Entering Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows: A Step-by-Step Guide

Entering Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the world of Assassin’s Creed: Shadows, Kofuns serve as vast tombs rich with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. However, accessing one particular Kofun, the Makino Kurumazuka, presents a challenge due to a blocked entryway. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to successfully enter and explore the Makino Kurumazuka Kofun.

Location of Makino Kurumazuka Kofun

Assassin's Creed Shadows Makino Kurumazuka Kofun
Screenshot by Prima Games

The Makino Kurumazuka Kofun is situated in the Yawata Plains region of Izumi Settsu, which is the initial area players explore in Assassin’s Creed: Shadows. You can find this Kofun just north of your starting hideout, close to the fast travel point at the Bamboo Cutters Watchtower.

Entering the Makino Kurumazuka Kofun

Assassin's Creed Shadows Makino Kurumazuka Kofun
Screenshot by Prima Games

Upon your arrival, you’ll notice that the entrance is blocked by a mound of debris, making it impossible for players to squeeze through. To overcome this obstacle, you must switch to Yasuke after progressing far enough in the storyline to allow character switching.

As Yasuke, you can gather the red explosive vases scattered around the Kofun. Place these vases against the rubble and detonate them using an arrow or with a strike from your sword. It’s important to exercise caution if you choose the latter method, as it can inflict damage.

Exploring the Makino Kurumazuka Kofun

Assassin's Creed Shadows Makino Kurumazuka Kofun
Screenshot by Prima Games

Once inside, continue using Yasuke to collect more red vases. In the initial chamber, you’ll find a chest to loot. Look for a wooden block on the right that you can move aside to access a pathway that is further obstructed by another wooden block. Clear the way for advancement and you’ll discover a new room containing two red jars and more rubble.

Use one of the red jars to explode the rubble, then carry the second jar into an adjoining room to clear away the debris blocking your path at the top of the stairs. This will lead you to another chest to loot. Afterward, retrace your steps and explore the descending corridor.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Makino Kurumazuka Kofun
Screenshot by Prima Games

Jump into the water, swim to the ledge, and follow the path to a room holding three wooden boxes. To reveal another red jar, destroy the boxes with your melee weapon. Take the jar and throw it across the gap to demolish the rubble on the other side.

Upon clearing the rubble, explore the narrow path to find a dead-end where you can refill your ammo. Look for a crawl space and navigate to a room with a tightrope that Yasuke cannot traverse. Instead, drop down, remove the wooden block to access a third loot chest behind it, then reposition the block to reach the upper area.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Makino Kurumazuka Kofun
Screenshot by Prima Games

In the subsequent chamber, you’ll encounter a small block puzzle. Extract the blocks from the alcove, moving one block left next to the ramp and another right of the raised platform. Progress through the newly created path to clear additional blocks and retrieve another red jar.

Ascend the block path you’ve formed using the red jar, throw it at the rubble, and shoot it to obliterate the debris. The final chamber of the Makino Kurumazuka Kofun houses a legendary chest featuring the Blush of the Earth Legendary Bow, Extend Clear Mind Engraving, one Knowledge Point, and 2000 XP. Nearby blocks can help you exit quickly or access fast travel options.

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