How to enable Dark Mode on the Android and iOS versions of TikTok (2023)

Want to enable Dark Mode on TikTok for your iOS or Android device? On iOS devices, it is simple to transition to TikTok’s dark mode, but Android users must perform a peculiar action to activate the feature. This is because the Android version of the application lacks a dedicated dark mode, leaving many users frustrated.

Nevertheless, there are a few methods to circumvent the restriction. This article discusses the Android tactics for TikTok’s Dark Mode and provides a guide for iOS users to effortlessly enable the option.

How do I enable TikTok’s Dark Mode on an Android device?

To enable dark mode on Android devices, you must activate the “Force dark mode” option within the Developer Options. Launch the Settings application on your Android device.

If you haven’t already enabled Developer Mode, check the About Phone/About section of your phone’s settings for the Build Number. Tap seven times on the Build Number to enable Developer Mode.

Once enabled, navigate to the Settings page, locate the Developer Preferences section, and open it. Here, locate the “Force dark mode” toggle by scrolling down. After enabling the option, reloading the app should reveal a black background.

Note that the aforementioned procedure may not function on some mobile devices. If you are willing to use TikTok Lite, there is an alternative solution you can attempt. Simply activate the device’s built-in dark mode from the Quick Settings interface or Settings app. Now, open/reload the application to use it in dark mode.

Certain Android devices may not be compatible with any of the aforementioned workarounds. If you own one of these devices, you will have to wait until the company releases an official Android dark mode toggle.

How do I activate TikTok’s Dark Mode on iOS?

Unlike Android, the procedure is relatively straightforward for iOS devices. Follow these instructions to enable dark mode easily:

  1. Launch the TikTok application and tap Profile in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap the icon with three horizontal lines in the upper-right corner to access the settings.
  3. Go to Settings and Privacy and select the Dark mode option.
  4. Toggle the option to toggle the feature on or off.

In addition, you can customize the app’s background to match the device’s settings. Simply activate the Use device settings switch under the Dark mode heading. Now, to use the app in dark mode on your iPhone, merely switch to dark mode.

In addition to the in-built dark mode/theme of Android and iOS, which affects the device’s user interface, the majority of modern applications, including TikTok, include a toggle for light and dark versions, allowing users to easily swap between their individual preferences.

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