Deadlock Tier List: Top-Ranked Characters and Their Abilities

Deadlock is Valve’s latest MOBA, featuring a diverse cast of characters common in the genre. Ranking the best characters in the game can be quite challenging, but after 200 hours of gameplay, we have created the ultimate Deadlock tier list.

Despite limited Alpha access, Deadlock has gained significant popularity on Steam, indicating it could be a massive hit. However, with Valve ceasing stat tracking services and limiting access to win rate data, identifying the best heroes can be difficult. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered.

This tier list is updated for the September 12 patch, which dramatically altered several items and heroes. Valve frequently releases substantial patches for the game; therefore, check back regularly to see the character rankings shift after new updates.

Here’s our complete Deadlock tier list to assist you in determining which character to play if you have access to the Alpha.

Deadlock tier list: Best characters ranked & ordered

Tier Character
S-Tier Pocket, Lady Geist, Dynamo, Ivy, Warden
A-Tier Bebop, Seven, Infernus, Mo & Krill, Abrams, Shiv, Lash, Kelvin, Wraith
B-Tier Viscous, Yamato, Haze, Vindicta, Grey Talon, Paradox
C-Tier McGinnis

Our tier list explained

Here’s an explanation of the criteria for each character’s placement on the Deadlock tier list:

  • S: Best of the best, effective in nearly every scenario with diverse build paths and hard to counter
  • A: Strong with the right build but can be countered by certain items or strategies
  • B: Either easily countered by opponents or niche in effectiveness
  • C: Decent in some situations, but there are more effective choices

Meta Analysis

In Deadlock, hero abilities create challenges while items offer solutions. There are counters for every hero, but not all are equally powerful.

The effectiveness of Deadlock’s characters relies on their individual power and how easily they can be countered. Each character is viable; even McGinnis, who finds herself in C tier. However, S-tier picks on the list provide the highest chance of winning.

The August 29 patch changed many characters and items within Deadlock. This list has been adjusted to reflect that update as well as changes from September 1. While this list is current, it might change again with upcoming patches.

Deadlock characters explained

Each hero in Deadlock has four abilities, marked 1-3, with the fourth being their ultimate. Each ability has three available upgrades, unlocked with a specified number of ability points (1 for Level 1, 2 for Level 2, 5 for Level 3).

Whether you’re exploring character abilities without Alpha access or you’re unfamiliar with a character’s mechanics, we provide comprehensive breakdowns of each hero’s kit and ability upgrades in our Deadlock tier list.




Pocket is the most difficult Assassin/close-range DPS character to face. Their abilities, including (2) Flying Cloak for teleportation and (3) Enchanter’s Satchel providing immunity, make them tough to lock down in combat.

Using a Debuff Reducer/Debuff Remover early against a Pocket player can ease your struggles against their Slowing Hex or heavy crowd control. Even when rooted, their primary damage and ultimate remain impactful in team fights.

Pocket’s ultimate, with its long-lasting damage over time, combined with one of the best shotguns in the game, makes them a formidable choice, but successful builds are essential. Our Pocket guide provides detailed recommendations on optimal itemization.

Best Ability: Flying Cloak

(2) Flying Cloak excels at poke, mobility, and dealing area damage, instantly reducing cooldowns upon leveling up. The mere threat of a Pocket player teleporting onto their cloak can deter engagements.


  • High burst damage through the 2 > 3 combo is hard to avoid
  • Strong primary fire; versatile build paths ensure a smooth transition from early to late game
  • Mobile, flexible, and challenging to take down


  • Easily countered by specific items; Silence Glyph can render Pocket ineffective
  • Debuff Remover can cleanse their ultimate entirely, making it critical to counterbuild to defeat Pocket

Lady Geist


Lady Geist offers two powerful builds focusing on weapon and spirit damage, making her an S-Tier pick. If you’re skilled with headshots, she’s an excellent choice; if not, her bomb-deterring hitboxes can still make her effective.

(1) Essence Bomb offers fantastic wave clear, and (2) Life Drain provides silence; coupled with (Ult) Soul Exchange, she becomes a dominant force in both sidelane and team fights.

Getting in close lets Lady Geist drain health quickly, while maneuvering from afar makes her equally threatening.

Best Ability: Essence Bomb

Lady Geist’s (1) Essence Bomb delivers significant poke, area denial, and damage, even allowing her to return to the game swiftly if she falls behind.


