How Kraven the Hunter could have been saved with one simple change to Rhino

Kraven the Hunter is officially coming to the big screen. The release of a new trailer confirmed this exciting news and also gave fans a glimpse of Sony’s new version of Rhino, which, unfortunately, was not well received.

There were those who doubted that this movie would ever be released. However, like clockwork, the SPUMC delivers a ludicrous and (most likely) terrible superhero film every year, whether we like it or not.

Despite facing multiple delays caused by the writers strikes and creative difficulties, the release date for Kraven the Hunter has been slated for this December. Sony is confident that the film has the potential to be just as successful as the Venom movies.

Regrettably, based on the most recent trailer and the absurd portrayal of Spider-Man’s enemy Rhino, I anticipate something closer to Morbius.

Won’t somebody please think of the memes!

To put it plainly, I cannot fathom Sony’s decision to depict Rhino in such a manner. While it may be their intention to portray him as half man-half rhinoceros, the concept itself is already absurd. However, the version of Kraven that we are presented with is simply a grotesque abomination, lacking any sense of enjoyment.

Despite being a recurring character in Spider-Man media, Alexei Sytsevich is typically portrayed as a furious individual who becomes the Rhino through technological enhancements. However, this particular version is depicted as a mutated beast, which may seem appealing in theory, but ultimately does not deliver on screen despite resembling the comic book character.

Fans have taken to social media to express their opinions on Rhino’s new aesthetic. One fan stated: “I am eagerly awaiting the sight of someone in a comically large rhino suit.”Another fan, in a humorous manner, joked: “That’s not Rhino, that’s Rhinope.”

Undoubtedly, the foundation of Sony’s Spidey villain universe relies heavily on characters and moments that are often turned into memes, whether they intend for it or not. While this may not necessarily improve the quality or success of the films, it does offer some comedic relief. Perhaps this is the reasoning behind the design for Rhino, as it embraces the chaotic nature of the universe.

While scrolling online, one comment in particular caught my attention. It stated: “Even though the movie was released a decade ago, the CGI for the Rhino in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 still looks better than the comic accurate version in Kraven.”

If you share the same opinion, then you have found the perfect spot and our relationship will be a harmonious one.

Paul Giamatti is the answer

Indeed, Sony has had the ideal Rhino since 2014, but they have failed to utilize him. It’s possible that Paul Giamatti is still stuck in that robotic suit, patiently awaiting his chance to shine.

Paul Giamatti as Alexei Sytsevich in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Paul Giamatti as Rhino in The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Although the TASM movies may have received hate from some, I was eagerly anticipating the third installment. Giamatti truly excelled in his role, and the prospect of seeing him go head-to-head with Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man would have been highly enjoyable.

While I don’t believe the world necessarily requires a Giamatti’s Rhino or a Kraven the Hunter movie, if you are going to invest time and resources into creating such a film and including Rhino as a character, it only makes sense to use the established version of him, even if it has been a decade since its introduction.

In all honesty, Sony’s focus is not on maintaining continuity, and I highly doubt the characters in this film will have any future appearances in sequels or spinoffs.

Delivering on the cliffhanger from TASM 2 in this manner would have been a perfect way to give Giamatti’s Rhino the wild return and grand farewell he deserves. However, we will have to settle for the pantalooned pebble man instead.

To learn more about Sony’s exploits, be sure to stay updated on any news regarding the release date for Venom 3.

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