +35% fire rate to units being healed by the Medicinal Specter
      • Level 2: -18 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +5% max health regen per second
  • 3: Spectral Wall
    • Construct a wall that splits the area, dealing damage and applying a 25% slow to passing enemies.
      • Level 1: Removes 1 stamina and amplifies McGinnis’ damage by 25% on hit enemies for 7 seconds
      • Level 2: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Grants a 1 second stun to those struck by the Spectral Wall
  • 4: Heavy Barrage
    • Launch a series of explosive rockets that home in on a specific area.
      • Level 1: Applies a 35% movement slow
      • Level 2: -50 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +30 damage per rocket

Mo & Krill

Mo and Krill in Deadlock

If you prefer roaming over laning and enjoy supporting teammates, Mo & Krill could be your go-to. Although their hitbox might feel massive, their single-target crowd control and damage output are impressive, making it easy to secure early leads.

Here’s a breakdown of Mo & Krill’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Scorn
    • Deal damage to nearby foes while healing yourself based on damage dealt, with boosts against enemy heroes.
      • Level 1: -4 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +25 damage
      • Level 3: Applies a debuff, increasing damage taken by Mo & Krill by +15%, lasting 16 seconds and stackable.
  • 2: Burrow
    • Burrow underground to move quickly while gaining spirit and bullet armor. Damage from enemy heroes reduces speed bonuses. Jumping out launches opponents into the air and allows for a spinning attack that deals damage and slows.
      • Level 1: +3 seconds burrow time
      • Level 2: +140 spin DPS and +2 radius
      • Level 3: -20 second cooldown and +3 meters per second movement speed
  • 3: Sand Blast
    • Unleash a blast of sand, disarming nearby foes while dealing damage.
      • Level 1: +1.5 second duration
      • Level 2: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Slow enemies by 50%
  • 4: Combo
    • Hold a target in place, stunning and damaging them during the channel. Killing them during Combo rewards you with a permanent +30 max health increase.
      • Level 1: -30 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +1 second Combo duration
      • Level 3: +40 damage per second with 100% lifesteal from targets


Paradox in Deadlock

If engaging enemies in 1v1 combat is your preference, Paradox is an ideal choice. Her abilities make her exceptionally proficient at swiftly taking down foes while providing solid survivability through her ultimate and Time Wall, though she struggles with ranged attacks.

Discover the best Paradox build to enhance your skills.

Here’s a look at Paradox’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Pulse Grenade
    • Throw a grenade that begins pulsing upon landing. Each pulse applies damage, slows movement, and amplifies your damage against the target.
      • Level 1: +1 Pulse
      • Level 2: -8 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +45 Pulse damage
  • 2: Time Wall
    • Generate a time-warping wall that halts time for all enemy projectiles and bullets that touch it. Enemies that make contact receive damage and are immobilized briefly.
      • Level 1: +2 meter width and +1 meter height
      • Level 2: +1 Charge
      • Level 3: Enemies that hit the Time Wall are silenced for 3 seconds
  • 3: Kinetic Carbine
    • Charge your weapon for enhanced movement speed post-charge, with your next shot inflicting energy damage and applying a time stop to the target. Damage is based on maximum capability.
      • Level 1: +0.5 second max stop duration
      • Level 2: -10 second cooldown with a +2 seconds speed boost
      • Level 3: +50% maximum damage amplification
  • 4: Paradoxical Swap
    • Launch a projectile that exchanges your position with that of the enemy hero. During this process, you gain 100% lifesteal while the enemy takes damage over time.
      • Level 1: +15 meter cast range
      • Level 2: +100 swap damage
      • Level 3: -15 second cooldown


Pocket in Deadlock

If you’re looking for a close-ranged DPS hero, Pocket is a simple pick. Possessing impressive damage output alongside abilities that grant temporary invulnerability, mobility, and superb AoE damage, she remains a reliable choice.

The best Pocket builds elevate her effectiveness further.

