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Complete Guide to Every Treasure Chest Location in Southern Falls – Star Wars Outlaws

Complete Guide to Every Treasure Chest Location in Southern Falls – Star Wars Outlaws

In the game Star Wars Outlaws, players can discover numerous Treasure Chests throughout its expansive world. One of the notable locations is the Southern Falls region on the planet Toshara, which is teeming with valuable collectibles. These Treasure Chests hold essential items such as crafting materials for your speeder and ship, as well as exclusive cosmetic items. Below is a comprehensive guide to the various Treasure Chests located in Southern Falls.

There are ten Treasure Chests to uncover in the Southern Falls region. Here are their specific locations:

  • Gota Cave
  • Traveler’s Crossing
  • Tree Nest
  • Kasùda’s Pit
  • Imperial Forward Base #1
  • Imperial Forward Base #2
  • Imperial Forward Base #3
  • Imperial Outpost 31
  • Smuggler Cache 71
  • Smuggler Cache 86

1 . Gotà Cave

Travel along the southern edge of Toshara on your speeder. You’ll encounter an opening in the cliffside leading to a cave. Enter and drop down into the water, then proceed through a narrow passage that leads to a hidden room.

Inside this room, you’ll discover various supplies along with a Treasure Chest. The Chest contains the Scout III Vehicle Trinket, which can be displayed on your vehicle’s handle.

2. Traveler’s Crossing

Navigate to the extreme southwestern part of the Southern Falls river, where you’ll find a small rock formation. Carefully ascend it and make your way to the center. Eastward, there’s a low wall you can vault over. Continue following the path to discover the Treasure Chest, which is surrounded by vibrant flowers. This Chest contains a Yellow Scarf for Nix.

3. Tree Nest

Check your map and head towards the Tree Nest. Aim directly for the center of the triangular parcel of land and search for a small mountain topped with a large tree. Nix will assist you in reaching the summit, which requires climbing rock walls, leaping across gaps, and navigating wooden planks.

The Treasure Chest is found beneath a dirt pile on the northeastern cliff. Open it to obtain the Droid Eye Nix Treasure.

4. Kasùda’s Pit

In Kasùda’s Pit, look for the point where the river splits into two branches. Nearby is a small land mass that leads down into a hole. Use grapple hooks to descend and find the Treasure Chest. This Chest contains various valuables, crafting materials, and credits.

5. Imperial Forward Base #1

Imperial Forward Bases are heavily defended by Imperial officers, so stealth is essential when approaching.

In the eastern part of Southern Falls, locate the first Imperial Forward Base. Head to its northeastern corner and climb a few rock walls to reach a branch. Utilize your grappling hook to swing into a cave, which contains a small vent allowing entry to the base.

Once inside, you’ll find yourself to the left of the base’s main entrance. The Treasure Chest awaits beneath the metal walkway. Unlock it to discover the Scout Trooper Helmet Speed Trophy.

6. Imperial Forward Base #2

The second Treasure Chest within the Imperial Forward Base is located on the landing pad at the southern end. Ascend to the top of the perimeter wall and trek all the way to the landing zone, where the Treasure Chest rests at its center. This Chest contains valuables, crafting materials, and credits.

7. Imperial Forward Base #3

The final treasure in the Imperial Forward Base is stored inside the Imperial Vault. Head to the first floor and unlock the elevator to the central room by hacking the terminal. Retrieve the Vault code by accessing another terminal near the window.

The Vault is located in the southwest section of the base, where you’ll find the Treasure Chest inside. This Chest holds a Blaster Recirculator Material and the Sentinel Blaster Coating skin.

8. Imperial Outpost 31

From the base, use your map to find a location where the river splits. The nearby Imperial Outpost is guarded by Stormtroopers, requiring caution. Use the ladder to ascend the tower, where you’ll find the next Treasure Chest filled with valuables, crafting materials, and credits.

9. Smuggler Cache 71

From the Imperial base, head westward towards the orange rock formation. Jump your speeder over the gap using it as a ramp. On the opposite side, you’ll spot Smuggler Cache 71 embedded in the ground. It contains a Treasure Chest filled with collectibles and credits.

10. Smuggler Cache 86

Follow the river fronting the Imperial Forward Base until you reach a waterfall. In front of it, you should spot a small patch of dirt. Smuggler Cache 86 is hidden underneath. Access it to unearth the final Treasure Chest in the Southern Falls region, containing various materials and credits.

About Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft under the auspices of Lucasfilm Games. The game is set in the rich Star Wars universe, situated between the timelines of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

This is a single-player, third-person action-adventure game featuring an open-world environment, with elements such as stealth, open combat, vehicle battles, space confrontations, and branching dialogues.


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