How to View Your Liked Videos on TikTok

Similar to other social media platforms, TikTok offers the option for users to show appreciation for content by “liking”it. However, where can you locate all the videos you have liked on TikTok?

Although not immediately apparent, it is possible to locate your previously liked videos on TikTok. To help you do so, here is a simple guide on how to find some of your past likes within the app.

Liking other people’s content can be just as beneficial for our own profiles and self-esteem as receiving likes on our own content. Additionally, it can serve as a convenient method for saving and organizing our favorite videos.

Person holding a phone
Pexels: cottonbro

It can be hard to find all of your previously-liked videos on TikTok.

How to View Your Liked Videos on TikTok

Liking a video not only provides the creator with much-desired validation, but it also adds the video to a compilation of all your previously liked videos. This allows you to revisit your favorite content repeatedly.

To access this automatic list, follow these steps.

  1. To have a saved list of liked videos, it is necessary to login to your TikTok account on your phone. Having an account is a requirement.
  2. Access the ‘Me’ tab by locating it on the bottom right of your screen.
  3. The first thing you will see is all the videos you’ve posted – to find the videos you’ve liked, press the heart tab to the far right
  4. Enjoy all your beloved videos to your heart’s desire!

How to Like a Video on TikTok

To show your appreciation for a video on the app, simply tap the heart-shaped icon located on the right side of the video. Once the heart turns red, you know that you have successfully liked the video. Alternatively, you can also double-tap the screen until a heart appears on the screen and the side icon turns red to indicate that you have liked the video.

If you accidentally liked a video, you can simply press the now-red heart icon again to revert it back to its original outline.

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