Here are Pocket’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Barrage
    • Any projectiles launched will inflict damage and slow down enemies in the impact zone. Every projectile that hits a hero grants a stacking buff to amplify your damage. If cast in mid-air, you’ll float while maintaining horizontal movement.
      • Level 1: +15 damage per projectile
      • Level 2: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +5% per stack in damage amplification
  • 2: Flying Cloak
    • Release a sentient cloak that travels forward, dealing damage to enemies. Recasting allows you to teleport to the cloak’s position.
      • Level 1: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +80 damage
      • Level 3: Provides +7 weapon damage for 10 seconds post-teleport
  • 3: Enchanter’s Satchel
    • Hide inside your suitcase. Upon exiting, deal damage to surrounding enemies. Termination can occur early via action.
      • Level 1: -5 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +80 damage
      • Level 3: Applies a 40% fire rate slow for 4 seconds
  • 4: Affliction
    • Inflict damage over time on nearby enemies. Affliction’s impacts are non-lethal and do not trigger item effects.
      • Level 1: 30 second cooldown
      • Level 2: Suppresses healing by -60% for affected targets
      • Level 3: +27 DPS


Seven in Deadlock

For those seeking an easy character to pick up, Seven is a solid option. Possessing fantastic AoE damage, once you hit your stride, you can decimate enemies rapidly, while your ultimate, Storm Cloud, has the potential to dictate team fights, especially in synergy with Ivy’s ultimate.

Find the optimal Seven build to fully leverage her AoE power.

Here are Seven’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Lightning Ball
    • Unleash a ball of lightning that travels in a straight line, damaging all targets in its radius. It slows down its speed upon damaging enemies and ceases to function upon world impact.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: +40% movement slow
      • Level 3: +70 DPS
  • 2: Static Charge
    • Apply a charge to an enemy that stuns and damages foes within its radius after a short duration.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +8 meter radius
      • Level 3: +1.1 second stun duration
  • 3: Power Surge
    • Enhance your weapon with a shock effect, inflicting shock damage that bounces to nearby foes. This occurs once per burst shot.
      • Level 1: Shock damage applies -15% spirit resistance for 8 seconds
      • Level 2: -16 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +12 shock damage, improves spirit scaling, +3 additional jumps
  • 4: Storm Cloud
    • Initiate a storm cloud around yourself that damages all enemies within range. Damage is nullified when enemies are out of line of sight.
      • Level 1: +35% resistance while channeling Storm Cloud
      • Level 2: +7 seconds channel duration with a +10 meter radius
      • Level 3: +75 DPS


Shiv in Deadlock

If you gravitate towards highly mobile characters that can swiftly take down enemies, Shiv is your ideal match. With abilities that allow you to leap on foes and eliminate them rapidly, he is excellent for players wishing to dominate and snowball.

Utilizing the best Shiv build can turn you into a formidable assassin.

Here are Shiv’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Serrated Knives
    • Throw a knife that damages and slows the targeted enemy. Additional hits refresh the debuff duration and augment the damage per stack. With full rage, knives ricochet to another enemy, applying a 35% slow to afflicted foes.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: +2 seconds debuff duration
      • Level 3: +40 damage and +5 bleed damage per second
  • 2: Slice and Dice
    • Dash forward, damaging enemies encountered along the path.
      • Level 1: -4 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +100 damage inflicted
      • Level 3: Cooldown reduced by 2 seconds for each enemy hit, capping at 6 seconds reduction
  • 3: Bloodletting
    • Take a small portion of damage immediately, delaying 30% of it over time. Activating the ability clears a fraction of deferred damage.
      • Level 1: +5 seconds deferred damage duration
      • Level 2: -5 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +25% damage deferred when cleared
  • 4: Killing Blow
    • Activate to leap towards an enemy hero, securing an instant kill if their health is below a set threshold (20% HP). Otherwise, deal 200 damage. You also gain bonus rage for damaging enemies, and while at full rage, you earn increased movement speed.
      • Level 1: +2 meters per second movement speed is added at full rage
      • Level 2: +8% health execute threshold
      • Level 3: Each triumph with Killing Blow resets its cooldown


Revenge on Deadlock

Vindicta is perfect for players wanting to deal damage from a safe distance. She possesses excellent carry potential and can become a significant threat if she secures kills early.

