ILLIT’s Wonhee: Prettier and More Innocent Than Son Ye-jin? Media Article Sparks Huge Debate

On May 3, a discussion titled “ILLIT’s Wonhee: Prettier & More Innocent than Son Ye-jin” was posted on the Korean forum “theqoo” . The conversation referenced an article with the same title published by the Korean media site MK News and has now received over 60,000 views and 700 comments.

ill it-Wonhee-pocari
ill it-Wonhee

The article reported on ILLIT’s Wonhee being chosen as the 2024 model for Pocari Sweat, a popular sports drinks brand.

Despite the controversial title that draws comparisons between ILLIT’s Wonhee and actress Son Ye-jin, many netizens on “theqoo”have expressed outrage and sparked a heated debate. Some believe that HYBE’s “media play”regarding ILLIT has crossed the line and gone too far.

Here are a few remarks from online users:

  • Wow HYBE must have spent a lot of money…
  • They even dared to use Son Ye-jin’s name like this? People have got eyes, you know
  • Are they intentionally trying to draw criticism towards Wonhee? Isn’t this going too far?
  • Why are they even trying to compare her with Son Ye-jin? There’s no relation at all
  • Not even close to Son Ye-jin’s toes…
  • Either HYBE is trying to get noise marketing for ILLIT or the reporters are itching to stir up trouble…

The source can be found on page 2 of theqoo (//

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