  • Almost impossible to miss AoE damage
  • Difficult to kill and capable of turning fights
  • Exceptional against sieges, making game closure challenging


  • Poor primary weapon hinders early gameplay and soul gathering
  • Using her ultimate requires close proximity, increasing vulnerability if timing is mismanaged

For more information on mastering Lady Geist, refer to our detailed guide.



Dynamo is a standout support character with the power to alter match outcomes significantly.

With abilities such as (1) Kinetic Pulse for knockup and damage, (2) Quantum Entanglement for immunity, (3) Rejuvenating Aurora offering substantial healing, and (Ult) Singularity for area lockdown, Dynamo remains impactful regardless of item progression.

Possessing some weaknesses, they are overshadowed by extensive strengths, earning an S-Tier ranking despite a few nerfs.

Best Ability: Singularity

Dynamo’s (Ult) Singularity is the key ability to master for maximizing team engagement. With Duration Extender and Refresher items, it can completely immobilize multiple enemies.


  • Surprisingly high primary fire damage for a support character
  • Multiple supportive abilities, including CC and healing
  • Consistently valuable when used effectively, even if shut down early


  • Lacks solo carry capability; winning relies on team cooperation to capitalize on setups
  • Requires time and upgrades to reach full effectiveness

To optimize Dynamo’s potential, explore detailed guides to refine strategies and enhance impact.



Ivy is a strong support option with a focus on offensive capabilities, designed to dominate her lane effectively. Her primary fire boasts a fast rate of fire, high projectile speed, and quick reloads, making farming against her a challenge.

Additionally, (1) Kudzu Bomb provides excellent area denial while (2) Watcher’s Covenant boosts fire rate and healing for allies, thus strengthening team fights. Her (3) Stone Form ability offers incredible survivability, while (Ult) Air Drop serves as a versatile escape mechanism or a way to assist allies.

Due to her diversified skill set and capability to handle various game scenarios, Ivy deserves her spot in the S-tier on the Deadlock tier list.

Best Ability: Stone Form

Ivy’s (3) Stone Form provides a blend of healing, immunity, and stunning capability, making it one of her most valuable skills.


  • One of the best weapons in Deadlock with speed, accuracy, and reload efficiency
  • Strong support contributions while retaining personal damage potential
  • Effective in every game phase, whether ahead or behind


  • (Ult) Air Drop can be situational and difficult to time correctly
  • Relies on extended engagements to demonstrate effectiveness, lacking burst damage

To maximize Ivy’s effectiveness, check our guide for strategies and build ideas.



Warden is a formidable force in Deadlock, offering strong scaling for both spirit and weapon damage. His abilities, especially (Ult) Last Stand, have immense potential to carry team fights if used carefully during engagement.

With experience, players can compensate for Warden’s weaknesses, like understanding the arcs of his (1) Alchemical Flask, which provides impressive poke once mastered. Meanwhile, his (3) Binding Word may be escapable, but the right counters can make it lethal.

Best Ability: Binding Word

Warden thrives on effectively utilizing (3) Binding Word, which can mark enemies for death when executed correctly.


  • Excellent poke damage with (1) Alchemical Flask, especially at greater ranges
  • Can take on multiple foes if he gains sufficient lead, showcasing impressive tankiness and damage


  • The ultimate’s channeling time requires careful planning to maximize effectiveness
  • (3) Binding Word loses effectiveness as the game progresses, necessitating early lead acquisition

For optimal effectiveness with Warden, read our guide on strategies and builds.




Bebop excels at dominating the lane, particularly when pulling enemies under the tower to gain an advantage early on while supported by his lane partner. His primary fire is efficient for clearing minions and securing souls, setting the stage for success.

However, Bebop’s primary abilities focus significantly on his pull and ultimate. To win games, he must establish a lane advantage early on, as several characters and items can counter him if he falls behind. Nevertheless, a recent buff to his ultimate has elevated him to A tier by providing substantial splash damage allowing him to engage enemies hiding behind walls.

Best Ability: Hook

Bebop’s (3) Hook is the critical ability; whether it’s for engaging an enemy or saving an ally, it has high impact potential.


