Comprehensive Guide to Starfield Console Commands, Cheats, and Usage Instructions

Comprehensive Guide to Starfield Console Commands, Cheats, and Usage Instructions

Console commands in Starfield provide an excellent way to enhance your gaming experience on PC. Whether you want to become immortal, summon new weapons, or revive NPCs, there’s a myriad of cheats available to explore.

As seen in past titles, Bethesda consistently delivers a high level of player freedom in their RPGs. This is clearly evidenced by their ongoing mod support for games like Skyrim and Fallout 4, extending even to mods for Starfield itself. Console commands offer players another dynamic way to customize their experience, so here’s how you can utilize them in-game.

How to Use Console Commands

To activate console commands in Starfield, simply press the tilde (~) key. This action will pause your game and open the console command interface.

From there, just type in your desired code and hit the enter key to execute the command.

Best Console Commands in Starfield

The best console commands will generally vary based on your playstyle in Starfield. However, here are some particularly valuable commands that can enhance any playthrough:

  • unlock – Unlocks doors and containers, convenient for bypassing difficult locks without wasting lockpicks.
  • kah – Quickly clears the area of all hostile NPCs when you’re in trouble.
  • player.additem 0000000f – Adds credits to your inventory.
  • psb – Instantly unlocks all player spellbook powers.
  • tim – Activates immortal mode, allowing you to take damage without your HP hitting 0.
  • tgm – Enables God Mode, granting you invulnerability and infinite ammo.
  • resurrect – Revives NPCs, useful if you lose allies during battles.
An image of the carryweight console command being activated in Starfield.
Image credit: Dexerto / Bethesda

You can adjust your carry weight using console commands.

List of All Cheats

Here’s a comprehensive list of every console command available in this space RPG along with their specific effects:

Console Command Effect
thm Activates God Mode – Grants invulnerability and infinite ammunition.
player.setav carryweight (carryweight number) Modifies carry weight capacity – Replace (carryweight number) with your desired amount.
additem (Item ID) (Value) Adds selected items to your inventory (refer to our item ID list for details).
tim Activates Immortal Mode – Allows damage without ever falling to 0 health.
psb Unlocks all Player Spellbook powers.
player.additem [Item ID] [#] Adds specified item to your inventory.
player.setav health [#] Sets your maximum health level.
player.setav speedmult [#] Sets player speed multiplier. Set above 100 to increase speed.
ToggleImmortalMode Activates Immortal mode – Health, O2, and Magic can decrease but never reach 0.
player.removeperk (Perk ID) Removes specified Skills, Traits, or Backgrounds.
player.addperk (Perk ID) Adds selected Skills, Traits, or Backgrounds. Requires at least one Skill point.
tdetect Disables NPC detection.
tca Toggles Combat AI targeting – Prevents NPCs from targeting you.
tcl Activates No Clip mode – Pass through walls and objects.
tm Toggles Menus – Turns the UI menus on and off.
tfc Activates Freefly Camera – Detaches the camera for exploration.
(Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID) Attaches specified weapon mods to your reference weapon.
(Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID) Removes specified weapon mods from your reference weapon.
killall Eliminates all NPCs in your vicinity.
huh Destroys all hostile NPCs in the area.
resurrect Revives a selected NPC.
unlock Unlocks targeted doors and containers.
sexchange Changes the character’s gender.
showmenu sleepwaitmenu Displays the sleep/wait menu without needing a surface.
player.setlevel (Value) Increases your character level to the specified value.
player.placeatme (Item ID) (Value) Summons the specified item in front of your character.
player.paycrimegold 0 0 (Faction ID) Clears bounties for a specified faction.
showlooksmenu player 1 Accesses character creation settings.
saq Initiates all quests, including main and side quests.
caqs Completes all main quests.
ShowHighMaxHeights (shmh) Toggles visibility of high-resolution max height data.
EnableStoryManagerLogging Activates story manager logging.
DumpPapyrusStacks (dps) Outputs all Papyrus stack data to the log.
DumpPapyrusTimers Outputs all Papyrus timer registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusLOSEvents Outputs all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusDistanceEvents Outputs all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusPersistenceInfo (dppi) Outputs all Papyrus persistence information.
DumpPapyrusEventRegistrations Outputs of all Papyrus event registrations.
RunCompaction Executes data compaction.
SetSubgraphToDebug Chooses a subgraph to debug.
EnableRumble Toggles rumble functionality.
HavokVDBCapture Initiates Havok VDB capture.
ToggleNavmeshInfo Displays navigation mesh information.
PlaySyncAnim Executes a synchronized animation.
SetFormKnown Marks a form as known.
SetDebugQuest Sets a quest as the only available one to start.
SetRace Sets an actor’s race.
FindForm (find) Searches for a specific form.
StartPapyrusScriptProfile (StartPSP) Begins profiling a Papyrus script.
StopPapyrusScriptProfile (StopPSP) Ends profiling a Papyrus script.
StartPapyrusFormProfile (StartPFP) Begins profiling Papyrus on a form.
StopPapyrusFormProfile (StopPFP) Ends profiling Papyrus on a form.
StartPapyrusStackRootProfile Begins profiling all Papyrus stacks.
StopPapyrusStackRootProfile Ends profiling all Papyrus stacks.
TogglePapyrusGlobalProfiler (TPGP) Toggles Papyrus global profiling.
PrintQuestSceneInfo Outputs current scene information to the Quest Inf file.
IsInvulnerable Checks if the actor is invulnerable.
CollisionMesh Toggles Mesh Collision Info.
HavokWorldStep (hkstep) Toggles Havok World Step Info.
IsolateRendering Activates isolated rendering for selected objects.
ToggleWaterCurrentGeometry Shows/hides water current geometry.
PerformAction Executes the specified action on the selected actor.
StartTrackPlayerDoors Begins tracking player-activated teleport doors.
StopTrackPlayerDoors Ends tracking player-activated teleport doors.
CheckPlayerDoors Compares tracked paths with quest targets.
SetInChargen Toggles aspects of the character generation mode.
ForceReset Executes a full game reset.
ForceCloseFiles Closes master files and plugins, essential for modding.
HotLoadPlugin (HLP) Loads or reloads a specific plugin without restarting.
GenerateBendableSpline (Spline) Creates bendable spline geometry.
Reload (Papyrus script) Reloads a Papyrus script.
TestAim Tests an actor’s aiming capabilities.
TestLook Tests an actor’s looking capabilities.
PushCamera Adjusts the camera to the editor’s position.
MoveToEditorCamera Moves the camera to the editor’s viewpoint.
MoveToEditorSelection Moves the camera to the selected editor item.
PlaceFurnitureTester (PFT) Positions an actor to use selected furniture.
DumpConditionsFunctions Outputs counters for condition function calls.
ReloadAnimationGraphs Refreshes the current animation graphs.
ToggleWeaponOverlay Shows or hides the weapon overlay.
ForceDetect Forces the selected actor to detect a specified actor.
ChangeAnimArchetype (caa) Switches the selected actor’s animation archetype.
ChangeAnimFlavor Alters the selected actor’s animation flavor.
SetAngryWithPlayer Sets the anger flag for the player.
ForceRepath Forces the actor to find a new path.
