Frustrated Fallout 4 Players Waited Years for Next-Gen Update and It’s Broken

The long-awaited next-gen update for Fallout 4 has finally been released, approximately two years after its initial announcement. However, Bethesda’s release was not without its flaws.

The highly anticipated next-generation upgrade for Fallout 4 finally arrived on April 25th, introducing a variety of significant updates. Players on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series consoles can now take advantage of the newly added Performance and Quality modes.

Despite the game’s latest release, not everything is going smoothly.

Players on PC have been facing difficulties when attempting to load previous modded saves. The latest update has also caused issues with broken mods, adding to the problem. To avoid any further complications, users on Reddit have recommended that players redownload all Creation Club content.

Xbox users have reported experiencing similar issues, as evidenced by a tweet from one person who wrote: “Mods are clearly not working on Xbox.”In order to resolve the issue, mod creators will need to release updates.

Tyler McVicker, along with multiple others, brought to attention that the inclusion of ultrawide support causes the UI to become overly stretched. As a solution, users are advised to use fan-made patches instead.

Despite this, the end of Fallout 4’s next-gen update troubles is far from certain. Players attempting to run the RPG at a frame rate higher than 60fps will still face difficulties due to the outdated Creation Engine used in this version.

On the other hand, some have expressed that using the OLED Steam Deck does not necessarily result in the promised FPS improvements mentioned in the update. A player on Twitter, specifically, shared their disappointment saying, “Despite the verified update, Fallout 4 still runs at only half the frame rate on the OLED Steam Deck.”

It is hoped that modders will be able to promptly update their mods to address some of these issues. However, it is uncertain when or if Bethesda will address problems related to ultrawide support, frame rates, and other issues.

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