Our recommended Vindicta build will maximize her power.

Here are Vindicta’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Stake
    • Toss a stake that ties enemies down in the spot where it lands, restricting their movement based on tether length.
      • Level 1: +0.75 seconds tether duration
      • Level 2: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Tethered foes are disarmed as well
  • 2: Flight
    • Perform a powerful leap into the air for a brief period, increasing the spirit damage from your weapon.
      • Level 1: +50% base ammo while flying
      • Level 2: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +12 spirit damage per bullet hit
  • 3: Crow Familiar
    • Your crow familiar causes impact damage while applying a bleed effect that drains health relative to 3% of the target’s current health per second.
      • Level 1: Crow can ricochet up to 2 times towards other enemies within 15 meters
      • Level 2: -17 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +3% bleed and suppresses healing by -40%
  • 4: Assassinate
    • Use your scoped rifle to fire a powerful long-range shot. Initially inflicting only partial damage until fully charged after a second of scoping, you deal extra damage to enemies below 50% health. Killing a player with Assassinate rewards 250 bonus souls.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +140 bonus damage
      • Level 3: +600 souls per Assassination


Viscous in Deadlock

Viscous is ideal for players who enjoy swift movements. His abilities facilitate rapid map navigation, but mastering him requires practice.

If you feel confident with this character, the best Viscous build will significantly impact your presence on the battlefield.

Here are Viscous’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Splatter
    • Throw a ball of goo that damages and results in puddles, applying a movement slow to enemies caught in its radius.
      • Level 1: -6 seconds duration
      • Level 2: +70 damage with a +1 meter radius increase
      • Level 3: Bounces 2 times
  • 2: The Cube
    • Encapsulate your target in a gooey cube that purges debuffs, shields from damage, and enhances health regeneration. The target cannot perform any actions while contained. Can be utilized on self as well.
      • Level 1: Boosts movement speed and stamina recovery
      • Level 2: -22 seconds cooldown
      • Level 3: +60 health regeneration
  • 3: Puddle Punch
    • Materialize a fist that punches units within range, sending them flying. Enemies suffer damage and a momentary reduction in dash distance and movement speed.
      • Level 1: +1 Charges
      • Level 2: +50 damage with a radiating 20% movement slow
      • Level 3: -12 second cooldown
  • 4: Goo Ball
    • Transform into a large goo ball, inflicting damage and stunning enemies on impact. The ball provides substantial Bullet and Spirit resist while bouncing off walls and allowing double jumps.
      • Level 1: +5 seconds of duration
      • Level 2: +120 impact damage
      • Level 3: Cast abilities and utilize items while rolling


Warden in Deadlock

Warden caters to those seeking a robust character capable of high damage output with significant self-sustain. A strong pick for 1v1 scenarios, Warden’s carry ability is considerably high if played correctly.

The best Warden build will help you master this character.

Here are Warden’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Alchemical Flask
    • Throw a flask that inflicts damage, slows movement, and reduces the weapon damage and stamina of enemies struck.
      • Level 1: +40 damage
      • Level 2: +1 stamina reduce
      • Level 3: -7 seconds cooldown with a 35% movement speed slow apply
  • 2: Willpower
    • Grants you a spirit shield alongside a bonus to movement speed.
      • Level 1: +20% movement speed bonus
      • Level 2: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +200 spirit shield health which scales with spirit power
  • 3: Binding Word
    • Curse a target, and if they remain stationary during the escape duration, they receive damage and become immobilized.
      • Level 1: +1 second immobilization duration
      • Level 2: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Warden deals +20% more bullet damage to bound enemies for 6 seconds
  • 4: Last Stand
    • After charging for 2.2 seconds, release pulses that inflict damage on enemies while healing yourself based on the overall damage done.
      • Level 1: +3 meter radius
      • Level 2: +70 DPS
      • Level 3: -60 second cooldown


Wraith in Deadlock

If you are new to Deadlock and need a straightforward character to begin with, Wraith is an excellent choice. With a relatively simple ability kit combined with solid mobility, she offers an easy introduction into the game mechanics.