  • Strong laning presence
  • High potential for early-game rotations
  • Can deal some of the highest burst damage with the correct build


  • Highly reliant on items/combination, struggles when behind
  • Depends on pulling the right target, making gameplay risky
  • Easily overwhelmed without 1v1 potential
  • His primary fire has a windup that can be challenging to manage



Seven is an approachable caster, with easy-to-understand abilities like (1) Lightning Ball and (2) Static Charge, which guarantees a delay stun. His (3) Power Surge increases his damage output significantly, making it easier to capitalize on opportunities.

The power of his ult takes the spotlight; once fully specced and farmed, Seven can dominate sections of the map effortlessly. This ability synergizes well with Ivy or heroes that grant movement speed boosts.

Despite several nerfs, he remains secure in the A-Tier.

Best Ability: Storm Cloud/Power Surge

Spec your build around Optimizing one of these two abilities. His (Ult) Storm Cloud is valuable when itemized correctly for zoning while (3) Power Surge delivers consistent damage when used effectively.


  • Easily achievable damage with minimal effort; hard to miss
  • Exceptional area denial with a game-changing ultimate
  • Great wave clear and versatility at various ranges


  • Ultimate requires total commitment to heighten effectiveness; otherwise, it may underperform
  • Needs specific items to fully realize his potential, demanding game knowledge and anticipation for power spikes
  • His deliberate skillsets can be anticipated and countered by experienced opponents



Infernus is a versatile all-rounder, offering reliability and impressive carry potential. His AoE damage becomes more notable as you enhance his (2) Flame Dash skill, ensuring impactful contributions during fights.

Infernus excels in team fights, although he must approach melee range to unleash his (Ult) Concussive Combustion. While he is strong, his close combat vulnerability keeps him from being S-Tier.

Best Ability: Flame Dash

Despite nerfs, (2) Flame Dash remains a pivotal ability for Infernus, providing camp clearing, area denial, and effective wave management.


  • High single-target hybrid damage; difficult for enemies to prepare against
  • Versatile builds, whether focused on tankiness or damage
  • Exceptional farming capabilities to maintain an economy


  • Requires isolated skirmishes; struggles in group fights
  • Great on paper, easily countered in reality due to utilization delay
  • Engagements force him into close quarters, risking danger

Mo & Krill


Mo & Krill faced challenges early in Deadlock’s Alpha phase, marked by their limited ranged abilities despite acceptable sustain and utility. Nevertheless, their potential is unlocked once they maximize ability (2).

Post-lane phase and with items built, they can roam and gank efficiently, gaining a notable farming edge while managing map control.

For effective roaming that snowballs the map, Mo & Krill are your duo of choice.

Best Ability: Burrow

The real game-changer for Mo & Krill is (2) Burrow, which enables swift rotations while providing unrivaled camp clearing and AoE control in team fights.


  • Outstanding DPS with a powerful primary weapon suitable for engaging camps or clearing lanes
  • Significant AoE damage, often accompanied by impressive crowd control
  • Ultimate excels in disrupting specific targets effectively


  • Ultimate’s positioning can lead to quick elimination if mismanaged
  • Large hitbox hinders effective lane play, making them easy targets
  • Cooldowns are crucial to performance, with some abilities having longer cooldowns



Abrams stands out as the tankiest character possible, balancing melee damage and significant crowd control with an ability kit that promotes close-range survivability alongside team impact.

Though Abrams may struggle against zoning characters, his ability to deal heavy melee damage can be devastating when in range. If sufficiently countered, he becomes exceptional to eliminate.

Recent nerfs affected his performance, but he remains an A tier hero due to his solid attributes.

Best Ability: Siphon Life

His (1) Siphon Life defines Abrams as a tank; combining it with melee attacks ensures survivability and damage output in most situations.


  • Simple, effective design
  • Excels in melee combat, offering high damage and draining capabilities
  • Strong potential throughout the game if able to engage


  • Simple mechanics lead to challenges against advanced players, especially those using counter strategies
  • No ranged options, limiting effectiveness unless engaged

Learn how to counter Abrams effectively with our detailed guide.



Shiv is a recent addition to Deadlock’s roster but debuted with impressive potential. His bleed knives strike accurately and swiftly, and his mobility coupled with damage mitigation makes him an exceptional assassin.

If Shiv gains momentum, he becomes a force; however, falling behind significantly reduces his effectiveness.

Shiv’s ascent lands him in A-Tier due to his ability to remain competitive based on performances, and our guide provides strategies to maximize his effectiveness.

