In the recent Update, Bungie introduced significant enhancements to submachine guns (SMGs) in Destiny 2, setting the stage for their resurgence in the PvP landscape, particularly in the Crucible. This update has reignited player interest in these fast-firing weapons, which are now poised to reclaim their dominance.
The two pivotal changes include an increase in magazine capacity by 10-15% and the restoration of the Target Lock perk to its original functionality. This restoration offers a substantial advantage, as Target Lock was diminished in effectiveness during Update 7.3.5, resulting in a slower activation rate on SMGs. Consequently, this alteration negatively affected its viability in PvP matches, where quick eliminations are essential.
The Impact of the Target Lock Reversion
The reactivation of Target Lock could dramatically influence the PvP meta. Previously, SMGs equipped with this perk dominated close-quarters combat, often clinching victories due to their superior performance. Given this history, it is reasonable to anticipate a similar outcome following the updates.

One standout SMG is The Immortal, which has recently reestablished itself as a top-tier weapon in The Crucible. As of March 2024, this Strand SMG showcased exceptional range and remarkable consistency, leaving its rivals trailing behind.
The Immortal’s success was a significant factor leading to a nerf for the Rangefinder perk exclusive to SMGs during the Lightfall expansion. Interestingly, despite this nerf, The Immortal remained competitive until the adjustments made to Target Lock earlier this year.
With the Target Lock nerf now lifted, players can expect The Immortal to thrive once again, alongside other strong contenders like Unending Tempest and Shayura’s Wrath. These weapons have benefited greatly from the recent patch, potentially posing a serious challenge in the upcoming Trials of Osiris weekend.
If you already have competitive rolls of these SMGs in your vault, now is the perfect time to dust them off and utilize them. Conversely, for those lacking suitable meta SMGs, a trip to visit Lord Shaxx could yield fruitful results, specifically by focusing on the Unending Tempest to secure a coveted Dynamic Sway Reduction + Target Lock combination.
Keep in mind that Crucible weapons often come with extensive perk options. It’s advisable to reset Shaxx’s reputation a couple of times before spending your Engrams. This strategy maximizes your opportunity to acquire multiple perks across each column, thus increasing the likelihood of obtaining optimal rolls.
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