Despite her simplicity, when equipped with the best build, Wraith can become deadly.

Here are Wraith’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Card Trick
    • Deal weapon damage to summon cards. Activate to fling a card towards an enemy or point under your crosshair.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: +50 damage
      • Level 3: +50% card summon rate
  • 2: Project Mind
    • Teleport to a selected target location.
      • Level 1: +15 meter cast range
      • Level 2: Provides a 300 bullet shield for 8 seconds post-teleport, scaling with spirit power
      • Level 3: -30 second cooldown
  • 3: Full Auto
    • Temporarily increases your fire rate by 20%. Nearby allies also receive a half bonus.
      • Level 1: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +5 spirit damage per bullet
      • Level 3: +35% bullet lifesteal
  • 4: Telekinesis
    • Lift an enemy hero into the air, stunning them momentarily. After the lift concludes, the target incurs Telekinesis damage.
      • Level 1: -30 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +0.5 seconds duration
      • Level 3: Telekinesis will affect enemies in a nearby area surrounding Wraith


Yamato in Deadlock

If you’re interested in mastering a mechanically demanding hero, Yamato is a great fit. Many players may find her abilities challenging at first, but once learned and applied effectively throughout the game phases, she can be incredibly impactful.

The best Yamato build will help you reach your peak potential.

Here are Yamato’s abilities and level upgrades:

  • 1: Power Slash
    • Channel for a 1.5 seconds to increase your damage before unleashing a powerful sword strike. Could be released early to inflict partial damage.
      • Level 1: +60 bullet resist while channeling
      • Level 2: Applies a 40% movement slow for 3 seconds
      • Level 3: +200 damage for full charged hit
  • 2: Flying Strike
    • Utilizing a grappling hook, reel yourself towards an enemy, dealing damage and slowing them upon arrival.
      • Level 1: +25% movement slow
      • Level 2: +20 meters cast range
      • Level 3: +6 weapon damage for 10 seconds following the hit
  • 3: Crimson Slash
    • Slash enemies within your path, inflicting damage and reducing their fire rate. Healing occurs if any enemy heroes are affected.
      • Level 1: +30% fire rate slow
      • Level 2: Gains +10% health healed when hitting heroes
      • Level 3: -6 second cooldown
  • 4: Shadow Transformation
    • Transfigure into Yamato’s shadow soul. Following a brief invincible transformation, your abilities refresh and speed up while you attain infinite ammo, damage reduction, and immunity to negative effects.
      • Level 1: -30 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +4 meters per second movement speed
      • Level 3: +1.5 seconds duration


Mirage from Deadlock

Added in the September 26 patch following leaks, Mirage is a character with commendable mobility and a slow-firing primary weapon, so you’ll need to be especially accurate to make a substantial impact. Ideally functioning as a Bruiser, he offers a unique playstyle.

  • 1: Tornado
    • Transform into a tornado that proceeds forward, damaging and lifting enemies into the air. Once you emerge, you receive bullet evasion.
      • Level 1: +0.5 seconds lift duration
      • Level 2: -14 seconds cooldown
      • Level 5: +20% bullet evasion (cumulatively 50% when factoring in base)
  • 2: Fire Scarabs
    • Launch multiple fire scarabs that siphon maximum health from opponents while reducing bullet resistance. Multiple scarabs cannot target the same enemy. Health gain from heroes yields 3x effectiveness compared to non-heroes.
      • Level 1: -15 seconds cooldown
      • Level 2: -15% bullet resistance
      • Level 5: +70 max health drain based on success
  • 3: Djinn’s Mark
    • Passive: Your attacks apply a progressively increasing damage multiplier on a target; when the multiplier expires, spirit damage occurs.
      Active: Consuming the multiplier releases damage at once.