Best Ability: Bloodletting

Shiv’s high single-target damage and survivability hinge predominantly on his (3) Bloodletting ability, allowing effective damage resistance without needing tank builds.


  • Highly mobile; excels in single-target damage situations
  • Effective poke from (1) Serrated Knives
  • Tankiness achieved without needing tank-focused builds
  • One of the best weapons in Deadlock, complemented by a strong right-click ability


  • Limited AoE damage capabilities
  • Struggles when behind in match pacing
  • Requires a commitment to engagements due to all-in playstyle



Kelvin is a highly effective support character focusing on crowd control and zoning. Although he excelled in early game play, recent nerfs lessened his overall potency.

However, following adjustments in the August 29 update, his (3) slow was significantly increased, re-establishing his standing in the A tier despite occasional drawbacks.

Best Ability: Arctic Beam

Kelvin’s (3) Arctic Beam is exceptionally effective, offering slows, soul securing, and the ability to bounce between targets without the need for precise aim.


  • Straightforward mechanics; difficult abilities to miss
  • Vast control with significant crowd control capabilities
  • Highly durable, especially with his ultimate available


  • Generally low damage output
  • Poorly timed ultimate may endanger team plays
  • Subpar primary weapon leads to early-game challenges



Lash’s unique playstyle revolves around mobility, burst damage, and the potential for crucial teamfight involvement when executing his combos properly.

Despite his high burst capability, playing him can be complicated; he thrives in open spaces, yet tight quarters present challenges. Successful players can reach S-tier abilities depending on execution quality.

Best Ability: Ground Strike

Lash’s combo-centric nature is showcased with (1) Ground Strike, delivering the final devastating blow either after a simple (2) Grapple or a (Ult) Death Slam into his enemies.


  • High burst potential and mobility, allowing effective ganking
  • Hard to target, aiding in stealth mechanics
  • Game-changing ultimate scaling in later gameplay


  • Weak primary weapon hampers soul securing and poke damage
  • Requires space to maximize damage output; knockdowns can severely limit his success
  • Poor performance in confined areas

Prepare for a challenging learning curve if you choose to play as Lash.


As a starting character, Wraith excels in lane with decent survivability and solid primary fire for soul securing. She possesses some burst damage through her (1) Card Trick and effective engagement with her teleport and ultimate, capable of severely punishing opponents unprepared for it.

While she theoretically should be S-Tier, balancing aspects prevent her from achieving that due to certain weaknesses. Some advantageous builds using (2) Project Mind with weapon damage further support her ranks.

Best Ability: Project Mind

Wraith’s (2) Project Mind grants her safety and repositioning, which enhances her viability as a weapon damage carry.


  • Outstanding magazine size and weapon damage scaling potential
  • Ability to reposition makes her much safer than other carries
  • Great 1v1 potential with (Ult) Telekinesis


  • Slow and obvious ultimate, providing enemies time to react
  • Dependent on items and requiring a few critical souls to initiate carries due to early-game vulnerability




Among all heroes on the Deadlock roster, Viscous stands out as the most awkward to utilize. His skills can be unpredictable at times, particularly if terrain interacts adversely with his (3).

Despite this, his ultimate provides powerful advantages, allowing him to withstand heavy damage and emerge in late-game engagements strongly.

High masterability makes Viscous favored by competitive players, leading to numerous adjustments in balance and requiring staying updated with patches to maximize his performance.

Best Ability: Goo Ball

Viscous’ (Ult) Goo Ball allows for unrestrained usage of abilities, giving him the potential to dominate once equipped properly for late-game play.


  • Effective poke from (3) Puddle Punch and (1) Splatter
  • High utility and crowd control capabilities
  • One of the hardest characters to eliminate in the game


  • Strong mobility relies on correct ability utilization, or it risks damage mitigation
  • Potential to hinder teammates with misfires through his abilities
  • Weak early game and struggles until he acquires essential abilities/items

Viscous is popular among competitive players; be sure to refer to our guide for direction on advancing your skills with him.



Yamato features a unique character design in Deadlock with a focus on ability use and limited range. If played correctly, she offers substantial carry potential; however, mastering her primary fire is pivotal for securing success.

Once out of lane with adequate resources, Yamato can feel unstoppable in fights. Her ultimate grants immunity to crowd control, making her a challenging opponent to eliminate.

Yamato is tricky to play, resulting in her landing in B tier on the Deadlock tier list.

