Guide to Deadlock Mo and Krill: Best items, abilities & more

Guide to Deadlock Mo and Krill: Best items, abilities & more

If you want to be a roaming player who can effectively gank lanes in Deadlock, then Mo and Krill might just be the perfect heroes for you. With that in mind, here are the top recommended builds for this dynamic duo.

Despite not being the strongest laners, Mo and Krill excel at ganking, particularly when it comes to targeting and swiftly taking down single enemies.

Additionally, their superior abilities in clearing jungle camps make them an ideal hero for those seeking to traverse the map.

Therefore, this is the ultimate setup for Mo and Krill in Deadlock, comprising of the most effective purchases and recommended methods for leveling their abilities.

Best Abilities to Use on Mo and Krill

Below is a summary of the abilities of Mo and Krill, providing you with an understanding of their roles:

Mo and Krill ability icons
  • 1. Scorn
    • Deal damage to nearby enemies and heal yourself based on the damage done. Heal is stronger against enemy heroes.
      • Level 1: -4 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +25 damage
      • Level 3: Adds a debuff to enemies that let Mo and Krill deal +15% damage to them. Stacks and lasts 16 seconds
  • 2. Burrow
    • Burrow underground, moving faster, and gaining spirit and bullet armor. Damage from enemy heroes will reduce the speed bonus. When you jump out, knock enemies into the air and perform a spin attack that damages and slows. Cooldown starts when Burrow ends.
      • Level 1: Burrow time +3 seconds
      • Level 2: +140 Spin DPS and +2 radius
      • Level 3: -20 cooldown and +3 m/s move speed
  • 3. Sand Blast
    • Spray sand that disarms enemies in front of you and deals damage.
      • Level 1: +1.5 second duration
      • Level 2: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Slow targets by -50%
  • 4. Combo
    • Hold the target in place, stunning them and dealing damage during the channel. If they die during Combo, you permanently gain max health.
      • Level 1: -30 second cooldown
      • Level 2: Combo duration +1 second
      • Level 3: +40 damage per second and 100% lifesteal

The following list presents the optimal abilities to prioritize for maximum effectiveness:

Mo and krill ability leveling

When playing in the early game, it’s important to prioritize upgrading Scorn by two as it will greatly benefit you during the laning phase. Mo and Krill’s large hitbox makes them vulnerable to enemy poke, so maintaining your health is crucial. While its usefulness decreases in the mid to late game, it’s still recommended to save upgrading Scorn for last.

Once you have invested some points into Scorn, it is recommended to prioritize maxing out Burrow in the mid-game. This is due to its exceptional performance and effectiveness compared to the other abilities.

Thanks to its exceptional mobility that renders you virtually indestructible, the ability to acquire Spirit and bullet armor while submerged, as well as its impressive AOE damage and crowd control, there is no doubt that Mo and Krill rely heavily on this tactic during the mid to late stages of the game.

It is crucial to prioritize maxing out Combo next, as it is your primary ability for swiftly eliminating unsuspecting enemies. By immobilizing enemies and inflicting heavy damage, properly combining your abilities with Combo allows you to effortlessly take down troublesome opponents before a team fight even begins.

Even though Sand Blast may not be the most critical component of your kit, it is essential for initiating your Combo as it renders enemies completely defenseless.

Best Build for Mo and Krill: Understanding Deadlock Items

We will categorize the items into four groups: early game, mid-game, late game/luxury, and situational.

It is evident that the items you purchase in each section will largely depend on the stage of the game and the enemies you need to counter.

Although it must be acknowledged that this is not a universally correct build for Mo and Krill, it serves as a solid option for those new to the game.

Early Game Items

Mo and krill early game items

To gain an advantage in the early game, it is crucial to give yourself as much advantage as possible because Mo and Krill can be quite weak in the beginning.

This is the reason why obtaining Monster Rounds is highly beneficial, as it enhances your ability to eliminate creeps effectively. Additionally, the Headshot Booster allows you to inflict poke damage on your opponent. Considering the fact that Mo and Krill excel in close range combat, it is only logical to choose Close Quarters as your preferred option.

To expand your abilities’ reach, it is essential to purchase Mystic Reach. This will prevent you from being limited by your ability’s radius. Additionally, when engaging with an enemy, Infuser is a highly beneficial item to have.

Due to their susceptibility during the laning phase, it is recommended to purchase Enduring Spirit and Healing Rite for Mo and Krill. These items provide additional health, allowing them to withstand pokes. Additionally, Sprint Boots are a useful choice for this hero as they lack mobility.