ForcePathFailure Causes the actor’s pathing to fail.
DumpFormList Outputs the contents of a form list to the console.
TraceAnimationEvents Traces animations events for an actor.
ShowMods Displays all active property mods on an object.
DumpInputEnableLayers Outputs all active input enable layers to the console.
AttachMod Attaches a mod to a specified object.
RemoveMod Disassociates a mod from an object.
SpawnTemplatedObject Creates a reference to a templated object.
CallFunction Invokes a specified Papyrus function on the targeted reference.
CallQuestFunction (cqf) Invokes a Papyrus function on a quest.
CallGlobalFunction (cgf) Invokes a global Papyrus function.
ResetInputEnableLayer Resets control disables for a specific input enable layer.
ForceEnablePlayerControls (fepc) Enables player controls, overriding existing constraints.
ResetForceEnabledPlayerControls Resets all enforced player controls.
GetActorRefOwner Displays the owner of a selected reference.
SetActorRefOwner (saro) Assigns ownership to a selected reference.
HasActorRefOwner (haro) Checks if a reference has an assigned owner.
SetOutfit Changes the default outfit for an actor.
PassTime Advances the time as though the player has been resting.
LinkLocations Connects two locations using a keyword.
ShowLinkedLocations Displays all locations linked to a specific keyword.
SetLinkedRef Associates the current reference with another reference under a keyword.
ResetContainer Resets the selected container, or all if specified.
SetSceneForDebug Sets the current scene for debugging.
PreloadExterior Preloads exterior data for the selected reference.
TestPath Tests a specified path for debugging purposes.
ToggleControlsOverlay Toggles the Controls Overlay feature on and off.
Refresh Refreshes a reference for debugging.
DynamicResolution Modifies dynamic resolution settings.
TestLoadingMenu Opens or closes the Loading menu for testing.
RecalcInstanceData Recalculates instance data for selected references.
ToggleReferencePose Forces an actor to follow a reference pose.
SetPersistLocation Sets a specified persist location on a reference.
SetLocationRefType Assigns a location reference type on a reference.
ShowLocData Displays information about a specific location.
ReserveLoc Reserves a location, preventing its use in multiple aliases.
UpdateAwakeSound (UAS) Updates the selected actor’s current conscious state.
SetHarvested Marks the current reference as harvested.
PauseScene Pauses or unpauses a specified scene.
SpawnDupe Creates a duplicate reference of the selected item.
DisableDistantReferences Disables references beyond a set distance from the selected reference.
FireAssert Triggers an assert with optional messages.
ForcePersistent Ensures a reference remains persistent.
PlayActionCamera (pac) Initiates an action camera on the selected reference.
StopActionCamera Halts the action camera functionality.
ChangeStance Modifies the stance of the actor.
AuditionWwiseEvent Commands for auditioning Wwise events.
AuditionReverbForm (arf) Forces a specified Reverb form to be active.
SetWwiseState (sws) Sets a global Wwise State.
BuildAnimationData (bad) Constructs animation data for actors.
SwitchSkeleton Switches between standard and character generation skeletons.
SetBoneTintRegion Applies bone tint data using a region ID.
GetHelloorGreeting () Outputs the greeting ID for an actor.
SendDialogueEvent Sends a dialogue event for the specified actors.
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysSucceed () Ensures the player always succeeds in speech challenges.
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysFail () Ensures the player always fails in speech challenges.
RunMaterialsAnalysis (rma) Compares materials for the current reference.
CaptureMessages (Message) Captures specified debug messages to a log.
ToggleTrijuice Switches Trijuicing for performance enhancement.
SetPresentThreshold (spt) Sets the swap threshold percentage for scanlines.
LinkFullAccount Links a full Bnet account to the game.
IsLoggedIn (isonline) Checks if the player is logged into
GetLegalDocs (getlegaldocs) Retrieves all required legal document information.
AcceptLegalDoc Accepts a legal document by its ID.
GetDataAttachment Prints specific data from profile attachments.
DeleteDataAttachment Removes a profile data attachment from
UploadCharacterData Uploads character data as a profile attachment.
GetAttachmentLeaderboard (getattachmentleaderboard) Retrieves the leaderboard for a specific data attachment.
LoadUnitedData Caches character data from the leaderboard.
MakeUnityNPC Updates the NPC using data from the Unity cache.
SetVolumetricLighting Parameters (vl) Defines volumetric lighting parameters.
StartWorkshop (workshop) Enters Workshop mode in buildable areas.
ToggleVBlankOptim Enables or disables v-blank optimization.
AddKeyword Adds a specified keyword to a reference.
RemoveKeyword Removes a specified keyword from a reference.
SetAmbientParticlesEnabled Enables or disables ambient particles.
RemoveOutposts () Removes a specified outpost and all items built there.
SetESRAMSetup Configures specific ESRAM setup.
CallStackTraceDepth Sets stack trace depth for debugging.
CommandedActivated Directs a selected actor to use a reference.
EnableGalaxyMode Turns galaxy mode on or off.
ToggleStarFieldDebug Enables or disables Starfield debug features.
SetStarFieldCoordinateScale() Sets the coordinate scale for Starfield.
SetStarSystemScale (sss) Sets the star system’s scale.