Best Ability: Power Slash

While her ultimate is memorable due to unique death immunity, her (1) Power Slash is the key ability that drives her power.


  • Powerful gap closing abilities with high melee damage output
  • Highly durable, especially when tank builds are utilized
  • Ultimate provides stellar crowd control evasion potential


  • Difficult early game, requiring mastery of aiming mechanics for survival
  • Limited distance puts her at risk, especially during solo dives
  • Lacks crowd control, emphasizing damage output without utility



Haze is distinguished as one of Deadlock’s unique roam-focused characters. With weak lane pressure, she thrives in chaos, disrupting opponents in other lanes.

While she can be a threat when ahead, her effectiveness drops significantly otherwise. Haze must attain momentum quickly; although she excels at single-target elimination, her capability to engage in team fights depends heavily on her ultimate, which is easy to counter.

Best Ability: Fixation

Haze’s (3) Fixation ability serves a dual purpose; it passively increases weapon damage each time she hits the same target, allowing for strong burst potential.


  • Superior single-target damage output
  • Great roaming and assassination potential
  • Strong ultimate potential in the right circumstances


  • Relies on her ultimate for multi-target damage abilities
  • Easily countered by items and crowd control measures
  • Requires multiple items to be effective while lacking early-game damage



Vindicta would fall into C-Tier without her impressive ultimate, as her base abilities are simply average. While her crowd control ability is solid, her utility fluctuates due to high exposure when aiming from a higher vantage point.

However, if maxed first, her ultimate can generate substantial soul benefits when securing kills, making her potential attractive for snowball situations.

Due to her conditional playstyle, Vindicta sits comfortably in B tier on the Deadlock tier list.

Best Ability: Assassinate

Vindicta’s ultimate serves as a significant means for accumulating souls, functioning as her primary snowball tool.


  • Great poke capabilities from a distance
  • Effectively maintains distance from foes while using her abilities
  • Excellent snowball potential in favorable conditions


  • Extremely vulnerable, especially against early counter items
  • Dependence on defensive items to last in fights hampers early profits
  • Weakness in close quarters and stamina management

Gray Talon


Grey Talon is a promising sniper with substantial range, leading the pack with damage output and difficult-to-deal-with traps. He excels in lane, pressuring opponents without sustain or rapid-firing options.

Despite his lack of self-peel and fragility, resulting in vulnerabilities in team fights, balancing adjustments have impacted his performance, relegating him to B tier.

Best Ability: Charged Shot

Grey Talon’s (1) Charged Shot ability best exemplifies his poke-oriented kit, making him a reliable choice for those seeking oppressive lane pressure.


  • Highly effective lane presence
  • Long-range capability, superb wave clear, and impactful poke
  • Strong during sidelane positioning


  • Weakness in team fights without protection
  • Lacks proper engagement tools, relying on opponents to initiate
  • Easily dived or countered by specific items



Paradox sits among the stronger DPS heroes, boasting impressive survivability. Although her toolkit offers solid crowd control, none of her abilities significantly rival other powerful long-range counterparts.

The upside being skillful execution and proper positioning can yield positive results, while early game presents better opportunities for snowballing. Flexibility assures Paradox’s worth, thus placing her in B tier.

Best Ability: Time Wall

Her (2) Time Wall ability excels with zoning and maintaining strategic placement throughout encounters.


  • Provides ample crowd control, bordering on support character functionality
  • Delivers solid poke and trading potential
  • Underestimated as an early roamer


  • Weak objective damage output and minimal multi-target potential
  • Ultimate often forces dangerous positioning to utilize effectively
  • Requires finesse to maximize performance, proving challenging for many players




Despite being designed around turret placement, McGinnis struggles to leverage that potential without proper setup. Her (1) and (2) become redundant without sufficient time and engagement.

This limits her effectiveness, making her arguably the weakest character in Deadlock due to narrow utility. Therefore, McGinnis is classified as C tier.

Best Ability: Spectral Wall

While turrets may come to mind first, her (3) Spectral Wall serves as her most effective ability, creating opportunities for control over engagements.


  • Powerful in split pushing roles; excels in sidelane pressure
  • Incredibly difficult when contesting 1v1 combat
  • Generates significant lane presence earlier in games


  • Severe limitations in engage and burst capabilities
  • Ultimate proves challenging and challenging to utilize fully
  • Minimal mobility or crowd control available without item support

That concludes our Deadlock tier list!


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