Explained: The Reasons for Reyna’s Sudden Removal in Valorant

Explained: The Reasons for Reyna’s Sudden Removal in Valorant

Recently, *Valorant* enthusiasts experienced a wave of concern when Reyna was seemingly removed from the game. However, players can rest assured that this change is merely temporary and is based on a technical issue that we will delve into shortly.

What Led to Reyna’s Temporary Removal from Valorant?

Reyna | Source: Fandom

Reyna has been temporarily disabled due to a bug introduced in Patch 10.05, released a few days ago. This bug specifically impacts her Overheal ability, which is central to her healing mechanics. Consequently, this disadvantage prompted the developers at Riot Games to disable her character until a fix is implemented.

Players attempting to select Reyna will encounter a message stating, “The following content has been disabled: Reyna.” This alert serves as an indication of the current issue.

Furthermore, here’s a concise update from Riot regarding this matter:

Fortunately, Reyna’s return to all platforms is anticipated soon.

Overview of Valorant Patch 10.05

Valorant Patch 10.05
Valorant Patch 10.05 | Source: Valorant


Competitive Updates

  • Ranked Rollbacks have been activated:
    • If any player lost Ranked Rating (RR) due to a match involving a confirmed cheater in the past week, they may qualify for an RR refund.
    • Here’s the refund process:
      • Players will receive a notification detailing the RR amount being refunded.
      • To apply this refund, one Competitive match must be completed.
      • Upon concluding the match, the refunded RR will appear on the End of Game summary screen—regardless of game outcome.
      • Note: Refunds are valid only within the current Act and are capped per Act. It’s essential to play a game before the Act concludes to claim the refund.

Bug Fixes

  • Agents
    • Raze
      • Corrected an issue where the radius of Blast Pack’s explosion was smaller at the explosion’s tip following the changes in Patch 10.03.
    • Clove
      • Addressed a bug causing Clove to take damage for a brief moment when reviving with Not Dead Yet.
    • Sage
      • Fixed a similar vulnerability issue with Sage’s Resurrection ability during the target’s revival.
    • Tejo
      • Resolved a bug where Armageddon’s danger indicator would not function correctly on varying elevation levels.
    • Iso
      • Fixed visual discrepancies with Double Tap’s HUD indicators for spectators.
    • Wayley
      • Addressed performance hitches while casting Convergent Paths and resolved issues preventing its use in the buy phase.
  • Social
    • Fixed the delay in updating in-game status and scores within the social panel.
  • Maps
    • Breeze
      • Corrected an issue where abilities would ignore line of sight around crates in the A Site.
      • Fixed problems where flash abilities might be obstructed in certain map areas.
    • Sunset
      • Resolved a bug where players were unable to plant the Spike on specific crates located on the B Site.


General Updates

  • Remote Play for PS5 is temporarily disabled while further investigations are conducted. Stay tuned for updates in upcoming patch notes!

Additional Bug Fixes

  • Social
    • Fixed issues with prolonged reconnection times to voice comms after returning to the custom game lobby post-match.

About Valorant

Valorant is a free-to-play tactical first-person shooter developed and published by Riot Games. It has a thriving competitive community and operates on the Unreal Engine 4.

Set on a futuristic version of Earth, *Valorant* features a diverse roster of characters, referred to as Agents, each equipped with unique abilities that foster strategic gameplay. Players engage in team-based matches, taking on the roles of Attackers and Defenders, striving to secure more rounds than their opponents. The game also provides a variety of in-game weapons, shields, and abilities that players can purchase at the start of each match.

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