Does Palworld have multiplayer or co-op?

Wondering if Palworld has cooperative multiplayer? So here’s everything you need to know.

Palworld is the latest monster collection game that excites Pokémon fans and open world survival enthusiasts. Not only does this new game incorporate base building mechanics, raiding, and crafting, but it is also home to a multitude of colorful creatures.

Taming and fighting Pals is an integral part of the adventure and there are plenty of choices to create the perfect team. However, many players wonder if Palworld offers cooperative multiplayer.

After all, exploring and battling with your friends always makes the experience more fun.

So find out if Palworld supports cooperative multiplayer.

Gameplay Palworld

Palworld features many colorful creatures for players to collect.

Does Palworld have cooperative multiplayer?

Yes, Palworld supports cooperative multiplayer. According to the game’s official page on Steam, Palworld will allow up to 4 players to play together. This means that players will be able to invite their friends into their world, which is ideal for defeating difficult enemies and defending your base from unwanted attacks.

In addition, you will also be able to fight your friends and exchange Pals with them. There is also a dedicated server option that allows adventurers to host up to 32 players in multiplayer.

It is important to note that PvP will not be supported upon initial release of the game. However, the developers are currently testing this feature. During an official Q&A session, Pocketpair said:

“We want to find the right type of PvP that suits Palworld, and when it’s ready, we’ll share news with you all.”

The maximum number of players on a server will also be increased in a future update, meaning there will be even more opportunities to show off your skills against other players.

And there you have it, you know everything about Palworld’s cooperative multiplayer.

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