MoveToPlanet Transports your ship to the specified planet.
SetOrbitSpeedScale Modifies the global orbit speed scale.
InstanceNamingRules Exports instance naming rule data.
GetOrbisModInfo Prints information about Orbis mod game data files.
ToggleSceneDebug Displays debug state for the current scene.
SetFarClip Adjusts far clipping values.
ToggleOverdraw Toggles overdraw feature for rendering.
RecordScene Records a screenshot of the current scene.
LandOnPlanet (lop) Commands the ship to land on specified planet.
TakeOffToSpace Initiates launch sequence to space.
PreviewBodyResources (pbr) Displays resource overview for the given planet.
SendAffinityEvent Triggers an affinity event on a specified object reference.
AddPower Adds power to a specific component.
RemovePower Removes power from a component.
MatlockCapture Forces matlock to execute a capture.
ToggleSnapNodeMarkers Switches snap node markers on/off.
SetVoiceType Sets a voice type override for an actor.
AddWorldSpaceToPlanet Adds a world space to a designated planet.
DebugDataProvider Sets the name for the UI Data Provider to debug.
LoadAll3D Loads all queued 3D assets.
PrintAllMenus (pam) Outputs all active menus to console.
PrintAllInputContext (paic) Outputs the input context stack to console.
AddPlotToBody (AddPlot) Plots a path to a celestial body.
ReloadFaceData Reloads facial data for characters.
SetGravityScale Sets gravitational scale for a reference.
PreviewBlock Previews a block with specified biome parameters.
ExportTerrainTextures Exports texture data for terrain.
ExportTerrainGrids Export terrain grid layouts.
ExportTerrainHeightMap Exports height map for terrain.
ExportTerrainSplatMap Exports splat map for terrain.
ExportTerrainMaterialIndexMap Exports material index map for terrain.
ExportTerrainFiles Exports all terrain-related files.
UpdateTerrainClipmaps Refreshes terrain clipmaps for performance improvement.
ToggleDebugCamera Toggles the debug camera mode.
CyclePrevDebugCamera Cycles to the previous debug camera viewpoint.
CycleNextDebugCamera Cycles to the next debug camera viewpoint.
ToggleDebugCameraControls Toggles camera control functionalities.
SetImGuiWindowFunction (siw) Activates specific ImGui windows.
HotReloadUI Hot reloads User Interface elements.
SetPosRelativeToRef Sets position of a reference relative to another reference.
FaceRef Aligns reference to face another reference.
SetWorkshopItem Sets the menu cursor to the selected workshop item.
GenerateNavMesh Creates navigation meshes in the current area.
LandOnPlanetAnimated Executes landing sequence animation for the spaceship.
startNewGame Triggers a new game directly from the main menu.
ForcedBleedout Forces an actor into a bleedout state.
ForceConditionFormTrue Forces a condition form to true.
ForceConditionFormFalse Forces a condition form to false.
LandOnPlanetBiome Descends to a specified biome of a planet.
LandOnPlanetMarker Lands at a marked location on the current planet.
TestAllPlanets Conducts tests across all planets.
ClearLinkedRef Removes a linked reference.
SetLocalTime Adjusts local planet time, updates galaxy simulation if needed.
ReloadMaterials Refreshes material data.
PlacementOnCell Tests placement within a designated cell.
ToggleWorkshopFlyCam Activates or deactivates workshop flycam.
CheckBiomeMarker Searches for specified biome markers in the vicinity.
TestBiomePlanet (tbp) Generates a planet using only the specified biome.
PreviewPattern Previews path patterns for specified biome.
SetHavokDynamic Defines motion for references as dynamic.
SetHavokKinematic Marks reference motion as kinematic.
SetHavokActive Activates or deactivates Havok physics for reference.
SetHavokLOD Assigns level of detail for reference collision.
SetHavokLinearVelocity Specifies linear velocity for reference.
SetHavokAngularVelocity Establishes angular velocity for reference.
SetHavokCollisionLayer Assigns collision layer for the reference.
SetHavokRagdollFriction Modifies ragdoll friction parameters in Havok.
SetHavokParam Sets specific parameters for Havok physics.
ShowHavokRagdollValues Displays parameters associated with ragdoll physics.
StartHavokPartTest Initiates or resets a test for Havok particles.
StopHavokPartTest Ends the current Havok particles test.
SetOrientation Adjusts the orientation of a reference.
ToggleDebugText3D Enables or disables 3D debug text display.
ToggleBioOverlay Enables or disables the Bio Overlay feature.
ToggleMetricViewer Activates or deactivates the Metric Viewer.
PrintMessage Displays a specified message on-screen for a set duration.
AddDebugTest Attaches debug text to a reference with specified parameters.
DisableActorPackage Toggles an actor’s package on or off.
StopBatchFile Halts a running batch command file.
CenterOnSpaceCell Transports to a designated space cell, with optional ship targeting.
DependencyGraphDump Outputs the dependency graph to the console.
ToggleExperimentalShaders Switches experimental shaders on and off.
SetTestPlanetAndBiome Assigns a test planet and biome for specific testing with markers.

Enabling Achievements

Using console commands generally disables achievements; however, you can bypass this with a fan-made Achievement Enabler mod. This tool prevents your save from being marked as modded, allowing you to unleash all kinds of chaos in God mode while still earning those valuable achievements.

To use it, download the mod here, install it, and you’ll be ready to go.


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