For the first time, Infinite will visit Macau as a complete six-member group to start singing! The scene was heartwarming as he personally raised his hands for the fans and sang for three hours at the second encore.

(Cover image source: Smiles production limited)

After seven years, Infinite finally returned as a six-member group and held the “2023 INFINITE CONCERT”hosted by INFINITE COMPANY and Deshuo Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. at the Studio City Arena in Macau.IN MACAU”! As the last stop of the Asian tour, Infinite sang and danced for Inspirit (a fan nickname) whom they haven’t seen for a long time. They sang and danced for more than three hours with a total of 27 songs. Just like the name of the group, they exuded “infinite”charm!

The six people first wore black amphibious suits and presented their debut song “다시돌아와”to fans, followed by “BTD (Before The Dawn)”‘s signature scorpion dance and “추격자”, ending the tour with stylish singing and dancing. Kick off! Afterwards, all the members introduced themselves in Mandarin, saying that this Asian tour is the first concert with a complete six-member body, and they hope fans can enjoy the last night of the entire tour.

(Source: Smiles production limited)

Afterwards, Infinite all changed into white silk long-sleeved shirts and black leather pants, and sang rock versions of “Bad”, “Last Romeo”and “I Hate”one after another, making the audience excited! When it came to the chat session, everyone mentioned that the cutscene that had just been played had a close-up of the attractive points of the members’ bodies, so they asked the photographer of the conference to take another close-up shot of each member’s body parts on the spot. During this period, when the screen showed a close-up of member Nam Woohyun’s mouth, he immediately pouted and pretended to be cute, and then pretended to kiss and “feed”his fingers to the member L next to him, while L also “featured”and opened his mouth to pretend to eat. He responded by dropping his fingers; on the other side, member Li Chengyeol kept twisting his waist to show off his long legs, making the audience roar!

Then the six people sang a series of medium and slow ballads. It was also a fan welfare time. From time to time, the members went to both sides of the stage to greet the audience in the left and right stands at close range, and displayed big hearts, half hearts, finger hearts, etc. When “Cover Girl”was sung, the members surrounded leader Kim Sunggyu and stared at him rapping. The scene was both heartwarming and funny. After everyone put on simple black suits and danced to the new songs “New Emotions”and “시차”, they expressed that they had prepared something for Inspirit, so they raised six banners and spelled out the sentence “Inspirit, your existence is our infinite power.”Fans were greatly moved.

(Source: Smiles production limited)

It is unknown whether the atmosphere in the venue was high. During the performance of “Nothing’s Over”, Woohyun improvised a short breakdance (floor dance), coaxing the other five members to lie on the floor and laugh. Afterwards, the members all expressed surprise and claimed that they “didn’t have enough throat”and coaxed each member to perform an “improvisational dance performance”! Each member responds to requests. When one performs, others cheer and cheer, showing the very good side of the relationship between the six.

(Source: Smiles production limited)

After singing the last song, the audience immediately shouted “Come back again”, and Infinite returned to the stage to encore three songs. In addition to everyone thanking Insprit one by one, Sungjong even revealed that he recalled the memories of this tour in the hotel in the morning and shed tears of happiness, while Dongwoo praised the mooncakes sent by fans for being very delicious. Sunggyu promised to come back with a more handsome stage and album. Woohyun, L and Sungyeol also expressed “I love you”to their fans in Mandarin and promised to become Infinite that makes everyone proud. Since they heard Inspirit’s enthusiastic call again after the Encore exited, the six people came on stage again for the second Encore, singing three more songs, and the three-hour concert finally ended successfully!

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