Complete Gang Beasts Controls Tutorial for Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo Switch

Complete Gang Beasts Controls Tutorial for Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo Switch

Gang Beasts is undoubtedly one of the most distinctive co-op games available today. With its availability on Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and Switch, it’s crucial to understand the controls for each platform, particularly if you’re switching devices frequently.

Given the game’s chaotic nature—where you can grab, climb, run, and fling opponents off the map—familiarizing yourself with the controls on your chosen platform is essential for competitive gameplay.

Refer to the details outlined below, and you’ll be knocking your friends off the edge in this beloved party game in no time.

Comprehensive Controls for Gang Beasts

The controls for Gang Beasts vary significantly based on the platform you’re using. Below, we’ve categorized the controls by platform and included some important combos, so keep this guide handy to avoid constant pausing during your games.

Xbox Series X|S Controls

Control Action
A Jump
A (Hold while pressing a direction) Run
A (Hold while stationary) Sit
X Kick
X (Hold) Lie down
B Duck, Headbutt
AND Lift
Y (Hold) Taunt
LB Left Punch / Left Grab
RB Right Punch / Right Grab

The controls outlined above are applicable to both the console and when using an Xbox controller on your PC in place of a keyboard.

Moreover, you can use the D-Pad to change your camera angle and RT to shift your focus while spectating.

gang beasts ring

Gang Beasts presents an array of madcap maps to keep you engaged.

PC Keyboard Controls

One thing to note when playing Gang Beasts on a PC with a keyboard is that non-mechanical keyboards may not allow you to press three keys simultaneously, which can be necessary for outmaneuvering your competitors.

Nonetheless, using a keyboard can provide advantages for solo play, including toggling day and night or spawning props:

Control Action
WASD keys Movement
Space bar Jump
Space bar (Hold while pressing a direction) Run
Space bar (Hold while stationary) Sit
M Kick
M (Hold) Lie down
Ctrl Duck
Ctrl (Hold) Crawl
Ctrl Headbutt
Shift Lift
Shift (Hold) Taunt
Left mouse button or, Left Punch / Left Grab
Right mouse button or. Right Punch / Right Grab

Here are some exclusive bindings for PC/keyboard to remember:

Control Result
Right arrow key Change camera angle
Left arrow key Previous camera angle
+ key Speed up gameplay (can be pressed repeatedly)
– key Slow down gameplay (can be pressed repeatedly)
0 key Revert to normal speed
1-2 keys Spawn pushing or pulling force
3-7 keys Spawn props
Shift / Ctrl + 1-8 Spawn opponents
F1 Toggle day/night

PlayStation Controls

Control Action
X Jump
X (Hold while pressing a direction) Run
X (Hold while stationary) Sit
Square Kick
Square (Hold) Lie down
Circle Duck
Circle (Hold) Crawl
Circle Headbutt
Triangle Lift
Triangle (Hold) Taunt
L1 Left Punch / Left Grab
R1 Right Punch / Right Grab

Nintendo Switch Controls

Control Action
B Jump
B (Hold while pressing a direction) Run
B (Hold while stationary) Sit
AND Kick
Y (Hold) Lie down
A Duck
A (Hold) Crawl
A Headbutt
X Lift
X (Hold) Taunt
L Left Punch / Left Grab
R Right Punch / Right Grab

Combo Moves for Gang Beasts (All Platforms)

Combo Action
Jump, then tap Kick Backflip
Grab using both arms, then jump Climb
Press Jump, then hold Kick Dropkick
Hold Kick and Crawl while pressing a directional key Powerslide
gang Beasts throwing
Boneloaf / Coatsink

Throwing & Climbing in Gang Beasts

To execute a throw in Gang Beasts, you must first master the grab mechanic: simply grab an item or opponent with both hands, lift them, and release the grab buttons to throw.

Keep in mind that the throw distance is relatively limited, so either prepare for this or opt for a running throw.

For climbing, grab the ledge with both hands and then jump. A double jump allows you to reach higher platforms. Just remember to secure your grip on the wall afterward, or you’ll fall, and use a kick to elevate your legs.

Now that you’re equipped with the essential controls, dive into your next game session! Don’t forget to check out our guides for NBA 2K25 and Madden 24, as well as tips on performing celebrations in EA FC 25.


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