      • Level 1: Applies an 80% slow for 0.5 seconds every time the multiplier increases.
      • Level 2: +4 seconds multiplier duration and +10 base damage.
      • Level 5: +4 max multiplier, resulting in a total of 12.
  • 4: Traveler
    • Target an ally or visible enemy on the minimap, teleporting to their location at the time of casting. After teleporting, gain a speed boost and increased fire rate until your next reload.
      • Level 1: -20 seconds cooldown
      • Level 2: +2 meters per second movement speed
      • Level 5: +20% fire rate boost

All Leaked Characters

The following heroes became accessible after the August 29 update, allowing players to preview them through console commands.

They are all visible in the game’s sandbox mode. To experience them, open the console by pressing F7 and type selecthero hero_[name].

Some heroes appear more polished than others at this stage. Calico, Mirage, and Holliday, for instance, have fully developed ability descriptions, models, animations, and graphics, while several others rely on placeholder data at this time.

Keep in mind that not all heroes may eventually be featured in the final game, so if you like a certain leaked character’s kit, it’s wise to stay hopeful but cautious.


Deadlock leaked hero Bomber


  • 1. ability_charged_bomb
    • N/A
  • 2. ability_bomber_ability02
    • N/A
  • 3. ability_bomber_ability03
    • N/A
  • 4. ability_bomber_ability04
    • N/A


Deadlock leaked hero Cadence


  • 1: Anthem
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +75% clip bonus
      • Level 2: +4 meter radius
      • Level 3: +100% peak fire rate bonus
  • 2: Silence Contraptions
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +40% movement slow
      • Level 2: +4 meter dash distance
      • Level 3: +1.5 second debuff duration
  • 3: Lullaby
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +15 per second health regen
      • Level 2: +2 meter radius
      • Level 3: +0.8 second linger duration
  • 4: Crescendo
    • N/A
      • Level 1: -10% bullet resistance
      • Level 2: +4 second debuff duration
      • Level 3: +120 damage


Deadlock leaked hero Calico


  • 1. Perched Predator
    • Send a Spirit Cat forward to capture targets in its path. Grabbing an enemy will cause an explosion shortly thereafter. Press [ability 1] to initiate the explosion manually.
      • Level 1: +4 meter explosion radius
      • Level 2: -12 seconds cooldown
      • Level 3: +100 explosion damage
  • 2. Siamese Strike
    • Leap toward a target. Hitting an enemy applies damage to adjacent enemies; targeting an ally will reduce cooldowns.
      • Level 1: +20% movement slow
      • Level 2: Can recast on a new target within 4 seconds
      • Level 3: +6 meter radius and +35% damage amplification for 8 seconds
  • 3. Deadly Decor
    • Create a statue that drains health from nearby enemies and grants it to itself and Calico. Statues actively engage only when in proximity to Calico.
      • Level 1: +1 charges
      • Level 2: Victims suffer a 30% fire rate slow with an additional +10 meter active radius
      • Level 3: +30 DPS and -30% healing reduction on affected enemies
  • 4. Queen of Shadows
    • N/A
      • Level 1: -30 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +1 second duration
      • Level 3: +6 seconds duration


Deadlock leaked hero Gunslinger


  • 1. Rapid Fire
    • N/A
  • 2. Rocket Launcher
    • N/A
  • 3. Tenacity
    • N/A
  • 4. Sleep Bomb
    • N/A


