Dr Disrespect apologizes for sending inappropriate Twitch messages to a minor and plans to return to streaming.

Dr Disrespect has officially acknowledged the recent allegations that resulted in his ban from Twitch, stating that he did indeed send a text to a minor, according to his latest statement.

On June 21, 2024, reports emerged about the reasons behind Dr Disrespect’s 2020 Twitch ban, leading the former Twitch celebrity to issue a response.

A former employee of Twitch alleged that Doc was banned for using the Twitch whispers feature to message a minor. However, the popular internet personality initially denied any wrongdoing being discovered.

During his latest statement on June 25th, Dr Disrespect affirmed that he did engage in a conversation with a minor in 2017. However, he maintains that the messages were simply “informal, mutual discussions.”

“I have been receiving many inquiries about my ban from twitch, however, I was unable to address the situation due to external factors for the past few years. However, with the recent disclosure of the allegations by two former twitch employees, I am now able to share my side of the story regarding the ban,”he stated.

“Were there exchanges of Twitch whisper messages with a minor individual in 2017? The answer is yes. However, it is important to clarify that there were no ulterior motives behind these messages. They were simply casual conversations between two individuals that may have at times crossed the line of appropriateness. It should be noted that no illegal activity took place, no images were exchanged, and I never met the individual in person.”

“I was involved in a lengthy arbitration with Twitch over a civil dispute, which was ultimately resolved through a settlement. It is important to note that this was not a criminal case and I have never faced any criminal charges.”

This is an ongoing story…

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