Mid Game Items

Mo and krill mid game items

Despite Mo and Krill’s limited capacity to approach enemies, Warp Stone is an excellent item to acquire for quickly getting into the midst of the action.

As the hero lacks powerful poking abilities, equipping Berserker and Fleetfoot would be beneficial in addressing this weakness while also effectively clearing out creeps.

This is one reason why Torment Pulse is highly valuable, as it can significantly aid in clearing out camps by consistently damaging nearby enemies. Additionally, when combined with Mystic Vulnerability, which decreases Spirit Resistance while dealing Spirit Damage, it becomes effortless to eliminate them.

“In addition, these items are extremely beneficial during fights as they allow you to engage in close combat with enemies and reduce their durability, ultimately enabling you to inflict significant amounts of damage.”

In order to maximize your effectiveness in battles, we suggest equipping Burrow with Surge of Power. This will enable you to move swiftly underground and engage in fights with ease.

If you plan on roaming frequently, Veil Walker is an excellent item to have as it provides additional durability. It pairs nicely with Enchanter’s Barrier in case you encounter an enemy.

Late Game/Luxury

Mo and Krill late game items

At this point, it is crucial to obtain Point Blank in order to capitalize on your proximity to enemies. Close Quarters should be the foundation for this, and Spiritual Overflow is a highly effective item that maintains its strength throughout the late game. Additionally, Crippling Headshot is an ideal option for increasing your lifesteal.

At this stage, it is likely that opponents will be anticipating your moves in order to stun or put you to sleep during battles. This is why it is essential to purchase Unstoppable so that you have a brief moment to execute your combos. Furthermore, utilizing Phantom Strike is an excellent tactic for engaging enemies.

Purchasing Divine Kevlar is essential as it provides durability while executing Combo, and Escalating Exposure is also highly recommended as it synergizes with Mystic Vulnerability.

Another fantastic purchase is Improved Reach, which builds upon the benefits of Mystic Reach by increasing the range of abilities. We highly recommend using it on Combo.

While not essential, Superior Duration and Superior Cooldown are excellent choices as they enable you to utilize abilities frequently, which is highly desirable in the late game.

Situational items

Mo and Krill situational items

Due to the situational nature of these items, it is advisable to only purchase them when you come across a specific problem. We will provide guidance on when it is necessary to acquire each one:

  • Alchemical Fire: If you find yourself needing to deal more damage on enemies before engaging, Alchemical Fire is great to throw at enemies before diving into them.
  • If you are struggling with enemies escaping easily during dives, Colossus is a suitable item to ensure they are forced to engage in combat on your own terms.
  • Metal Skin: If Unstoppable is not sufficient in preventing enemies from halting your engagements, Metal Skin is an additional item that can be utilized to increase your durability and allow you to approach enemies at close range.
  • Debuff Remover: If you’re constantly being barraged with crowd control while diving, Debuff Remover will be a valuable tool to assist you.
  • Bullet-Proof Armor Upgrade: As Mo and Krill are known for being able to absorb a lot of bullets, constructing this upgrade could potentially save your life if you find yourself taking excessive weapon damage.
  • Enhanced Spirit Armor: Obtaining this upgrade can greatly benefit you when facing close combat heroes who deal heavy Spirit damage, such as a well-fed Pocket, by providing additional defense.
  • Return Fire: This item is not only helpful in clearing out camps, but also in poking opponents. If you happen to face a bothersome Vindicta, consider obtaining this item.
  • The Healbane is a high-risk high-reward item that provides healing every time you defeat an enemy hero with it. This can come in handy when you are focused on taking down other enemy roamers.
  • If you frequently get CC’d while engaging in the mid-game, purchasing Reactive Barrier is a smart choice.
  • If you find that your enemies are easily escaping you, you can utilize Cold Front to bring them closer to engage in combat.
  • Slowing Hex: Another helpful item to acquire against evasive enemies is the Slowing Hex. This item will force them to engage in close combat, but it does not inflict damage like Cold Front.
  • Withering Whip: Useful during the laning phase, if you find yourself losing the lane it’s best to build this so you can get an advantage
  • Knockdown: If you constantly find your opponent anticipating your attacks, using Knockdown before pouncing can be an effective strategy to get closer to them. This will allow you to surprise them and catch them off guard.
  • Curse: Using Curse will give you an advantage when facing enemies who are actively countering you, whether it be a Viscous about to escape or a Pocket preparing to deal heavy damage.

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