Deadlock leaked hero Holliday


  • 1. Powder Keg
    • Place an explosive barrel that detonates when struck or a minimum arm time after launching via melee or bounce pad.
      • Level 1: +1 charges
      • Level 2: +140 explosion damage
      • Level 3: -10 seconds cooldown and removes arm time.
  • 2. Bounce Pad
    • Drop a bounce pad to propel allies and foes into the air. The landing applies stomp damage to nearby enemies.
      • Level 1: +4 m/s movement speed bonus for allies for 4 seconds on landing
      • Level 2: +100 stomp damage with refined scaling
      • Level 3: +1.25 seconds stun upon stomp.
  • 3. Hat Trick
    • Throw a hat to strike enemies, applying movement slow and revealing them through walls.
      • Level 1: +50 damage
      • Level 2: -10 seconds cooldown
      • Level 3: +30% movement slow
  • 4. Spirit Lasso
    • Capture and drag an enemy behind you. The dragged enemy is stunned while you are slowed slightly—duration pauses for 2 seconds upon the first use on a bounce pad.
      • Level 1: +0.6 seconds duration
      • Level 2: -60 seconds cooldown
      • Level 3: Can lasso another enemy within the targeting zone


Deadlock leaked hero Kali


  • 1. Occilioblade
    • N/A
      • Level 1: 30% slow for 4 seconds to enemies struck
      • Level 2: +40% damage, with Occilioblade gaining +100% extra damage from spirit.
      • Level 3: -7 seconds cooldown per each enemy hit by Occilioblade
  • 2. Pack Hunter
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +2 seconds duration
      • Level 2: 30% damage lifesteal while Pack Hunter is active.
      • Level 3: +40% fire rate boost
  • 3. Dust Storm
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +30% movement slow effect
      • Level 2: +40% fire rate slow
      • Level 3: -10 seconds cooldown and +3 seconds of duration
  • 4. Trapper’s Delight
    • N/A
      • Level 1: Enemies struck by the bolo grant 30% lifesteal for 8 seconds
      • Level 2: -50 seconds cooldown
      • Level 3: Stuns enemies that are immobilized


Deadlock leaked hero Rutger


  • 1. Rocket Launcher
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +1 charge
      • Level 2: +80 damage
      • Level 3: -8 seconds cooldown
  • 2. Force Field
    • N/A
      • Level 1: -15 seconds cooldown
      • Level 2: +70 damage
      • Level 3: +3 seconds duration
  • 3. Cheat Death
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +2 seconds duration
      • Level 2: +50% bonus movement speed upon Cheat Death activation
      • Level 3: +100% bullet lifesteal upon Cheat Death activation
  • 4. Pulse
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +25% movement slow
      • Level 2: -50 seconds cooldown
      • Level 3: +200 maximum damage


Deadlock leaked hero Slork


  • 1. Riptides
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +1 seconds duration
      • Level 2: -8 seconds duration
      • Level 3: +24 DPS and additional +32 impact damage
  • 2. Chomp
    • N/A
      • Level 1: -11 seconds cooldown
      • Level 2: +150% lifesteal based on chomp damage
      • Level 3: +6% damage relative to health percentage
  • 3. Deep’s Embrace
    • N/A
      • Level 1: -9 seconds cooldown
      • Level 2: +120 damage absorbed from strikes
      • Level 3: +120 burst damage inflicted
  • 4. Ambush Predator
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +2 meters per second invisibility sprint speed
      • Level 2: -6 seconds fade time
      • Level 3: +3% invis health regeneration


Deadlock leaked hero Thumper


  • 1. Shatter Cannon
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +1 charges
      • Level 2: +60 damage
      • Level 3: -3 seconds charge delay
  • 2. Spike Strip
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +2 seconds duration
      • N/A
      • N/A
  • 3. Badget Drone
    • N/A
      • Level 1: -1 second cooldown
      • Level 2: -1 second cooldown
      • Level 3: -1 second cooldown
  • 4. Vortex
    • N/A
      • Level 1: -1 second cooldown
      • Level 2: -1 second cooldown
      • Level 3: -1 second cooldown


Deadlock leaked hero Tokamak


  • 1. Hot Shot
    • N/A
      • Level 1: +1 charges
      • Level 2: +0.5 seconds channel duration
      • Level 3: +16 normal DPS and +0.105 normal DPS scale with +48

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