Helldivers 2 Players React to Major Order’s Destruction of Planet

The most recent Helldivers 2 Major Order was successfully carried out in true Helldivers 2 fashion, resulting in the destruction of the planet Meridia as it was pulled into an artificially created black hole.

The ever-changing story and extensive lore of Helldivers 2 never fail to amaze players, constantly offering new enemies, weapons, and even the ability to annihilate an entire planet. The recent Major Order, where Helldivers injected a black substance into Meridia in order to drag it into a black hole, has rendered players speechless.

Despite the fact that a lot of fans missed out on witnessing the conclusion of the Meridia mission, there was one player who managed to successfully capture it and shared it on the Helldivers 2 Reddit page. The footage is truly amazing and worth watching.

This is what happened if you were in orbit around Meridia when the MO completed + bonus after byu/Interjessing-Salary inHelldivers

The clip in question displays an emergency warning for all players before returning to Super Earth’s orbit via hyperjump, providing a first glimpse of their home planet for some. This was followed by the traditional victory message and a visual depiction of Meridia’s disappearance.

Immediately following, the player returned to Meridia and uncovered the newly formed black hole, leaving a lasting impression on countless Helldivers.

“Sweet Liberty may not be a grand, CGI-filled cinematic, but it manages to make a significant impact with its simplicity. The sight of the timer appearing as the FTL begins to spool up is enough to shake up the routine and emphasize the magnitude of the event. The same can be said for the planet’s transformation and return, as noted by one player who highlighted the sequence’s distinctiveness.”

Additional comments praised the “cool”scenes, with multiple individuals noting that the “Logging in to an emergency jump to Super Earth”was the most thrilling experience they’ve had since their initial mech drop.

Despite the details, many were quick to commend Arrowhead, with one person stating, “Props to AH, this specific payoff was pretty well done.”

Despite concerns that the black hole could cause unforeseen problems, some commented that the continuous influx of matter into the black hole may result in its growth becoming a potential issue. This led to many jokingly suggesting that the next major task would be to eliminate the very same black hole that was created.

The announcement of the next Major Order is still pending, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the arrival of the next major faction. It is uncertain what changes will come with the expansion of the black hole – perhaps new enemies will emerge or a new method of destroying ‘undemocratic’ planets will be unlocked. Only time will tell.

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