Guide to Frostbreaking Locations in Frostpunk 2

Guide to Frostbreaking Locations in Frostpunk 2

In Frostpunk 2, it’s essential to “defrost” or frostbreak various tiles and areas to facilitate the construction of your buildings and districts. Mastering this mechanic is crucial as it requires resources to utilize the Frostbreakers effectively.

How to Frostbreak Deep Frost in Frostpunk 2

Frostbreaking Areas in Frostpunk 2
Screenshot by Prima Games

The grey area indicates that you still need to frostbreak the tiles, but the area is currently inaccessible. Conversely, the white or snowy areas signify that you can frostbreak these tiles to eventually reach the nearby grey areas.

If the areas do not change color when you click the frostbreak button, it means you lack the necessary resources to complete the frostbreak action. To successfully frostbreak, you need a workforce of at least 200 workers and 30 Heatstamps.

When initiating a frostbreak task, you must select eight tiles for your command. After selecting the eight tiles, validate the command by clicking the checkmark on the last tile chosen to commence frostbreaking.

Frostbreaking Tips in Frostpunk 2

Heat Registers in Frostpunk 2
Screenshot by Prima Games

At the beginning of each playthrough or chapter, resources are often scarce. Every decision made at this point will significantly affect your overall progress. If you overinvest in food, ores, or other resources, you may find yourself lacking in critical areas, particularly your workforce.

A lack of available workforce can hinder your ability to frostbreak additional areas to resolve various issues. For instance, overcommitting to industrial goods production might result in heating issues, workforce shortages, or food scarcity. If these challenges accumulate and lead to a declining population, your workforce will dwindle further.

In situations where your population and workforce shrink, you will struggle to rectify the situation, as you won’t have the workforce required to build new structures or frostbreak additional areas to create space for expansion. This scenario is disastrous and should be avoided by refraining from frostbreaking unnecessary areas for the time being.


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