Escape from Tarkov Full Patch Notes Breakdown

Escape from Tarkov Full Patch Notes Breakdown

Battlestate Games has recently rolled out a significant patch,, during this mid-wipe season, addressing various technical issues, optimizations, and substantial alterations to the Player versus Environment (PvE) mode.

Patch Notes Overview for Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov
Image courtesy of Battlestate Games

Recognizing the performance hurdles players have faced, this latest patch introduces crucial optimization efforts:

  • Improved performance in the Customs map.
  • Reduced memory usage during raids across all locations.
  • Enhanced shadow quality settings to benefit low-end PC users.

Persistent RAM consumption issues have plagued Escape from Tarkov for many years. The updates in this patch aim to boost FPS and enhance overall performance on various maps.

However, Streets of Tarkov remains a challenging map in terms of performance capabilities. If your PC can handle that map effectively, you’ll likely experience improved performance across other locales.

Notable Gameplay Adjustments

  • Boss spawn likelihood has been increased to 30%.
  • The spawn rate for Cultists is higher in both PvE and PvP modes.
  • The Partisan’s spawn chance has been decreased in PvE mode.
  • Player Scavs now spawn no earlier than 17 minutes into most raids, with exceptions for Factory, Reserve, and low-level Ground Zero.
  • Players with a strong reputation with Fence will enjoy improved Scav equipment on spawn.
  • All AI PMC weapon durability has been enhanced.
  • All Sniper Scavs and regular Scavs now have 30 head HP.
  • AI PMCs, Raiders, and Rogues retain 35 head HP.
  • AI PMCs’ hostility perception towards AI Scavs has increased to 80%.
  • Bots can now turn their heads to spot presumed targets better.
  • Detection speed for Hard difficulty bots has been synchronized with Normal difficulty bots.
  • AI PMCs now detect enemies 20% quicker than standard bots.
  • At long ranges, AI PMCs tactically switch to single fire, opting for full auto at closer distances.
  • Regular bots no longer utilize vegetation for cover.
  • Bots cannot see through vegetation unless an enemy is nearby.
  • Bot vision is significantly impaired when within vegetation.

These changes primarily enhance the AI factions within the game. While all AI entities receive a slight reduction in abilities, AI PMCs gain a 20% boost in enemy detection, raising the stakes when encountering them in PvE mode.

As we navigate this mid-wipe phase, players will witness more frequent encounters with bosses and Cultists, adding excitement to raids and supporting players tackling their Huntsman Path quests.

Key Changes in Patch

Escape from Tarkov Trailer
Image via Battlestate Games

The most impactful updates revolve around the adjustments to Player Scav spawn timings and enhancements to their gear. This represents a substantial shift in gameplay dynamics and may enter an experimental phase to gauge player reception before being standard in future wipes.

Past surveys indicate that player feedback is being taken into account with these changes.

“Player Scavs can no longer spawn before 17 minutes into a raid, with exceptions for Factory, Reserve, and Ground-Zero.”

This alteration allows PMCs to feel a heightened sense of security, as they will no longer face the threat of early Player Scav interference. One of the frustrations in extended engagements has often been the sudden appearance of Player Scavs who disrupt the flow of combat.

Given the risks involved, PMCs should not contend with undue disadvantages stemming from early Player Scav spawns. With fixed spawn timings, players can strategize more effectively and achieve objectives before the arrival of Player Scavs.

From an alternate viewpoint, this could be perceived as a disadvantage for players who favor the Player Scav role, particularly those keen on confronting PMCs with unpredictable, albeit less optimal, loadouts. Nonetheless, Battlestate Games has proactively addressed this by enhancing Player Scav loadouts based on Fence reputation. Consequently, scavenging should yield greater rewards, even with a later entry into raids.

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