How to catch Ditto on Pokémon Go – February 2024 Appearances

Ditto is particularly difficult to find in Pokémon Go. After all, how do you capture a Pokémon that can take any form? We will explain everything to you!

The hardest creatures to capture in Pokémon Go aren’t always the ones you think. According to many trainers, there is a little monster from the first generation that is much more difficult to find than any legendary Pokémon: Ditto.

Indeed, you already know the particularity of this little pink chewing gum: it can take on the appearance of other Pokémon. In most games in the franchise, this ability is only demonstrated in combat. But in Pokémon Go, it is in nature that Ditto incognito, with the appearance of another Pokémon.

To find and capture Metamorph, you will have to catch Pokémon which – apparently – have nothing to do with the little shape-shifting monster.

In this guide, we go over each of the possible appearances of Ditto in Pokémon Go. That’s everything you need to know to hope to find and capture it.

Appearance of Ditto in Pokémon GO
The Pokémon Company

Don’t expect to encounter a Ditto in its true form in Pokémon Go!

How to find Ditto on Pokémon Go?

To be honest, there is no foolproof strategy for quickly and easily catching this adorable little Pokémon. You will inevitably need a bit of luck and above all a lot of patience.

In reality, there is only one way to find a Metamorph in the wild: it is to know the different Pokémon whose appearance it can take on, then to capture them as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

With each capture, there is a small possibility for you to have a pleasant surprise. Instead of the usual “I’ve got you!” , the message “Oh?” will be displayed. That’s when you’ll realize you’ve managed to catch a Ditto!

According to careful analyzes of the site – now closed – The Silph Road, you have around a 2% chance when capturing a Pokémon that it is a Disguised Metamorph. This obviously only applies to the list of Pokémon that can be used as disguises.

Additionally, this rate could increase to around 20% during specific events where Ditto is highlighted. Unfortunately, these are rare, and it’s impossible to know when the next Ditto spawn boost occurrence will arrive.

Ditto Appearances in Pokémon Go – February 2024

Here is the current list of appearances that Ditto can take on in Pokémon GO:

shapeshifter Pokémon Go tip guide

If you see an “Oh?” after capturing one of these Pokémon, it’s a good sign!

The only method to catch Ditto is to capture each Pokémon from the list above as soon as you come across one. To help you, we’re going to share some tips to increase your chances of finding a Ditto:

  • The use of Incense can be used to increase spawn rates. While it is activated, walk around and catch all the Pokémon from the list above. We recommend waiting for a special event that increases Incense from 60 minutes to three hours to get the maximum effect.
  • Make sure the Explore Tracking: Nearby feature is enabled in the game settings. It sends you a notification when a Pokémon you don’t have is near you. If one of the Pokémon on the list appears, head to its location on the map.
  • Throw a Lure into a PokéStop. Search for one of the Pokémon on the list and catch them all to increase your chances of getting Ditto.
  • Join a Pokémon Go group on platforms like Facebook or Discord. Players often share when a Ditto has been spotted. Mutual assistance is often the key to success.

Is Ditto available in Eggs on Pokémon Go?

Unfortunately, the answer is clear: No! Players cannot obtain Ditto with an egg in Pokémon Go. The only way to find it is to catch one in disguise in the wild.

Does Shiny Ditto exist on Pokémon Go?

Shiny Metamorph in Pokémon Go

Yes, Shiny Ditto is available in Pokémon Go.

Metamorph being already difficult to find in its candy pink form, coming across it in blue is extremely rare. Additionally, it is impossible to predict whether a Ditto will be shiny simply based on the appearance of its disguise.

Here are the two important rules regarding Ditto and shiny forms:

  • A non-shiny Pokémon from the list above can hide a shiny Metamorph
  • A shiny Pokémon from the list above cannot hide a Ditto.

Fortunately, Metamorph seems to have an improved probability of appearing in the shiny version, if we are to believe the experiments carried out by The Silph Road. According to the stats recorded, Ditto would have a 1 in 64 chance of appearing in its chromatic version.

Even though Ditto rarely changes costumes, it’s in your best interest to regularly check which Pokémon may be hiding a Ditto. This article is regularly updated to inform you of the latest Ditto costumes.

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